Your Sheriff’s Office
Your Sheriff’s Office
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office is your Sheriff’s Office. We are a full-service agency with responsibility for law enforcement, emergency management, search and rescue, jail operations, court enforcement services, and parole and probation (community corrections).
We provide professional public safety services with integrity and accountability.
To be a progressive Sheriff’s Office that is the cornerstone of public safety in Benton County.
Duty. Honor. Courage.

The Benton County Sheriff’s Office was first accredited through the Oregon Accreditation Alliance (OAA) in 2009 and then re-accredited in 2012, 2015, 2018, and 2021.

Annual Reports
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office reports our activities to the community in an Annual Report.

The members of the Sheriff’s Office take pride in being fiscally responsible and good stewards of public monies.

Citizens’ Academy
The BCSO Citizens’ Academy is an opportunity for you to learn about and gain a better appreciation for the challenges and accomplishments of your Benton County Sheriff’s Office.

Code of Ethics
In addition to swearing an Oath of Office to uphold state and federal constitutions and to obey the rules and regulations of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff’s Office personnel are required to also abide by the following Code of Ethics…

Community Involvement
Your Benton County Sheriff’s Office is actively engaged in the community and takes pride in helping to make our community a better place to live, work and play.

Crime Statistics
FBI National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) captures detailed data about the characteristics of criminal incidents including: types and amount of property lost, demographic information about victims and offenders, and what type of weapon used in the incident.

The Benton County Sheriff’s Office is organized into five divisions…

175+ Years Of History
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office has a long, proud history of providing public safety services to citizens in this area.

Honor Guard
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) Honor Guard is a ceremonial unit and the formal representation of the Sheriff.

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Ride-Along Program
Interested in getting a first-hand look at what the Sheriff’s Office does?
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office offers the opportunity for citizens to observe Deputies in action through its Citizen Observation or “Ride Along” program.

Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in giving back to your community? A wide variety of volunteer opportunities are available at the Benton County Sheriff’s Office.