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Daily Activity Log

Listed below are recent incidents responded to by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office. This report does not reflect all Sheriff’s Office activities and is updated as time and personnel allow. 

Any arrest and complaint information included below is based on the legal conclusion that, as with any criminal case, a charge is merely an accusation and a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law.

WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, February 27, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a white 2022 Hyundai Kona, on Highway 20 near Scenic Drive for a traffic violation. The driver, James Castellano, 59, was later arrested for an Albany Municipal Court fail to appear warrant. James was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody and released. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1 – On February 27, 2025, deputies were dispatched to NE Steele Ave, Corvallis for a suspicious activity complaint. Deputies later contacted two individuals who had walked along the railroad tracks from NE Conifer. Along the way an unknown male yelled at them and followed them. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, February 27, 2025, at about 3:40pm, deputies arrested Justin Dean Russell, 48, at the Benton County Sheriff`s Office on a misdemeanor Lebanon Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Russell was cited in lieu of custody and released.
WARRANT ARREST – On February 25, 2025, at about 10:25 PM, deputies were on a traffic stop at Highway 34 and Peoria Road and located Miranda Emanuelle Edwards, 30, hiding in the Porta-Potty at the 76 Gas Station. Deputies arrested Miranda on a Deschutes County warrant. She was transported to the Benton County Jail. 
FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE; WARRANT ARREST – On 02/25/2025 at about 8:19 p.m., deputies conducted a traffic stop on Hwy 34 near Peoria Rd, Corvallis, for an improper lane change. The driver, Matthew L`esperance, 46, was arrested for failing to carry and present his license, and two warrants for his arrest. Matthew was issued citation for all charges and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 25th, 2025 at around 3:44 pm, deputies located Jacob Paul James, 31, near the waterfront at Michael`s landing. He had an FTA warrant out of Philomath Municipal Court for theft III. He was subsequently issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody on his warrant per Philomath`s request. He was in possession of needles and a broken methamphetamine pipe. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On February 25, 2025, at about 2:18 PM, deputies were dispatched for a reported trespass in the 800 block of Commercial Street in Monroe. Deputies spoke with a resident by phone who said someone came onto his property at around 3:21 AM. The unknown person tried several vehicle handles and entered a shed. Nothing appeared to be stolen.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 22, 2025, at about 6:31 p.m., deputies initiated a traffic stop on a gold Suzuki XL7 driving west on Circle Blvd. When they activated their overhead lights, the Suzuki immediately pulled to the right and crashed into a blue Toyota Highlander. The driver of the Suzuki stated he did not see the Toyota. There were no apparent injuries. 
THEFT 2 FROM VEHICLE; UNLAW ENTRY MOTOR VEHICLE – On February 22, 2025, at about 3:37 p.m., deputies were dispatched to Peavy Arboretum for an unlawful entry into a motor vehicle. A female reported the passenger window had been broken on her white 2025 Toyota 4Runner while parked. A backpack and baby carrier were taken from the vehicle with a total value of $250. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2 – On February 18th, 2025 at around 3:32PM, deputies were attempting to serve civil papers at the Rodeway Inn. As they were leaving, they observed a man carving up a city tree with a knife. The man was identified as Ahmad Youssef, 26. Youssef had two Corvallis Municipal court warrants. One for FTA Violent Conduct, the other was a for failing to appear. He was issued a new criminal citation for Criminal Mischief II and cited and released on his Municipal Court warrants. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 10th, 2025 at around 10:46AM, deputies responded to a traffic crash at N 19th Street and West Hills Rd. Driver 1 was driving a school bus southbound on N 19th Street when a metallic red sedan pulled out in front of her from West Hills Rd turning Northbound. The two vehicles collided, and it appeared the back driver side bumper of the red sedan sustained damages. The sedan did not stop and continued to drive off.  
HARASSMENT – On February 11th, 2025, at 8:39 am, deputies were dispatched to the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center for a report of Telephonic Harassment. A female reported her ex in-laws called her, posted about her on social media, and drove by her house. Deputies spoke to her ex in-laws, who stated they would no longer contact her. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 2/23/2025 at about 11:09 am Marissa Sinibaldi (37) of Jefferson, was arrested for an active felony warrant out of Marion County for a weapon offense during a traffic stop. She was booked and lodged at the Marion County Jail. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On February 23, 2025, at 2:57 PM, deputies were dispatched to Highway 99W near W Ingram Island Road in Monroe for a single vehicle rollover traffic crash. The driver and his front seat passenger received minor injuries during the crash.   
DWS MIS – On Saturday, February 22, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2014 Chevy Tahoe on 5th Street near Polk Avenue. The driver, Christopher Freeman Manley, 34, was later arrested for driving while suspended misdemeanor. Freeman Manley was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody and provided a courtesy transport to his residence. 
FALSE INFO TO POLICE OFFICER IMPERSONATION – On February 22, 2025, at approximately 1:35 am, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a silver BMW with no license plate at Highway 34 and Peoria Road. The driver, Joshua Prokop, 36, provided a fake name in order to prevent going to jail for multiple warrants. The warrants were not serviceable in Oregon, and he was arrested for False Info. 
DWS MIS – On February 21, 2025, at 11:56 PM, deputies stopped Micki Englent, 41, on NW 2nd Street near NW Tyler Avenue in Corvallis, and cited her for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 21, 2025, at about 2:23 p.m., deputies were dispatched to 4444 NW Highland Drive for a multi vehicle non-injury crash in the parking lot of Crescent Valley High School. Driver 1 was driving a grey Toyota Tacoma and turned in front of driver 2, in her white Honda Pilot. Both vehicles were damaged.  
WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, February 21, 2025, at approximately 11:30 am, deputies arrived at the 1700 block of NE Conifer Boulevard and learned other deputies on scene had detained Justice Ortiz, 28, who I knew had warrants. Justice was issued citations for the warrants. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 21, 2025, at approximately 4:20am, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a blue Toyota Corolla for multiple traffic violations at NE Woodcrest and NE Belvue. The passenger was identified as Megan Striplin, 27, who had two active warrants for her arrest. She was cited in lieu of custody. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On February 19, 2024, at about 10:47 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 1800 block of Crystal Lake Drive for the complaint of trespass. Deputies told the trespasser he would have to tear down his camp and move along, and he told them he would. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 2/19/25, Kyle Steven Ropchan, 30, was cited at the jail on warrants for Contempt, out of Linn County Supervisory Authority and Contempt out of Albany Muni Court.  
WARRANT ARREST – On February 19th, 2025 at around 3:30PM, deputies observed Jacob Sokol, 48, walking into a business near 621 Hickory Street. Sokol had an Albany Municipal Court cite and release warrant for Contempt of court. Deputies contacted him inside the store. He was cited and released on his warrant and provided a court date to appear.
FINANCIAL TRANS UNLAW ACTIVITY FRAUD – On February 19th, 2025 at around 12:51PM, deputies responded to the Law Enforcement Center lobby to contact a resident regarding a fraud. She received a phone call from someone named “Mr. Mendez” saying she had missed federal grand jury and there was now a warrant out for her arrest. She was scammed into sending money to a barcode she had received in a text through Walmart and Walgreens, totaling $4,500 dollars. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1 VANDALISM – On February 19, 2025, deputies were sent an email about property that was damaged at the Fitton Green Panorama parking lot. Sometime between February 11th, and February 12th, someone ripped a gate and its posts from their placement. A parking sign and post were also damaged in the incident. The cost to replace the damaged items is $1,500.00. There are currently no suspects in this case. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 19, 2025 at 9:35 am, deputies were dispatched to a hit and run that reportedly occurred on 2/12/2025 at Crescent Valley High School. A parent reported her daughter had her parked vehicle damaged sometime between 8 am and 2:15 pm. Deputies later determined, at approximately 2:10 pm on 2-12-25, the daughter was westbound on Crescent Valley Dr, when she failed to negotiate a curve, crashing into a pole, in the east ditch. The crash occurred approximately .3 miles east of Jackson Creek Rd. 
THEFT 1 FRAUD – On February 19, 2025, around 1:00AM, deputies took a report of a fraud in the 2500 block of Crystal Lake Drive, Corvallis. The resident reported that he was scammed out of approximately $24,000 over the past year and a half, and was send a fraudulent check from the scammer. He said he was able to cash the check, but the funds were later removed, which over drafted his account.  
WARRANT ARREST – On February 18th, 2025 at around 4:45PM, deputies contacted Heidi Haji Mohamed, 44, in the front entrance of Takena Landing. Heidi Haji Mohamed had an Albany Municipal Court warrant for FTA on a public order crime and a Lebanon Municipal Court Warrant for contempt of court. She was subsequently cited and released on both warrants per issuing agency request. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2; FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER – On February 18th, 2025, deputies investigated a two-vehicle hit-and-run crash on Southwest West Hills Road near Southwest Reservoir Road in Philomath. JOHN TOM MYERS III, 83, pulled out of a business driveway in front of another vehicle, who was eastbound on West Hills Road, causing a non-injury crash. MYERS was subsequently arrested (cited in lieu of custody) for Failure to perform duties of a driver/Property damage, issued a traffic citation for Failure of a driver to yield when entering a roadway. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 2:18 pm, Carter, Andrew, 32, turned himself into the jail on a warrant for Unlawful use of Weapon.  
HARASSMENT PHONE – On February 18th, 2025, at about 12:29, deputies received a phone call from a resident who reported receiving multiple phone calls from two of his ex-girlfriends from a blocked number. He requested they not contact him anymore. Deputies spoke to both alleged females, who stated they hadn`t called him in a while but agreed not to contact him any longer. 
DWS MIS – On February 17th, 2024 at around 3:45PM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2004 GMC Yukon displaying 2025 registration stickers, but the DMV showed it had not been registered since 2022. Deputies contacted the driver, Robert Belanger, 49, who was suspended misdemeanor and driving outside the restrictions of his hardship permit. He was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for DWS Misdemeanor. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 2/17/2025 at about 12:02 pm, deputies responded to a non-injury motor vehicle crash in a field near the intersection of Pettibone Drive and Independence Highway. The operator hydroplaned, causing her to leave the roadway and drive into the field. She was uninjured and the vehicle was later towed. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 22nd 2025, Weston Conroy, 22, turned himself into the front door of the Benton County Jail on a warrant for FTA DUII.  
WARRANT ARREST – On Monday, February 17, 2025, at approximately 8:19 am, deputies were driving east on NW Spruce Avenue near NW 9th Street when they saw a gray 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, which they recognized as belonging to Samuel A. Monroe, 47, parked on the south side of NW Spruce Avenue.  Samuel had four felony Benton County Circuit Court warrants. Samuel was cited and released for the warrants.
