Fingerprinting Services
Fingerprinting Services (Non-Criminal)

The Benton County Sheriff’s Office Reserves (BCSOR) offer non-criminal fingerprinting services. Funds raised through this service go to support the volunteer Reserve Deputy program.
There are many non-criminal reasons you may need to be fingerprinted. For example, fingerprints may be required for your job, for a volunteer assignment, to get a record expunged, to apply for a visa, or to apply for specialized certifications.
The Reserve Deputies use Livescan, a digital process that does not require ink. Through this process we can print out a fingerprint card for you. Or, at the request of your employer, your prints can be submitted electronically to the Oregon State Police (OSP).
The Reserve Deputies do not fingerprint for Oregon concealed handgun licenses. If you are applying for your Oregon concealed handgun license, those fingerprints will be taken when you submit your application. Read more…
For everything except applying for your Oregon concealed handgun license, follow these instructions…
What should I bring?
- Proof of Identification. Bring a valid government-issued picture identification such as a driver’s license, passport, or state ID.
- Social Security Number. You don’t need to bring in your card, but please make sure you know your social security number.
- Payment. See How Much Will It Cost? below for fees and payment options.
Do I need a fingerprint card?
No. Fingerprint cards are provided. If your employer, or the agency requesting the fingerprints, provides you with a card, bring it with you. But please DO NOT fill in any of the fields on the fingerprint card. Our system will print in all of the blank fields that are required.
When can I get my fingerprints taken?
Fingerprinting is done on a first-come, first-serve basis at the times listed below. Benton County is implementing risk reduction measures to help limit the spread of COVID-19; therefore, entry will be limited to one appointment at a time while others wait outside. Please bring appropriate face coverings and respect social distancing guidelines. Furthermore, please note CLOSURE DATES below, and check back regularly for updates to this list.
Fingerprint Location | Days | Time | Conducted By |
Beginning Sept 5, 2024: Benton County Sheriff’s Office 180 NW 5th St, Corvallis Concealed Handgun License Office, 2nd floor | Thursdays | 6:00pm – 7:00pm | BCSO Reserve Deputies |
Benton County Sheriff’s Office 180 NW 5th St, Corvallis Concealed Handgun License Office, 2nd floor | Saturdays | 8:00am – 9:00am | BCSO Reserve Deputies |
- Saturday, January 18, 2025
- Thursday, January 2, 2025
- Saturday, April 26, 2025
- Thursday, July 3, 2025
- Saturday, July 5, 2025
NOTE: Please check back before coming in for fingerprinting as these dates may change.
How much will it cost?
Fingerprinting currently costs $20.00 for each unique set of prints (print card) and $5.00 for each additional copy. Additional copies will remain at $5.00 per copy. (Please note that all proceeds go to support the volunteer Reserve Deputy program.)
The Reserve Deputy program accepts credit cards, debit cards, cash (exact change) or checks (made out to “BCSOR”) as payment for these non-criminal fingerprinting services.