WARRANT ARREST – On February 16th, 2025 at around 10:30AM, deputies located Douglas Lee Cartwright, 40, near the Super 8 in Corvallis. Cartwright had a Benton County Circuit Court warrant for failing to appear on an unlawful possession of methamphetamine charge. He was taken into custody and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged on his warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 2/16/2025 at about 10:20 am, deputies issued Justin Russell (48) criminal citations for multiple warrants near 600 Commercial St, Monroe. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 16th, 2025 at around 8:00 AM, deputies attempt civil papers for two individuals who reside in the area of Super 8 in Corvallis. They observed Jacob James, 31, walking through the parking lot. Circuit Court warrant for FTA Criminal Trespass 2, with an additional charge of Disorderly Conduct II was located. Jacob James was issued a criminal citation to appear and released from custody a short time later. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 16th, 2025 at around 8:00 AM, deputies contacted Rachelle Rictor, 33, at her RV. Rictor had a fail to appear warrant for a driving offense out of Benton County Circuit Court. Rictor was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody.  
THEFT 1 – On 02/15/2025 at approximately 7:00 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the 3000 block of NE Garden Avenue for a report of a theft of a firearm. Deputies spoke with the owner who stated that her 12 Guage semi-automatic Browing shotgun had been taken from her residence sometime between 11/28/2024 and now. There is no suspect information at this time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 15, 2025 at approximately 4:35 PM, deputies located Michelle Trahan, 52, parked in the driving lane in the intersection of NW Est Lane and NW Peacock Lane, Albany. Trahan was arrested on a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for failure to appear on a Theft 2 charge. Trahan was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for her warrant.  
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (MISD) PARAPHERNALIA – On February 15, 2025, at approximately 3:54 PM, deputies contacted Joshua Williams, 20, in Takena Landing Park off Highway 20 in North Albany, where Williams was crouched over a cable and chain gate with tools. During the subsequent criminal mischief investigation, Williams was found to be in possession of two used glass pipes with meth residue. Williams was cited for possession of methamphetamine and warned against damaging park property. 
FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER – On February 15, 2025, at approximately 11:38 AM, deputies were contacted by a male on Highway 99W near NE Vandenberg Avenue, Adair in regard to a hit and run that had just occurred approximately 30 minutes prior. A mattress foundation had blown out of a dark truck driving north on Highway 99W and hit the male’s truck as he drove south. No further description of the suspect vehicle was given.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 02/15/2025 at approximately 1:30 A.M., deputies were dispatched to Tampico Road near Andrew Lane in Corvallis for a report of a motor vehicle crash. The driver and sole occupant of the vehicle was uninjured. She lost control of her vehicle after driving over a patch of ice and snow. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 02/14/2025 at approximately 8:00 P.M., deputies were dispatched to Highway 34 and Botkin Road in Philomath for a report of a motor vehicle crash. The driver, a juvenile, was traveling east on Highway 34 when she hit a patch of ice. The juvenile was unable to regain control of her vehicle and crashed into a large ditch. She was uninjured and her vehicle was recovered by a tow company. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (< 2G); WARRANT ARREST – On February 14, 2025, at about 6:22 p.m., deputies observed a tricycle crossing Highway 20 to the East with no lights. The tricycle was nearly struck by vehicles. Deputies stopped the operator of the tricycle, Donny Gibboney, 38, and transported him to the Linn County Jail for a fail to appear warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. Deputies issued him a citation in lieu of custody for possession of a controlled substance -Meth. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On February 14, 2025, at about 1:40 p.m., deputies were dispatched to Woods Creek Rd in Philomath for a report of Criminal Mischief. There was no significant evidence to confirm who had committed the offense.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 14, 2025, at about 2:49 PM, deputies were waved down by a driver in a Dodge Journey. She had hit the back of a Subaru Outback. Deputies helped them exchange information and cited the driver in the dodge for driving without Insurance. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 14, 2025, at about 11:35 a.m., deputies were dispatched to Bellfountain Rd and Hull Rd for a single vehicle non-injury crash. A driver was traveling Southbound in his white Ford Explorer when he failed to negotiate an icy corner and crashed into the ditch. The Ford was towed. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 14th, 2025, at about 9:10 a.m., deputies were dispatched to the intersection of NW Springhill and NW Buena Vista Road for a report of a hit-and-run. A driver reported that a pickup truck passing her, going the opposite direction, hit her mirror. Deputies searched the area and could not locate a vehicle matching the description. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 2/14/2025 at about 6:54 am, deputies were dispatched to Springhill Dr. near mile post 4 for a single vehicle, non-injury crash. Upon arrival, the operator had help from a friend to pull his car out of the ditch and did not require any assistance. 
FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER – On February 13, 2025, at about 4:46 PM, deputies were dispatched to a hit and run. A caller told deputies he was on South Fork Road in his Toyota Tacoma when a Honda Accord hit him. The driver of the Accord left when the caller was checking under his truck for damage. No suspects. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 12th, 2025, at about 3:20 P.m., Karoline McKnight, 32, was arrested at the Benton County Probation and Parole Office for a Contempt of Court warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. McKnight was criminally cited and released. 
📌 On February 14, 2025, deputies arrested Sarah Elizabeth Zebrowski, 30, of Eugene, for DUII.
📌 On February 14, 2025, deputies arrested Yasin Al Amin Moussaoui, 27, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On February 14, 2025, deputies arrested Sklyer Shouta Walstrom, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On February 15, 2025, deputies arrested Chad McCreary Owen, 40, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On February 19, 2025, deputies arrested Konr Josef Larson, 36, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On February 20, 2025, deputies arrested Isidro M Zaragoza Gongzaga, 30, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On February 21, 2025, deputies arrested Taylor Colton Wright, 33, of Redmond, for DUII.
📌 On February 21, 2025, deputies arrested Natalie Lynn Ethridge, 26, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Endangering.
📌 On February 22, 2025, deputies arrested Lane Parrish Partridge, 20, of Washington, for DUII, Reckless Endangering, Reckless Driving, and Vehicle Elude.
RECKLESS DRIVING; FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE – On February 9, 2025, at 8:09 PM, deputies stopped Jose Emmanuel Acevedo-Huerta, 38, on NW Highland Drive near NW Walnut Boulevard in Corvallis for Reckless Driving. Jose was arrested for Reckless Driving and Failure to Carry and Present an Operator`s License. Jose was transported to the jail and the vehicle he was operating was towed as a hazard.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 9, 2025, deputies were dispatched to a crash on Highway 99W near NE Vandenberg Drive, Adair Village. A 2004 Lexus SUV pulled over on the shoulder of the south bound lane with front end damage. The driver stated he was driving south on Highway 99W and had a deer walk out into the road. The deer struck the passenger side front bumper causing damage to the headlight and sheet metal.  
RECKLESS ENDANGERING; RECKLESS DRIVING – On February 9, 2025, at approximately 2:12 PM, deputies stopped a white Ram truck for driving 102 miles per hour on Highway 99W near Airport Road, Corvallis. The driver, Ramon Enrique Rodriguez, 23, was arrested for reckless driving and recklessly endangering his adult female passenger and two children in the back seat of his truck. Rodiguez was issued a citation in lieu of custody for his criminal charges, and a traffic citation for driving over 100 miles per hour. 
ASSAULT 1 ATTEMPTED; DUII; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER; RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE; RECKLESS ENDANGERING – On Saturday February 8, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a silver 2006 Ford F150 for traffic violations and suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants. Upon trying to initiate the traffic stop, the vehicle eluded. Miles Jennings, 21, was later spotted continuing to drive in a reckless manner. Jennings eventually crashed on Cardwell Hill Drive and self-extricated as the vehicle became engulfed in flames. Jennings was taken into custody without further incident after being challenged by K9 Brutus. Jennings was later lodged at the Benton County Jail.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 2/6/2025 MOORE, Michael, 54, turned himself in on a warrant for FTA-Theft II. MOORE was released with a new court date and time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Feb. 3, 2025 at approximately 1:52pm, NUNEZ, Hector, 42, was cited on a warrant at the jail for FTA – DUII, bail $50,000.  
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On Feb. 3, 2025 at approximately 1:21 pm, INGRAHAM, Logan, 22, turned himself in at the Benton County Jail on an outstanding warrant for having failed to appear at court for FTA – DUII, Reckless Driving. INGRAHAM was released force released due to the jail being at facility capacity. 
LITTERING – On February 3, 2025, at approximately 9:59 AM, deputies responded to a phone call in regard to four bags of residential trash dumped in a driveway off Highway 20 near Lilly Hill Road approximately six weeks prior.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 29, 2025, Xavier Maddox, 21, turned himself into the Benton County Jail on warrants for FTA Recklessly Endangering Another Person and Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree; and FTA Robbery II, Robbery II and Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 01/28/25 Wilson, Mikah, 22, turned himself in at Benton Co Jail on warrants for FTA Menacing and Corvallis Municipal warrants.  
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3; FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER – On January 27, 2025, at approximately 3:18 PM, deputies responded to the 300 block of S 5th Street, Monroe for a fence damaged in a hit and run.  
WARRANT ARREST – On January 22, 2025, Israel Huerta-Carrera, 22, turned himself into the jail on a warrant for FTA DUII. 
📌 On February 9, 2025, deputies arrested Barrett William Stork, 22, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On February 8, 2025, deputies arrested Miles Jamerson Jennings, 21, of Central Point, for DUII, Assault 1-Attempted, Reckless Endangering, Reckless Driving, Reckless Burning, Criminal Trespass 2, Littering, Depositing Trash w/in 100 Yards of State Waters, Fail to Perform Duties of a Driver, and Elude by vehicle and on foot.
📌 On February 8, 2025, deputies arrested Rudroft Albert Fifita, 38, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On February 7, 2025, deputies arrested Rachel Nicole Olson, 34, of Albany, for DUII.
📌 On February 7, 2025, deputies arrested Amy Marie Ceritelli, 48, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On February 5, 2025, deputies arrested Christopher Douglas Schechter, 43, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
PAROLE VIOLATION WARRANT – On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a blue 2007 Honda Civic for a traffic violation. The driver, later identified as Jeremy Jennings, 48, was taken into custody for an Oregon State Parole Board warrant. Jennings was later transported to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 02/11/2025 at about 6:30 p.m., Luanne Cleveland, 55, was arrested for an Albany Municipal Court Warrant on Hwy 20 near MP 38. She was cited and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 2nd, 2025 at around 8:52 AM, deputies were dispatched to the Benton County Sheriff`s Office Parole and Probation office and cited Zachary Pierce, 53, on an active warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for FTA Theft 1. Pierce had an additional warrants for Criminal Trespass 1, Theft 3 and for Criminal Trespass 2.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Sunday, February 9, 2025, at approximately 10:43 am, deputies were driving west on Main Street passing Clemens Mill Road when they saw a blue 2003 Honda Accord parked in a turn out on Clemens Mill Road. Three of the tires were damaged. Deputies contacted the driver who told them the damage occurred when she swerved to avoid hitting a deer. She said she planned to have the vehicle removed later in the day. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, February 8, 2025, at about 8:00 pm, deputies arrested Benjamin Shelton McLarrin, 36, on SW 15th Street near SW Jefferson Way in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Lebanon Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the Lebanon Municipal Court, McLarrin was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
DELIVER MARIJUANA ITEM – On 2/8/2025 at about 9:30 am, a juvenile was cited for selling a marijuana item to another juvenile in the 4400 block of Highland Dr, Corvallis. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 6, 2025, at approximately 11:07 pm, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for speeding. The driver was identified as Braden Wasson, 29, who was suspended and wanted out of the City of Dallas. Wasson was issued a new court date in lieu of custody. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (MISD) PARAPHERNALIA; WARRANT ARREST – On February 5th, 2025 at around 4:46 PM, deputies contacted James Neal, 32, who fled on foot from Takena Landing. Deputies relocated him at 1st Street and Lyon Street. Deputies determined Neal had a Lebanon cite and release for FTA Theft 3. Additionally, Neal was cited for being in possession of methamphetamine and warned for Disorderly Conduct II. 
DWS MIS – On February 5th, 2025 at around 9:20 AM, deputies stopped Hunter McCord, 20, in the parking lot of 5270 SW Philomath Blvd, Corvallis. McCord`s license status was suspended misdemeanor, and he had no insurance. Additionally, he consented to a search of his vehicle and deputies located a small bag of methamphetamine. McCord was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for DWS Misdemeanor. He was additionally issued a traffic citation for not having insurance.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 4th, 2025, at about 7:53 am, deputies were dispatched to the intersection of Highway 99 and NW Lewisburg Ave for a report of a two-vehicle crash. There were no reported injuries, and one of the vehicles was towed.  
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (FELONY); POSS BURGLARS TOOLS; WARRANT ARREST; POSS FENTANYL (>=1G/5PILLS);POSS COCAINE (< 2G); DELIVER METH – On January 21, 2025, around 12:00AM, deputies stopped Billy Joe Wilson, 42, arrested him on warrants and lodged him at the Linn County Jail. Drugs were seized from the vehicle and Lathel James Poe, 40, was arrested for a variety of drug charges. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 20, 2025 at approximately 1:11 pm, VEGA-PAZ, Miguel Jesus, 31, turned himself into jail on warrants for: FTA – DUII, Reck Driving, Fail Carry/Present. VEGA-PAZ was cited to appear at court and he was released.
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, 1/16/2025 at approximately 3:30 pm, DAY, Logan, 21, turned himself in on a warrant for FTA DUII and Reckless Driving. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Wednesday, January 25, 2025, Andersen, Christian, 31, turned himself into the jail on a warrant for FTA Theft II. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 9th, 2025, at around 10:10AM, deputies were in the area of HWY 20 and North Albany Rd when they observed Austin Robert Fisher, 31, walking from Takena Landing to North Albany Rd. Fisher had an Albany Municipal Court warrant for FTC- Contempt of court. He was stopped on Hickory Street where he was placed under arrest. He was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody to appear. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 2/8/2025 at about 1:43 pm, deputies were dispatched to Plymouth Dr just west of 53rd St for a non-injury motor vehicle crash. A juvenile female drove off the road due to rain and was able to get the vehicle pulled out of the ditch. 
ABANDONED VEHICLE; ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 8, 2025 at 7:19 am, deputies were dispatched to the 1600 block of West Hills Rd. A driver appeared to have been involved in a crash and left the vehicle in his driveway overnight. Deputies responded to the address and contacted the driver who said the previous night between 10-11pm, he crashed into the north ditch on NE Conifer. He was able to get his vehicle out and drove it until it ran out of gas. Deputies located the Volvo`s grill at the crash site and reported no property had been damaged.  
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Friday, February 7, 2025, at approximately 11:53 am, deputies were dispatched to a report of a suspicious person in the 26600 block of NW Sulphur Springs Road. According to dispatch notes, the caller saw someone on camera who was on her property. Deputies took a report from the caller who also sent security camera footage for review. No suspects identified. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On February 7, 2025 at 10:33 am, deputies were dispatched to the 5100 block of NW HWY 99 for a trespass. The resident reported on February 6, 2025 at 2:30 pm, a neighbor, came over to her trailer and “baptized” her by pouring a gallon of water over her head. She reported the baptizing was nonconsensual and wanted the neighbor trespassed from her property. The neighbor was trespassed from her property and agreed to not only never go over there, but also not to call her by phone. 
THEFT 1 DECEPTION – On 2/7/2025 at about 10:01 am, deputies met with a Corvallis resident in the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center. The male had fallen for a scam over the phone and lost approximately $14,500. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 6, 2025 at 4:56 pm, deputies contacted a driver for the Transportation of America school bus, parked near 7700 NW Carwell Hill Dr. The driver had backed into a mailbox.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 6, 2025, at around 4:40pm, deputies were on patrol near milepost 6 on Mary`s Peak Road when they observed a crashed yellow 1995 Volvo 850 sedan that appeared to have slid off the snowy roadway and lay down an embankment. The Volvo was unoccupied. On February 7, deputies spoke with registered owner who told deputies he was going to arrange for a tow on the 8th or 9th. No further information. 
DWS MIS – On February 4th, 2025 at around 2:16PM, observed a red Dodge Neon driving southbound on 4th Street that had not been registered since 2022. Deputies contacted the driver, Ralph Herring JR, 66, and learned his license was suspended misdemeanor. He was subsequently issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for ORS.811.183 (Driving while suspended or revoked misdemeanor). He was also issued a citation for ORS.806.010 Driving uninsured, and ORS.803.300 Failing to register vehicle. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 4, 2025, at approximately 10:26 am, deputies were dispatched to investigate a single vehicle crash on Old River Road near E Ingram Island Road, Monroe. Deputies located an unoccupied Hyundai Ionic crashed in the ditch. They later spoke with the registered owner who said he was uninjured and had crashed the previous night.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On February 4, 2025, at approximately 6:27 AM, deputies responded to dump truck that crashed into a utility pole on Greenberry Road west of Highway 99W. The driver was uninjured and reported his vehicle hit a patch of ice on the road causing him to lose control and hit the utility pole. Greenberry Road was shut down for several hours while Pacific Power replaced the utility pole. 
PERSON < 21 POSSESSING / CONSUMING MARIJUANA – On 2/3/2025 at 2:50 pm, a juvenile was cited for minor in possession of marijuana at the Crescent Valley High School. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 31, 2024, deputies were driving near NW 5th Street and NW Harrison Boulevard when they were flagged down by a male identifying himself as CARLOS POLANCO, 55. POLANCO said he thought he had a warrant for his arrest, and wanted to turn himself in. Dispatch reported POLANCO had a confirmed cite and release Misdemeanor warrant out of Albany Municipal Court for FTA on a Traffic Offense. Deputies cited and released POLANCO with a court date and time. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On Thursday, February 6, 2025, at about 8:25pm, deputies were dispatched to investigate a report of disorderly conduct near the Willamette Community and Grange Hall outside of Corvallis. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a man lying in the road and otherwise behaving erratically. The male was warned for Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and trespassed from the Grange Hall and the Greenberry Tavern. Thomas was given a courtesy ride to the Corvallis Men`s Shelter and left in the care of shelter staff. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a red 2008 Dodge Ram 1500 for a traffic violation on Highway 20 near Circle Boulevard. The driver, Alan Bequette, 86, was arrested for a fail to appear warrant. Alan was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a green 2002 Subaru Impreza wagon for a vehicle violation on 3rd Street near Twin Oaks. The driver, Alaura Baldwin, 34, was arrested for a fail to appear warrant. Baldwin was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody and released. 
DWS MIS – On February 4, 2025, at about 5:27 PM, deputies stopped Loren Thomas Wagener, 39, on North Albany Road and gave him a criminal citation for driving while suspended misdemeanor. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 02/02/2025 at approximately 7:30 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the 23200 block of Decker Road for a report of suspicious circumstances. The 911 caller stated that he had picked up a hitchhiker and dropped him off at a residence. The caller was concerned because he did not believe the hitchhiker lived there and was concerned because he was dressed inappropriately for the weather. At the residence, Kai Miner, 26, was contacted in a sleeping bag behind the residence. Miner did not belong at the residence and was given a ride into downtown Corvallis. Minor was also issued citations in lieu of custody for two outstanding Benton County Circuit Court warrants. 
RECKLESS DRIVING – On 02/01/2025 at approximately 7:30 P.M., deputies observed a black motorcycle driving east on Highway 34 near milepost 1 at speeds of 80 miles per hour. As they attempted to catch up to the motorcycle, they observed it begin to weave between numerous other vehicles, still at a high rate of speed. Deputies were eventually able to catch up to the motorcycle and initiated a traffic stop on Highway 34 near Joy Lane. The motorcycle operator, Joshua Seay, 19, was ultimately issued a citation for speeding and was also issued a citation in lieu of custody for reckless driving. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 01/31/2025 at approximately 11:00 P.M., deputies witnessed a two vehicle no injury crash on Jackson Avenue near NW 9th Street in Corvallis. A driver struck a parked vehicle at slow speeds. Damage to each vehicle was extremely minor and purely cosmetic. The driver was subsequently issued citations for Driving While Suspended and Driving Uninsured.  
📌 On January 29, 2025, deputies arrested Sarah Mahealani Weitz, 40, of Eugene, for DUII.
📌 On January 29, 2025, deputies arrested Dylan Ray Shirkey, 32, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 29, 2025, deputies arrested Janet Fowler, 71, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 30, 2025, deputies arrested Christopher D Manley-Freeman, 34, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 31, 2025, deputies arrested Isaah Xavier Jimenez, 28, of for DUII after a crash at NW Independence Hwy/NW Springhill Dr.
📌 On January 31, 2025, deputies arrested Natalia Sophia Warnock, 21, of Corvallis for DUII and Reckless Endangering after an injury crash on Hwy 20 near milepost five.
📌 On January 31, 2025, deputies arrested Tahji Mercel Allen Hoist, of Albany, for DUII, Reckless Driving, and two warrants.
📌 On January 31, 2025, deputies arrested Harley Trey Hagen, 56, of Junction City, for DUII.
📌 On February 1, 2025, deputies arrested Caleb Almon Berry-Zandofsky, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On February 1, 2025, deputies arrested Israel Huerta-Carrera, 22, of Albany, for DUII, Reckless Driving, and Driving with a Suspended License (DWS).
📌 On February 2, 2025, deputies arrested Aaron Marc Grother, 43, of Philomath, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On February 2, 2025, deputies responded to Highway 99W and milepost 100 for a report of an injury crash. The driver struck ice in his Ford Ranger, resulting in a rollover crash. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (< 2G); WARRANT ARREST – On 2/2/2025 at about 10:56 am, Bryan Watts (39) of Lebanon, was arrested on an outstanding warrant and possession of methamphetamine near 987 NE Conifer Blvd. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 2nd, 2025 at around 2:46PM, deputies located Rachelle Rictor, 33, in the 400 block of NW 2nd Street in Corvallis. Rictor had a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for FTA – DWS Violation. Rictor was subsequently issued criminal citations in lieu of custody on her warrant.  
WARRANT ARREST – On January 30th, 2025, at about 8:45 a.m., Caitlin McElmurry, 32, and Joseph Bagg, 40, were arrested near the intersection of NW Witham Hill Dr and NW Pinecone Way. McElmurry had a warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for Failure to Appear, and Bagg had a warrant out of Lebanon Municipal Court for Failure to Appear. Both were cited and released. 
DWS FEL – On January 29th, 2025 at around 2:51PM, deputies arrested Dusty Risland, 37, near 603 NW 2nd Street, Corvallis, for criminal driving while suspended or revoked Felony. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 29th, 2025 at around 2:27PM, deputies observed Oren Hounchell, 45, walking southbound on the bike path near Chapman Place. Hounchell had active warrants for his arrest. He was booked and lodged at the Linn County Jail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 29, 2025, at about 2:00 AM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a blue 2006 Chrysler 300 for failure to maintain lane. Deputies contacted the driver and informed him the reason for the stop. The driver, Christian RILEY, 46, returned with a suspended driver`s license and an active Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for a Probation Violation. Deputies issued him a criminal citation for his warrant as well as a traffic citation for Driving While Suspended- violation. 
THEFT 2 – On January 28, 2025, at about 4:21 PM, deputies were dispatched for a reported stolen license plate. The caller told deputies the plate from her 1999 Toyota Corolla was probably stolen while she was in Portland. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On February 2, 2025, deputies responded to Highway 99W and milepost 100 for a report of an injury crash. A male was determined to be the driver and struck ice in his Ford Ranger, resulting in a rollover crash. 
WARRANT ARREST – On February 2nd, 2025 at around 2:46PM, deputies located Hilda Kelley, 64, picking up trash behind Super 8 in Corvallis. Kelley had active warrants for the following: Corvallis Municipal Court warrant – FTA Criminal Trespass II; Linn County Circuit Court warrant – FTA Delivery of methamphetamine; and Linn County Circuit Court warrant – Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, FTA Criminal citation x3. Kelley was subsequently issued criminal citations in lieu of custody on her warrants.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 2/2/2025 at 7:06 am, deputies were dispatched to Llewellyn Rd. near milepost 1 for a non-injury accident involving a flipped utility trailer. The operator told deputies he didn`t think he secured the hitch on the ball and was able to get the trailer flipped back over with the help of a friend. 
DWS MIS – On February 2, 2025, at approximately 12:18 am, deputies contacted Ivan Cole, 60, at Ellmaker Park and learned his license was suspended at the Misdemeanor level. He was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS SPORTS EVENT – On 2/1/2025 at 10:03 am, deputies responded to Crescent Valley High School for a male who was acting belligerent during a kids’ basketball tournament. Deputies spoke with the male of Springfield, who agreed to leave the tournament and not return. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 1/31/2025 at about 12:58 pm, Ronald Wohleking, 50, and Justin Russell, 48, were criminally cited at Hyak Park for outstanding warrants. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 31, 2025, at about 2:00 AM, deputies contacted Dianna Lynn Falcon, 42, under a bridge on Highway 34 near the Highway 34 Bypass in Corvallis. Falcon had a confirmed cite and release warrant for her arrest out of Albany Municipal Court for FTA Larceny, Bail $1,250. Falcon was issued a citation with a new court date.  
THEFT 1 AGGRAVATED; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Thursday, January 30, 2025, at about 4:30 pm, deputies were dispatched to investigate the theft of a utility trailer in the 3100 block of NW Countryman Circle in Albany. The reporting person told deputies an 18` gray double-axle Interstate utility trailer with no unique markings and an unknown license plate/VIN had been stolen between 8:30am and 4:00pm. The trailer was recovered in Marion County on February 1. 
DWS MIS – On January 30th, 2025 at about 11:23 am, deputies stopped a vehicle driven by Christopher William Kuske, 31, for speed in the Lincoln School 20 mph speed zone. He was traveling south bound at 31 mph.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 30, 2025 at 7:55 am, deputies were dispatched to Bellfountain Rd, just north of Llewellyn, for a report of a vehicle crashed in the ditch. Driver 1 was northbound on Bellfountain Rd when he lost control while negotiating a curve due to slick road conditions. The driver, with the assistance of a friend, was able to self-recover the vehicle and drove it away from the scene. The vehicle sustained minimal damage to the front quarter panel. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, January 30, 2025, at about 12:05 am, deputies arrested Rhea Lynn Jans, 41, on SW Western Boulevard near SW 6th Street in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Philomath Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Jans was cited in lieu of custody and released.
FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER; ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Wednesday, January 29, at about 9:20 pm, deputies were dispatched to investigate a three-vehicle, non-injury crash on NW Highland Drive near NW Lester Avenue in Corvallis. One of the involved drivers left the scene before deputies arrived. None of the involved drivers were injured or impaired. Hernandez Sales was cited for Driving Without Privileges and Driving Without Insurance. 
POSS METH (MISD – 2 GRAMS OR MORE) – On 01/28/2025 at 11:56 p.m., deputies conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of SW 3rd St and SW B Ave, Corvallis, for a traffic violation. Steven Mills, 56, was arrested for PCS-Methamphetamine. He was cited and released. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Monday, January 27, 2025, at approximately 9:34 am, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash at Finch Lane and Columbine Drive. According to dispatch notes, two vehicles were involved and there was debris and fluid in the roadway. Deputies arrived and found two vehicles with front end damage on Columbine Drive at Finch Lane. An investigation was completed. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 1/27/2025 at about 9:41 am, deputies were turning into Hyak Park when they saw and heard a vehicle from behind them leave the roadway, collide with the ditch, and spin around 180 degrees. The driver told deputies the vehicle in front of her stopped suddenly, causing her to swerve into the ditch to avoid hitting her. She had minor injuries from the airbags and her vehicle was towed. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 25, 2025, at approximately 9:15 AM, deputies responded to the intersection of Highway 99W and LW Lewisburg Avenue for a two-vehicle collision. Driver one was traveling north on Highway 99W when she drove through a red light at the intersection and struck driver 2. There were no injuries, and the vehicles were towed from the scene. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On January 28, 2025, at around 5:17pm, deputies were dispatched to an injury crash on Decker Rd near milepost #1. Vehicle #1 was lost control while going uphill on ice causing it to cross the center lane and collide with Vehicle #2. Both vehicles were towed and both occupants of Vehicle #2 were transported, by ambulance, to Good Samaritan Hospital with suspected minor injuries.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 28th, 2025 at around 12:11AM, deputies contacted Hilario Leal Hernandez, near Super 8. He had a Benton County Circuit Court warrant for FTA Criminal Trespass II, Disorderly Conduct II, and Harassment. The jail was full, so he was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody.  
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On January 27, 2025, at about 10:05 p.m., deputies were dispatched to a threats complaint near 180 NW 5th Street, Corvallis. Deputies were unable to locate the suspect. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On January 27, 2025, at about 7:45 p.m., deputies were dispatched to a Trespass in the 1600 block of NW Lester Ave. Angela Beggs, 56, was issued a citation for Criminal Trespass 2. 
VEHICLE RECOVERED FOR OTHER AGENCY – On January 27th, 2025 at around 11:25AM, deputies located a stolen vehicle traveling northbound on 3rd. The vehicle was a white 2003 GMC Sierra pickup. The vehicle was impounded and towed to the Benton County Sheriff`s Office evidence lot where it was later returned to the rightful owner. 
DWS FEL – On 1/26/2025 at about 12:43 pm, Gabriel Ramos (41) of Corvallis, was arrested for DWS-Felony following a traffic stop at Kings Blvd and Professional Dr. He was issued a criminal citation and released on scene.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 25, 2025, at approximately 10:00 AM, deputies stopped a red Ford Explorer for observed traffic violations near Highway 99W and Lewisburg Avenue. The driver, Kerry Donald Savage, 59 was arrested on a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for Contempt of Court. Savage was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant and a traffic citation for violation driving while suspended.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 24, 2025, at approximately 1:16pm, deputies contacted Jeffrey Alan Gillespie, 59, in the 1300 block of SE Goodnight Ave and learned he was the subject of seven different warrants. He was cited in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 22nd, 2025, at about 2:11 am, Tianna Wise, 49, was arrested at Highway 20 near milepost 9 for an Oregon state parole board warrant. Wise was transported and lodged at the Linn County Jail. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 19th, 2024 at around 6:51AM, deputies were dispatched to the area of Hoskins Rd and Alexander Rd for a report of a truck that had crashed over an embankment into a small creek. A short time later deputies spoke with the registered owner by phone who said he crashed his pickup returning home from work the previous evening after hitting some ice.  
📌 On January 24, 2025, deputies arrested Lukas Jackson Cassady, 28, of Philomath, for DUII.
📌 On January 25, 2025, deputies arrested Kaden Jon McDaniel 19, of Junction City, for DUII. 
📌 On January 26, 2025, deputies arrested Brett Thomas Holm, 52, of Philomath, for DUII.
📌 On January 26, 2025, deputies arrested Raven Valee Woods, 24, of Cottage Grove, for DUII.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 26th, 2025 at around 3:56PM, deputies located Jacob Sokol, 48, near the south entrance to IGA near North Albany Rd. Sokol had a cite and release Albany Municipal Court warrant for FTC- Contempt. He was subsequently issued a criminal citation on his warrant. 
DWS FEL – On Saturday, January 25, 2025, at approximately 12:48 pm, deputies were driving south on SW 3rd Street near SW Madison Avenue in Corvallis when they ran a license plate on a white 2002 Toyota Tacoma which was in the lane. Deputies discovered the registered owner`s driver`s license was revoked at the felony level. Deputies looked at the photo of the registered owner, Michelle Eaton, 62, which was attached to her DMV file. Deputies initiated a traffic stop near SW 3rd Street and SW Wake Robin Avenue and arrested Michelle for DWS – Felony. She was cited and released.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 1/25/2025 at about 11:09 am Mikayla Johnson (27) of Albany was criminally cited on an outstanding Linn County Justice Court warrant on Alsea-Deadwood Highway near milepost 1. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On 1/24/2025 at about 11:40 am, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a 2004 Mitsubishi Eclipse for multiple traffic violations on Highway 20 near Scenic Dr and later issued the operator, Clifford Reed (32), criminal citations for driving while suspended-misdemeanor and a warrant.
TAMPER W/ EVIDENCE; CONTEMPT OF COURT – On January 24, 2025, Kyle Steven Ropchan, 30, was arrested for Tampering with Physical Evidence and four counts of Contempt of Court (Violating a No Contact Order). A probable cause affidavit was submitted to the Benton County Jail where he is currently incarcerated. 
FORGERY 1 – On January 22, 2025, at about 6:51 PM, deputies were dispatched to the Dollar General in Monroe. Misty Shafor, 46, passed a counterfeit $50.00 bill at the Dollar General. Deputies arrested Misty and gave her a criminal citation for Forgery in the first degree. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 22nd, 2025 at around 1:15PM, deputies located Teresa Ray, 35, in the back parking lot of Town Pump in Philomath. Ray had 2 Linn County Circuit Court warrants for FTA – Identity theft, and FTA-Fail to appear on a criminal citation x 4. Additionally, she had a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for FTA- Unauthorized departure. She was subsequently issued a criminal citation on the Lebanon Municipal Court warrant and taken into custody on Linn County Circuit Court`s warrants. She was transported to the Linn County Jail where she was lodged. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On Monday, January 20, 2025, at approximately 2:10 pm, deputies were dispatched to Highway 99W at Finley Road for a motor vehicle crash with injury. According to dispatch notes, two vehicles involved in the collision were still on scene, but one involved vehicle may have left westbound on Finley Road. Deputies arrived and located a gray Hyundai Sonata and a red Ford Escape which were involved in the crash and all occupants up and about. Deputies learned a vehicle had slowed down abruptly in front of the Ford to turn onto Finley Road, causing the driver of the Hyundai to collide with the Ford. An investigation was completed, and deputies assisted the drivers with exchanging information. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On January 20, 2025, at approximately 9:12 AM, deputies stopped a dark Nissan SUV for observed traffic violations on Highway 20 near North Albany Road, Benton County. The driver, Dolores Pearl Kelley, 35, was arrested on a warrant out of the Clackamas County Circuit Court for failure to appear on a misdemeanor traffic crime and for misdemeanor driving while suspended. Kelley was issued citations for in lieu of custody with court dates for her warrant and additional traffic crime. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On January 20, 2025, at approximately 8:00 AM, deputies stopped a blue sedan for observed traffic violations on Highway 20 near milepost 1, Benton County. The driver, Dustyn Manley Johnson, 31, was arrested on a warrant out of the Philomath Municipal Court for Criminal Trespass 2 and for misdemeanor driving while suspended. Manley Johnson was issued citations for in lieu of custody with court dates for his warrant and traffic crime.  
THEFT 2 DECEPTION; IDENTITY THEFT – On January 13, 2025, at approximately 2:28 PM, deputies responded to a fraud complaint on Seavy Circle, Corvallis where a resident received a bill for Verizon phone service they did not sign up for. Verizon required the resident file a police report to prove they reported the service as fraudulent before the Verizon would take action and close the account.
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On Tuesday, 1/21/25, At approximately 3:40 pm, deputies responded to a report of a multi-vehicle crash with injuries at Hwy 99 and Greenberry. When they arrived at the crash the drivers reported no injuries. A Tacoma and Soul were towed, and an Optima was driven away from the scene. 
UUV – On Sunday, January 19, 2025, a male parked his 1994 Ford F-150 pickup at the Hwy 20 and Hwy 223 park and ride. On Monday, January 20,2025 at about 11:45p.m., he discovered his truck was missing.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 20, 2024, at about 2:17 PM, deputies were dispatched to a crash on Highway 34, milepost 43. When they arrived, they spoke with the driver, who was uninjured. His Toyota truck was flipped on its side off the North side of the road, and he was waiting for a friend to flip his truck back to its wheels. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 20th, 2025, at around 1:08AM, deputies were conducting extra patrols in the area of 400 NW 1st Stret, Corvallis, and they located a male identified as James Sanney, 62. Sanney had an active Albany Municipal Court cite and release warrant for Fail to comply – Contempt of court. He was subsequently issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 16th, 2025, at about 2:40 pm, Mickala Birdsell, 30, was arrested near the intersection of NE Lancaster St and NE Oxford Cir in Corvallis. Birdsell had a Failure to Appear warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. Birdsell was criminally cited and released. 
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE – On Thursday, January 23, 2025, at about 7:20pm, deputies were on patrol at the North Albany Park at 2752 Hillcrest Street NW in Albany. While in the park they found a 1.5kg/1 liter Gold Whip brand nitrous oxide container with an attached nozzle. Deputies collected the container and later disposed of it in an appropriate county waste container. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 23, 2025 at 7:38 am, deputies were dispatched to a single vehicle rollover crash on Grange Hall Rd, 700 feet east of HWY 34. The driver was eastbound on Grange Hall and lost control of her vehicle while negotiating an icy curve. The vehicle struck a metal barrier on the south side of Grange Hall Rd (west end of the bridge). The vehicle rolled onto its driver`s side and came to rest in the eastbound lane of travel.  
ACCIDENT OTHER INJURY – On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, deputies were dispatched to Maxfield Creek Rd MP 4, for a vehicle crashed in the creek. When deputies arrived on scene, there was no driver present. After searching the area, deputies requested for Monmouth PD to contact the registered owner at his residence and were notified the driver got a ride home and was going to Urgent Care to get checked out.  
WARRANT ARREST – On January 22nd, 2025, at about 12:32 pm, Genaro Ramos Vidrio, 32, was arrested near 500 SE Viewmont Ave in Corvallis, for a failure to appear warrant out of Dallas Municipal Court. Ramos Vidrio was criminally cited and released. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On 01/21/2025 at about 4:12 p.m., deputies responded to Hwy 99w near MP 102, Monroe, for a head-on motor vehicle crash. Both occupants were transported my medics for minor injuries.  
RECKLESS DRIVING – On Saturday, January 18, 2025, at about 6:00pm, deputies were dispatched to investigate a report of reckless driving on Highway 20 near Blodgett. A driver reported another driver had been attempting to keep other cars from passing him as they traveled east on Highway 20 in Lincoln County, resulting in several near crashes. This case has been sent to the Lincoln County District Attorney`s Office for review. 
📌 On January 17, 2025, deputies arrested Christopher D Manley-Freeman, 34, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 18, 2025, deputies arrested Lailee Louise Gladys R Strickland-Chatwood, 21, of Eugene, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 18, 2025, deputies arrested Virginia Yvonne Duffy-Sanders, 33, of Portland, for DUII.
📌 On January 18, 2025, deputies arrested Carlos Ivan Perez, 30, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE PARAPHERNALIA – On January 19, 2025, at 2:07 AM, deputies stopped Byron Pledger, 64, on Harrison Boulevard near 3rd Street in Corvallis for making an improper right turn and not signaling 100 feet prior to making a turn. Pledger was cited for Possession of Methamphetamine Paraphrenia, Driving While Suspended Violation and Driving Uninsured.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 01/18/2025 at approximately 4:00 P.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a black 2004 Kia Amanti on 5th Street near Polk Avenue in Corvallis. The two occupants, Tina Miller, 38, and Samuel Monroe Jr., 47, were subsequently arrested for outstanding warrants (Miller x2, Monroe x8). Miller and Monroe were subsequently issued citations in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, January 17, 2025, at approximately 10:57 am, deputies were dispatched to a welfare check on NW Independence Highway at NW Palestine Avenue. According to dispatch notes, the caller contacted a female walking on the side of the road who said she was sick and trying to get to Portland. The caller thought she was underdressed for the weather. Deputies located Ashley Haney, 31, who matched the description the caller gave, on NW Independence Highway near Camp Adair Road. Ashley was cited and released on a warrant and given a courtesy ride to Independence. 
FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER; ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 17, 2025 at 9:45 am, deputies were dispatched to the 4400 block of SW Airport Ave for a report of a hit and run. A resident witnessed a white sedan, eastbound on Airport Ave, fail to negotiate a 90-degree corner. The vehicle entered the south ditch and crashed into a fence, owned by him. The owner located a license plate at the crash site. Deputies later contacted the registered owner of the vehicle at her residence, who identified the driver of the vehicle as her son. The landowner did not wish to pursue criminal prosecution for failure to perform duties of a driver and was provided vehicle, driver, and insurance information. 
DWS MIS – On 01/17/2025 at approximately 1:00 A.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a purple Chevy Cavelier on NE 3rd Street and NW Buchanan Avenue in Corvallis. The driver, Chad Kelly, 36, was subsequently arrested for driving while suspended at the misdemeanor level. Kelly was issued a citation in lieu of custody and was left at the location of the traffic stop to wait for a ride. 
THEFT 2 – On January 16, 2025 at 2:30 pm, deputies spoke with a male by phone who reported that he operates a taxi service based out of Corvallis. On January 12, 2025 at about 3:10 pm, he provided a male a taxi ride in the Alsea area. The male was unable to pay and has been avoiding contact by the reporter. Deputies later contacted the male, who agreed to pay by 2/2/25. 
MAIL THEFT – On January 16, 2025 at 10:49 am, deputies spoke with Karen Francis Davis by phone. Davis reported on 1/15/25 at 1:59 pm, OnTrac delivered a package to her residence, located in the 2800 block of NE Pilkington Ave, sending photo confirmation. When she returned home at 3:10 pm, the package was missing and presumed stolen. The package contained a MoonVista colored, woman`s sized medium, Columbia Down Jacket, valued at $140. No video footage or suspect information was available. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 15th, 2025 at around 2:15PM, Benton County Parole and Probation deputies were at the Free Farm located at 765 SE 53rd Street, Corvallis, Or, and located Karly Tarvin, 29. Tarvin had an active State-wide felony Benton County Circuit Court warrant for a probation violation for Burglary II. Patrol deputies responded to transport her to the Benton County Jail. Deputies took custody of Tarvin and she was then transported to the Benton County Jail without incident. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 15th, 2025 at around 7:36AM, deputies responded to the 4500 NW Powers Ave for a traffic crash. Deputies located the driver, a 79-year-old female still inside her vehicle, which had slid down the edge of the driveway and into a steep ditch. She was assisted with exiting her vehicle by Albany Fire Department. Deputies learned she had attempted to pull into a driveway too close her rear hatch, which was causing overhead lights to be on. Due to the overhead lights and fog, she drove off the edge of the driveway into a small creek at the base of the ditch, separating the two properties. She was uninjured, the vehicle sustained no damage and was driven home by her husband. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On 1/13/2025 at about 12:26 pm, deputies I responded to a single vehicle crash on Highway 34 near Tobacco Rd. Deputies learned they driver took a corner too fast and drove off and down the embankment. She sustained moderate injuries to one of her legs and was transported to Good Samaritan. 
THEFT BY DECEPTION COMPUTER CRIME – On January 13, 2025, at approximately 11:33 AM, deputies met a Benton County resident in the Records Lobby at the Benton County Sheriff`s Office where they reported a person had called them and attempted to access their bank accounts by claiming he was working for the bank. The resident realized the caller was not a bank employee and hung up after providing personal information, including their social security number. The resident was working with their bank to reopen a new account and verified no money had been taken from the account. 
THEFT 3 SHOPLIFT – On January 13th, 2025, at around 10:30AM, deputies were in the parking lot of 621 Hickory Street, Albany, Oregon when they were contacted by an employee who said two men just ran out of the business after shoplifting. Deputies located one of the suspects a short distance away, walking on Hickory Street. He told deputies in substance that he was just in the store and had considered shoplifting but decided against it and tossed the vitamins back in the food area. He was subsequently trespassed from the store and released. The second involved individual was not able to be located. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, January 12, 2025, at about 12:30am, deputies arrested David Barbosa, 43, in the 100 block of SW Avery Avenue in Corvallis on two Benton County Circuit Court warrants. Barbosa was taken to the Benton County Jail and lodged. 
PERSON < 21 POSSESSING/PURCHASING MARIJUANA ITEM – On Saturday, January 11, 2025, at about 11:00pm, deputies spoke with Caden Anthony Freeman, 19, Cameron Bryce Collins, 18, and Luigi Braghetta, 18, after finding them parked in Chip Ross Park on Lester Avenue in Corvallis after the park had closed to the public. All three men were cited for being minors in possession of cannabis and given courtesy rides to their home. Freeman`s vehicle, a gray Subaru sedan, was left secured in the park for Freeman to collect when he was no longer impaired. 
PERSON < 21 POSSESSING/PURCHASING MARIJUANA ITEM – On Saturday, January 11, 2025, at about 9:05pm, deputies stopped a gray Ford Focus after seeing it driving 60 MPH in a 45 MPH zone on Highway 20 near milepost 3. The driver, Celia Socorro Ramirez, 19, showed several signs of potential impairment. Ramirez consented to perform field sobriety tests, and deputies determined she was not impaired. Ramirez was cited for being a minor in possession of cannabis while driving and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, January 11, 2025, at about 8:10pm, deputies arrested Austin Robert Fisher, 31, at Takena Landing Park in Albany on a misdemeanor warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, deputies cited Fisher in lieu of custody and released him. 
WARRANT ARREST; FALSE INFO TO POLICE OFFICER – On Saturday, January 11, 2025, at about 4:45pm, deputies went to the 5000 block of NW Shasta Avenue in Corvallis to arrest Kenneth Andrew Smelser, 38, on two outstanding felony warrants out of the Benton County Circuit Court. Smelser barricaded himself in his trailer and provided false information about his identity. After a prolonged standoff, involving more than eight deputies, Smelser surrendered himself. Smelser was taken to the Benton County Jail on his warrants and for Giving False Information to a Peace Officer in connection with a warrant. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 7, 2025, at approximately 7:20 AM, deputies responded to the intersection of Trillium Lane and Tampico Road, Benton County for a report of a school bus off the road. Upon arrival, deputies located a school bus blocking most of the road. The driver had attempted to back the bus onto Trillium Lane and had gotten the right rear tires stuck. The students on the bus were transferred to another bus and deputies provided traffic control until a tow truck could come and lift the tires back onto the road. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 – On January 6, 2025, at approximately 3:20 PM, deputies contacted a resident in regard to her mailbox being run over by a vehicle on Grange Hall Road, Philomath. There were no cameras or damaged vehicles located in the area.  
WARRANT ARREST – On January 6, 2025, at approximately 12:49 PM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a white Ford Explorer with expired vehicle registration in the parking lot of Takena Landing at 600 Highway 20 NW, Albany. The driver, Lola Jeannette Unger, 62, was arrested on a cite and release warrant out of the Lebanon Municipal Court for contempt of court. Unger was cited to appear before the Lebanon Municipal Court and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 13th, 2025, at around 10:40AM, Deputies located Christina Thomas, 45, walking near 560 NW Hickory Street, Albany. Deputies knew Thomas had an Albany Municipal Court warrant for FTA Trespass. She was issued the criminal citation to appear on her warrant. 
DWS MIS – On January 10, 2025, at about 2:26 pm, Christina Erickson, 37, was arrested near the intersection of Springhill Drive and Hickory Street NW for Driving While Revoked Misdemeanor. Erickson was criminally cited and released. 
HARASSMENT – On January 9, 2025, at about 6:18 PM, deputies were dispatched for a reported harassment. The reporter told deputies a male had been harassing him.  
RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE; DWS MIS – On January 1st, 2025 at around 10:33AM, CPD officers located two males driving a sedan near 400 NW 16th Street, Corvallis. They recognized one of the male passengers as Kyler Ross Wilson, 29. Wilson came out of the residence a short time later and surrendered peacefully without further incident. He was transported to the Benton County Jail and lodged on Deputy Ash`s probable cause affidavit for the following: Reckless driving, Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer, DWS Misdemeanor. 
WARRANT ARREST -On Thursday, January 16, 2025, Michael Robert Lester (41) was arrested at the Benton County Courthouse by the BCSO detective unit for a Federal indictment warrant. Detectives transported Michael to the basement of the courthouse where a jail deputy took custody. Michael was booked and held at the Benton County Jail. Warrant Information: Sexual Exploitation and Attempted Sexual Exploitation of Children, Coercion and Enticement of a Minor; Distribution of Child Pornography, Possession of Child Pornography. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 15th, 2025, at about 2:21 pm, Ismael Nelson, 42, and Alaura Balwin, 34, were arrested on their warrants in the 1500 block of SW 53rd Blvd. They were both criminally cited and released. 
UNLAW ENTRY MOTOR VEHICLE – On January 15, 2025 at 7:15 am, deputies were dispatched to the 700 block of S 5th St, Monroe for an in progress UEMV. The caller reported her husband found a male inside one of their vehicles. The male took off on foot southbound on Territorial HWY before deputy arrival. The husband reported two vehicles parked in his driveway had been entered. A search of the area was conducted with personnel and a drone, but the suspect was not located.  
POSS FENTANYL; DWS FEL – On Tuesday January 14, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a grey 2006 Honda Civic, for a traffic violation on Highway 34 near Oakville Road. Following an investigation, the driver, Dusty Risland, 37, was arrested for driving while suspended felony. The passenger Jeffrey Charles, 49, was arrested for distribution of a controlled substance. Both parties were issued criminal citations in lieu of custody and released. 
PERMITTING A DOG TO RUN AT LARGE – On January 14, 2025 11:01 a.m., deputies transported two stray dogs from the 23800 block of Greasy Creek Road in Philomath to the heartland humane society where they were impounded. Both dogs were adult females. One was a German Shephard and the other was a mini aussie. The dogs’ owner contacted the shelter. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 11, 2025, at around 6:25pm, deputies contacted a white 2014 Dodge Ram parked after hours in the Hyak Park parking lot and later arrested passenger, Zachary Lorain, 36, for numerous warrants. Loran was issued criminal citations in lieu of custody and released. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; UEMV – On January 10, 2025, at about 11:10 am, deputies were dispatched to a welfare check at Highway 20 milepost 4 in Corvallis, Oregon. A transient female was walking to Albany from Corvallis and did not want any assistance. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Friday, January 10, 2025, at approximately 6:03 am, deputies were dispatched to a single motor vehicle crash involving injury, on Highway 99W near milepost 103. The driver was later evaluated by medics and released.  
📌 On January 9, 2025, deputies arrested Nathaniel Lee Baker, 26, of Junction City, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 9, 2025, deputies arrested Preston Charlee Ullrich, 21, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving. 
📌 On January 10, 2025, deputies arrested Joseph Allen Jones, 19, of Oakridge, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 11, 2025, deputies arrested Khary Yero Pompey, 44, of Corvallis, for DUII and Possession of Cocaine.
📌 On January 11, 2025, deputies arrested Joshua James Johnston, 24, of Albany, for DUII.
📌 On January 13, 2025, deputies arrested Francisco Jacob Cervantes Alejandre, 21, of Nyssa, for DUII, Reckless Driving, and Reckless Endangering.
📌 On January 15, 2025, deputies arrested Justin Wayne Arbogast, 41, of Coburg, for DUII, Unlawful Use of a Vehicle, Theft 1, Burglary 1, Unlawful Entry Motor Vehicle, Felon in Possession of a Weapon, Possession of Meth, Criminal Trespass 1, Littering, Reckless Driving, Elude by Vehicle, and Elude by Foot.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 12, 2025, a driver was northbound on Highway 99W about 1/2 mile south of Camp Adair Road when her vehicle struck a large elk crossing the roadway from west to east. Vehicle sustained damage to the front end and windshield/likely totaled. No injuries.  
BURGLARY 2; CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 – On 1/11/2025 at about 9:48 am, Katelynn White (37) of Seattle, was arrested for Burglary 2 and Criminal Mischief 3 after breaking into a travel trailer in the 4800 block of NE Hwy 20 and causing damage. She was lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE – On January 10, 2025, at around 12:30pm, deputies were dispatched to the Benton County Courthouse for a narcotics offense and later arrested Donna Smith, 61, for unlawful possession of methamphetamine. Smith was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. She was transported to Good Samaritan by ambulance for health concerns.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 9, 2025, at approximately 11:00PM, deputies stopped a vehicle on 4th St near Adams Ave. The driver was suspended and his passenger, Alyson MORRIS, 45, had a Lebanon Municipal Warrant for Failure to Appear-Traffic Offense. Deputies arrested Alyson MORRIS on Lebanon Municipal Court Warrant for Failure to Appear-Traffic Offense. MORRIS was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. MORRIS was also issued a citation for Permitting the Unlawful Operation of a Vehicle. The driver was issued a citation for Driving While Suspended-Viol and No Insurance. 
FALSE INFO TO POLICE OFFICER; WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, January 9, 2025, at about 7:30pm, deputies arrested Jaime Ordones-Cardona, 22, in the 900 block of NW Sycamore Avenue in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Benton County Circuit Court warrant and for Giving False Information to a Peace Officer in Connection with a Warrant. Ordones-Cardona was taken to the Benton County Jail and subsequently released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, January 9, 2025, at about 6:50pm, deputies arrested Jayna Marie Dyer, 20, in the 800 block of NW Harrison Boulevard in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Benton County Circuit Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, deputies cited Dyer in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On January 9, 2025, at about 3:55 p.m., deputies responded to a single vehicle crash on Highway 99W just north of S. Smith Loop, Corvallis. The vehicle was driving south on the Highway then drove off the roadway into the western ditch before stopping. The driver later told deputies at the hospital that she dozed off. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 9th, 2025, at about 2:00 pm, Neftali Arredondo-Tejeda, 33, was arrested at 640 Hickory Street in Albany, Oregon, for an Oregon State Parole Board warrant. Arredondo-Tejeda was transported and lodged at the Linn County Jail. 
FORGERY 2 – On January 10, 2025 at 11:10 pm, deputies spoke with a female by phone who explained she had a Christmas Card stolen while in transit from Philomath to Walla Walla, WA. The card contained three, $100 checks, one of which was fraudulently cashed.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 01/09/2025, deputies responded to a log truck crash on HWY 20 near HWY 223. A log truck cornered to quickly while turning onto HWY 20 from HWY 223 causing the trailer to flip and spill the logs. No injuries were reported.  
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On January 7, 2024, a resident reported two males came to contact her at her residence in the 24800 block of Cox Ln, Monroe. She stated the two males wanted to show her some sort of proof related to her husband. She stated she told the men to leave several times and eventually displayed a firearm. Both men left at that point in a black, Washington State plated Acura. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On Monday, January 6, 2025, at approximately 1:54 pm, deputies were dispatched to an argument in the 100 block of S 7th Street. According to dispatch notes, a neighbor called saying a brother and sister were screaming at each other. After deputies warned Russell Ottomeier, 48, and Rhonda Ottomeier, 50, for disorderly conduct after engaging in similar behavior the day prior, deputies arrested them both. They were cited and released for ORS 166.025 Disorderly Conduct II. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 1/5/2025 at around 5:00 PM, deputies arrived on Highway 34 just west of Tabacco Ln. to a vehicle crash. A female was driving westbound on Highway 34 and hit a large tree branch that had fell onto the right side of the roadway, impacting it with the front right tire, disabling the vehicle.  
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, December 29, 2024 at approximately 3:00 am, deputies located Danielle Cook, 32, in the parking lot of 729 NW 4th Street, Corvallis, and gave her two criminal citations for warrants out of Linn County Circuit Court and Lincoln County Circuit Court. 
DWS FEL – On December 28, 2024, at approximately 12:10 am, deputies performed a traffic stop on a vehicle at 655 North Albany Rd. Albany, OR. The driver, Thomas Miller, 48, was cited in lieu of custody for Driving While Suspended Felony. 
POSS FENTANYL; WARRANT ARREST; POSS METHAMPHETAMINE – On Wednesday, December 25, 2024 at approximately 1am, deputies stopped Clayton Jones, 47, and Crysta Meyer, 34, for a traffic offense near Philomath Boulevard and 53rd Street. Both were issued citations for unlawful possession of methamphetamine and fentanyl. Crysta was issued a citation for warrant out of Dallas Municipal Court. Deputies transported her to the Benton County Jail for a warrant out of Marion County Circuit Court. 
On 12/30/2024 at about 12:50 pm, Shelbi Nunn, 30, was arrested for DUII, Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering, and Possession of Fentanyl. Her passenger Joshua Hughes, 22, was arrested for Possession of Fentanyl, Methamphetamine and active warrants. 
📌 On January 3, 2025, deputies arrested James Baelee Orchard, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On January 4, 2025, deputies arrested Benjamin Jackson Lieberthal, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 8, 2025, deputies arrested Daniel Dean Weidner, 53, of Arizona, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On January 8, 2025, at about 5:55 PM, deputies arrested Regina Haynes, 42, on a failure to appear warrant out of Clackamas County. At the request of the Benton County Jail Regina was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On January 8, 2024, at about 3:45 PM, deputies were dispatched to parole and probation for a warrant service and arrested Dusty Risland, 37, on a failure to appear bench warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Dusty was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
ANIMAL OTHER – January 8, 2025, 11:42 a.m., deputies transported a surrendered dog from the 100 block of S 9th Street in Monroe to the Heartland Humane Society where he was impounded. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On January 8, 2025, at about 8:33 PM, deputies were dispatched to Highway 20 and Norton Creek Road for a traffic hazard. A male was driving a Hyundai Elantra and hit an elk. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 7th, 2025, at about 11:25 am, Mary Jacks, 42, was arrested near the intersection of NE Conifer Blvd and NE Cambridge Cir in Corvallis, for a Contempt of Court warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. Jack was criminally cited and released. 
WARRANT ARREST; ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Sunday, January 5, 2025, at approximately 9:40 am, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash with injury near 4900 NW Highway 99W. Deputies I arrived and found a Chrysler minivan in the ditch. The driver, Jason Brown, 52, and the passenger said they were not injured. Jason was arrested and transported to the Linn County Jail on a warrant. 
BURGLARY 2 – On January 5, 2025, at 1:13 AM, deputies observed a broken window on the northside of McGrath`s Fish House, 350 NE Circle Boulevard in Corvallis. The window was large enough for human entry. K9 Brutus cleared the building, and no one was located inside. Deputies secured the broken window with furniture to prevent people from entering and contacted the property owner.
POSS COCAINE; DWS MIS; POSS/MANUF/DEL CONT`L SUB SCH 3 – On Thursday, January 2, 2025, at about 9:45pm, deputies stopped a silver Subaru Forester on Monroe Avenue near 5th Street in Corvallis after determining the driver, Jayda Joanne Harris, had a misdemeanor suspended Oregon driver license. Deputies later transported Harris to the Benton County Jail for DWS-Misdemeanor, Unlawful Possession of Cocaine, and Unlawful Possession of a Schedule III Controlled Substance (Ketamine). 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On January 1st, 2025, at about 12:31, deputies were dispatched to the 36900 block of Mary`s River Road, Blodgett, for a report of a single-vehicle crash with no injuries. The driver reported crashing into a bank after swerving out of the way of an animal that ran across the road. The driver reported no injuries.
VEHICLE RECOVERED FOR OTHER AGENCY – On December 31, 2024, at about 5:37 PM, deputies were dispatched to Tum Tum and Harris Road for a reported abandoned vehicle. The vehicle a 2015 Kia Rio, was stolen out of Salem. Deputies contacted the owner who retrieved the car. 
📌 On January 3, 2025, deputies arrested James Baelee Orchard, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On January 4, 2025, deputies arrested Benjamin Jackson Lieberthal, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On January 8, 2025, deputies arrested Daniel Dean Weidner, 53, of Arizona, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 5, 2025, at around 2:15 pm, deputies stopped a black 2021 Chrystler 300 in the parking lot of 2275 S Santiam Blvd, Lebanon. The driver, Adam Christian Hawk, 54, was later arrested cited and released on a warrant.
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On January 5, 2025, at approximately 2:37 am, deputies responded to a non-injury motor vehicle crash on HWY 20 milepost 40, Blodgett. The driver was transporting a patient in an ambulance when he struck an elk. There were no injuries.
WARRANT ARREST – On January 4, 2025, at approximately 10:24 pm, deputies contacted a vehicle that was trespassing at Hyak Park 5000 NW HWY 20, Albany. The male associated with the vehicle, Zachary Lagrave, 47, had two warrants, a Washington County Circuit Court Warrant; Failure to Appear: Possession of Methamphetamine and a Salem Municipal Court Warrant; Failure to Appear: DUII. He was cited in lieu of custody.
POSS STOLEN VEHICLE; POSS BURGLARS TOOLS; RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE – On January 3rd, 2025, at about 1:04 pm, deputies attempted to stop a 1999 Subaru Leg, white in color, for no front plate displayed on the front of the car. The male driver of the vehicle failed to stop and a few minutes later lost control of the vehicle on Springhill Rd ending up in a farm field. The driver, Jacob Allen McLaughlin, 30, was taken into custody without incident and transported to BCCF. The vehicle was an unreported stolen out of Corvallis.
BURGLARY 2; CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1 – On December 21, 2024, at approximately 6:46 AM, deputies responded to the 200 block of N 5th Street, Monroe for a burglary in progress. The owner reported to dispatch they had just seen someone on their security cameras using a crowbar to pry open the back door. No suspects at this time. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE PARAPHERNALIA – On January 4, 2025, at 1:56 AM, deputies contacted Kelli Nemtusak, 38, at 5800 Highway 99W, Corvallis, and observed Methamphetamine Paraphernalia in plain view inside her vehicle. Upon a search of the vehicle, additional Methamphetamine Paraphernalia was located. Nemtusak was cited for possession of Methamphetamine Paraphernalia.  
BURGLARY 1 – On January 4, 2025, at around 10:50am, deputies were dispatched to the 300 block of N 7th St, Monroe, for a reported burglary. The resident reported someone had entered her empty residence through a broken back door on the night of January 2 to January 3 and used the bathroom.  
WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, January 3, 2025, at approximately 9:53 am, deputies were driving through the parking lot at Hyak Park at 5000 NW Highway 20 when they saw a blue 1996 Jeep Cherokee parked in a parking space designated for disabled drivers. Deputies discovered the driver, Bill J. Richardson, 58, had warrants. He was cited for the warrants and released. He was also issued a citation for parking in a disabled space. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, January 2, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a Black 1999 Nissan Altima, on Walnut Boulevard and Jack London Street. The driver, Rosa Martinez, 40, was arrested for two fail to appear warrants. Martinez was later issued criminal citations in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On January 2, 2025, at about 9:20 am, deputies stopped a vehicle stop in the 600 block of NW 2nd Street. One of the passengers, Isaias Ramirez-Rodriquez, 30, of Jefferson Oregon, was not wearing his seatbelt. Dispatch advised that Ramirez-Rodriquez had an outstanding warrant for his arrest out of Albany Muni Court. He was cited and released with a new court date and time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, January 2, 2025, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a green 2002 Subaru Impreza wagon, for a vehicle violation. The driver, Alaura Baldwin, 42, was arrested for a fail to appear warrant. Baldwin was later issued citations in lieu of custody and released. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/31/2024 at about 11:39 am, deputies responded to a single vehicle crash at the intersection of Fern and Grange Hall Rd. Olivia Lyons (20) of Eugene, took the turn onto Grange Hall Rd too fast from Fern Rd, and collided with the guardrail on the northwest side of the intersection. She sustained minor injuries and her vehicle was towed. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 30, 2024, at around 6:47 pm, deputies stopped a green 2002 Subaru Impreza at NW 2nd St and NW Tyler Ave. Ismael Fransisco Nelson, 42, was later arrested, cited and released for three warrants. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Monday, December 30, 2024, at approximately 1:18 pm, deputies were dispatched to locate a black Kia Forte reported to be driving down the middle of Kings Valley Highway. Deputies conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle on Hoskins Road near Marys River Road. The passenger in the Kia, Joshua M. Hughes, 22, had warrants from several jurisdictions. Deputies transported Joshua to the Linn County Jail where he was lodged on one of the warrants and issued Joshua citations for three other warrants.
DWS MIS – On December 30, 2024, at 3:37 AM, deputies stopped Micki Englent, 41, on Highway 34 near Peoria Road in Corvallis for speeding. Englent was cited for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor, Failure to Use Ignition Interlock Device, Violation of Basic Rule and Driving Uninsured.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/29/2024 at approximately 6:30 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the intersection of Highway 20 and NE Steele Avenue for a report of a single vehicle crash. When deputies arrived, they met with the driver who was uninjured from the crash. She was attempting to turn onto Highway 20 from Steele Avenue, cut the corner too sharp, and drove into a drainage ditch. Her vehicle was recovered, and she was able to drive away from the scene.  
DWS MIS – On December 29, 2024, at approximately 10:49 AM, deputies stopped a red sedan for traffic violations on Highway 99W near Hulbert Lake Road, Junction City. During the stop deputies arrested Sarah Prohaska, 39, for misdemeanor driving while suspended. Prohaska was cited in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/29/2024 at about 9:01 am, Shawn Burleson (31) of Corvallis, was arrested for an outstanding Lebanon Municipal Court warrant during a traffic stop on Conifer Blvd. near Lancaster St. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, December 28, 2024, at approximately 1:20 P.M., deputies stopped a vehicle being driven by Hunter McCord, 20, on 9th Street near Circle Boulevard. Deputies later arrested McCord for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor, a Linn County Circuit Court warrant, and three Benton County Circuit Court Warrants. Deputies transported McCord to the Benton County Jail where they also cited him for Using a Cell phone while driving.
BURGLARY 1 – On Saturday, December 28, 2024, at approximately 11:43 am, deputies were dispatched to a burglary in the 300 block of N 7th Street, Monroe. According to dispatch notes, residents returned home to find their house had been burglarized. An investigation was completed. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Saturday, December 28, 2024, at approximately 9:16 am, deputies were dispatched to a vehicle in water on Greenberry Road near milepost 2. Deputies arrived and located a Toyota Camry partially in the ditch with water up to the bottom of the doors. The driver was not injured or in distress. The vehicle was removed from the ditch, then towed from the scene. Benton County Public Works was notified of the flood conditions. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On December 28, 2024, at approximately 2:59 am, deputies performed a traffic stop on Guerber Ln and HWY 99 Corvallis, OR. Branden Gier, 26, was arrested for a Failure to Appear traffic offense warrant out of Lane County Circuit Court. Branden was lodged at the Lane County Jail and issued a citation for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On December 28, 2024, at 2:32 AM, deputies stopped Zachary Gene Johnson, 34, on Highway 34 near the Highway 34 Bypass in Corvallis, for improper lane change and stopping in a crosswalk. Johnson was arrested for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor. Johnson additionally had a warrant out of Albany Municipal Court for FTA False Information to a Peace Officer. Johnson was transported to the Benton County Jail.
WARRANT ARREST – On December 27th, 2024, at about 11:19 am, Brandon Miner, 38, was arrested near the intersection of SW 4th Street and SW Western Blvd in Corvallis, for a Contempt of Court Warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. Miner was criminally cited and released. 
THEFT 2 – On 12/27/2024 at approximately 4:00 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the 6900 block of NW Highway 20 for a report of a theft. Speaking with the reporter by phone, she explained that an unknown male paid for items using a “store-made” coupon which she believed was fraudulent. She said the total amount in lost products was $200. Currently the suspect is unknown and there are no investigative leads. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 27th 2024, at about 1:57 pm, deputies stopped Steve Bedolla, 54, for no tags on the license plate of the vehicle he was driving. The tags on the rear license plate had been scraped off. Dispatch informed Bedolla had three outstanding warrants for his arrest. All three warrants were confirmed, served and cleared by citation. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 27, 2024, at approximately 1:05 PM, deputies located Christian Andersen, 31, while on a traffic stop near 4th Street and SW B Avenue, Corvallis. Andersen was arrested on a warrant out of the Benton County Circuit Court for failure to appear on Criminal Trespass 1 and Theft 3 charges. Andersen was issued citation a in lieu of custody with a court date for her warrant.
WARRANT ARREST – On December 27, 2024, at approximately 3:20am, deputies contacted Kristina Hass, 35, in the parking lot of 1915 NE Four Acre Place and determined she was the subject of an active warrant. She was transported to the Benton County Jail. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On December 26, 2024, at about 4: 33 PM, deputies were dispatched to Kings Valley Highway for a single-vehicle no injury crash. When deputies arrived, they saw a Black 2002 Toyota Sequoia laying on its passenger side in the westbound lane. Deputies called for a tow truck and cited the driver for driving while suspended. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/26/2024 at approximately 11:30 am, deputies responded to a non-injury crash on Woods Creek Rd near Milepost 1. Deputies contacted the driver, whose vehicle sustained heavy damage during a roll-over crash. The vehicle was towed from the scene. 
LITTERING – On December 19, 2024, deputies discovered a series of offensive littering sites up a spur road north of South Fork Rd, near milepost 3. The site consisted of an old squatter`s camp with large trash items laying in a creek, two couches and around five mattresses laying in a creek and various debris, including tires from a nearby campsite on BLM property. No current suspects. Location recorded for future clean up. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On December 25th, 2024, deputies came across a vehicle in the ditch at Country Club Drive and Philomath Boulevard. Corvallis Police Department were about to be dispatched to this, but deputies handled it. Due to poor weather conditions and visibility, the driver, WILLIAM H. REED JR., turned a few feet too early onto the north end of Country Club Drive and was high centered over the culvert, off of the roadway with minor damage, and nobody was injured.  
LITTERING – On December 25, 2024, deputies discovered an instance of offensive littering along Yew Creek Rd, approximately ¼ mile from Marys Peak Rd, on BLM land. The site consisted of a couch and some other debris. No current suspects. 
LITTERING – On December 25, 2024, deputies discovered an offensive littering site along South Fork Rd, near Milepost 3, consisting of an old living room recliner. Recorded for later clean up. No current suspects. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 24, 2024, at approximately 6:48 PM, deputies contacted a running vehicle parked on the roadside near Springhill Drive and Country Club Lane, Albany. Joshua David Taylor, 26, was arrested on a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for contempt of court. Taylor was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant.
HARASSMENT PHYSICAL – On December 23, 2024, at about 5:23 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 27700 block of Highway 99 for a reported argument. Deputies gave Kathleen Faye Wolcott, 79, a criminal citation for harassment. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 23rd, 2024, at around 12:30 pm, deputies arrested Jolene Holland, 46, on a cite and release warrant for DUII out of Benton County Circuit Court in the 28900 block of Blaze Dr, Corvallis. She was issued a new court date and time to appear. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Monday, December 23, 2024, at approximately 10:14 am, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash with injury on Granger Avenue near milepost 1. According to dispatch notes, a white Toyota Prius was off the roadway and a female inside was seen holding her head. Deputies located the vehicle in the ditch near milepost 1. The driver was not injured, but thought she passed out prior to the crash. An investigation was completed, and the vehicle was removed from the ditch.
COMMERCIAL SEXUAL SOLICITATION PURCHASE PROSTITUTION – On December 24, 2024, at about 7:28 AM, Arturo LOPEZ-ESCORCIA, 46, was arrested after agreeing to pay $120 to engage in a sexual act. Arturo arrived with $120 in cash. Arturo was transported to the Benton County Jail where he was booked and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/23/2024 at around 8:30AM, deputies contacted Javier Gomez, 31, in the 2600 block of NW 9th Street. Gomez had a Linn County Circuit Court warrant for FTA sex abuse 3. He also had Benton County Circuit Court warrants for FTA Elude, and FTA Elude, DUII, Reckless driving. He was lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 22, 2024, at approximately 1:35 PM, deputies stopped a black SUV whose registered owner had criminally suspended driving privileges in Oregon. The vehicle stopped near SE Crystal Lake Drive and SE Alexander Avenue, Corvallis. The driver, Hilda Kelley, 63, was arrested on a Corvallis Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear on a criminal trespass charge. Kelley was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for her warrant and a citation for violation driving while suspended and warned for other traffic violations observed. 
ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On Sunday, December 22, 2024, at approximately 11:59 am, deputies were dispatched to the 24600 block of Evergreen Road for found dogs. According to dispatch notes, two dogs showed up at the address. Deputies arrived and located the resident in the driveway with the two dogs, one looked like a black lab, the other looked like a gray Weimaraner. Deputies placed the dogs into the rear seat of a patrol vehicle. The dogs were taken to the Heartland Humane Society and left in the care of their staff. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2; WARRANT ARREST – On December 22nd, 2024, at around 10:58AM, deputies observed Levi Gruenhagen, 43, skateboarding northbound along the waterfront near 1st Street. He was visibly agitated and appeared disgruntled. Deputies checked Gruenhagen for warrants, and learned he had an active Corvallis Municipal Court warrant for FTA- Violent conduct. Levi was contacted near 2nd and Van Buren and taken into custody. He was later cited in lieu of custody on his warrant and also issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for disorderly conduct II. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 22nd, 2024, at around 9:32AM, deputies contacted Rachelle Rictor, 33, in a motorhome located in the parking lot of 1840 NW 9th Street, Corvallis. Rictor had an active cite and release warrant out of Lebanon Municipal Court for FTA DWS Violation. Rictor was subsequently issued a citation for her warrant. 
UUV – On December 21, 2024, at approximately 11:52 AM, deputies responded to a reported stolen vehicle on Commercial Street in Monroe. The vehicle was located south of Monroe approximately 20 minutes later where it appeared to be abandoned on a side road. The evidence was collected from the vehicle and the vehicle was released to the owner on scene. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, December 21, at approximately 12:52 pm, deputies were near the parking lot of 633 Hickory Street NW in Albany when they saw Donny L. Gibboney, 38, riding his bicycle nearby and cited and released Donny for a warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 21, 2024, at approximately 9:55 AM, deputies stopped a white sedan for observed traffic violations near 270 S 5th Street, Monroe. The driver, Zacharriha Allen Olsen, 31, was arrested on a warrant out of the Lebanon Municipal Court for a probation violation. Olsen was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant and a citation for violation driving while suspended and driving uninsured. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, December 20, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a goldish silver 2001 Pontiac Firebird, on 3rd Street near Buchanon Avenue for a traffic violation. The driver, Tahji Hoist, 46, was later arrested for multiple warrants and issued criminal citations in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, December 20, 2024, at about 8:40pm, deputies arrested Raymond Clarence Kimberlin Sr, 55, in the 600 block of NW Hickory Street in Albany on a misdemeanor Lebanon Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the Lebanon Municipal Court, Kimberlin was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
POSS FENTANYL; WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, December 20, 2024, at about 8:40pm, deputies arrested Michele Renae Trahan, 54, in the 600 block of NW Hickory Street in Albany on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant and a misdemeanor Benton County Circuit Court warrant. At the request of the Benton County Jail, Trahan was cited in lieu of custody for her warrants. Trahan was also given a criminal citation for Unlawful Possession of Fentanyl. 
ANIMAL OTHER – On Friday, December 20, 2024, at about 6:30pm, deputies were dispatched to investigate a report of a road-struck dog on Camp Adair Road near Highway 99. The dog was dead when deputies arrived. The dog had no collar, tags, or other distinctive markings. Deputies took the dog to the Heartland Humane Society in Corvallis. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/20/2024 SHEPPARD, Christopher, 42, was arrested on two warrants at the jail: Albany Muni warrant for FTA-Trespassing and a Linn County Circuit Court warrant for FTA-ID Theft. The subject was released with new court dates and time. 
📌 On December 30, 2024, deputies arrested Shelbi Marie Nunn, 30, of Portland, for DUII, Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering, and Possession of Fentanyl.
📌 On December 28, 2024, deputies arrested Cecil Lee Wilson, 38, of Halsey, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On December 27, 2024, deputies arrested Logan Matthew De Shazer, 22, of Lebanon, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
THEFT 3 FROM VEHICLE; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 20, 2024 at 8:11 am, deputies were dispatched to the 6800 block of NE Arnold Ave, Adair. An employee reported the theft of gasoline from business vehicles. Surveillance video shows two subjects, associated with an RV, commit the theft at 4:45 am.
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, December 20, 2024, at about 12:05 am, deputies arrested Anthony Glenn Curran, 55, on SW Avery Avenue near SW 3rd Street in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Curran was cited in lieu of custody and released. Curran also received a Benton County criminal citation for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/19/2024 at approximately 5:30 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the area of SW Reservoir Avenue and 53rd Street for a report of a road-struck deer. There was moderate damage to the involved vehicle. The vehicle was able to be drive away from the scene, and the injured deer was dispatched.
LITTERING – On December 18th, 2024, at about 12:55 p.m., deputies weres dispatched to Bellfountain Park at 24763 Dawson Road in Monroe, Oregon, for a report of trash and furniture dumped in the overflow parking. When deputies arrived, a trash bag and what appeared to be two end tables, were dumped in the parking lot. A suspect was identified and they agreed to clean it up.
CUT/TRANSPORT FOREST PRODUCT LARCENY – On December 18, 2024, at around 12:30pm, deputies encountered a silver Ford Econoline van and several individuals engaged in commercial salal harvest on a 15-6-29 BLM road. Deputies later issued Noe Domingo-Sales, 31, a criminal citation for Unlawful cutting of special forest products. Deputies seized approximately 25 prepared bundles of salal.
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/17/2024 at about 9:14 am, deputies arrested Kathrin Bly, 53, for multiple outstanding warrants at her residence in the 23000 block of Maxfield Creek Rd. All courts authorized criminal citations with new court dates and Bly was released.
POSS FENTANYL; WARRANT ARREST; POSS METHAMPHETAMINE – At approximately 12:30am, deputies stopped the grey 2010 Ford Fusion registered to Tobias Bineck. The vehicle was driven by and registered to Tobias Bineck, 45. During the traffic stop, Tobias was taken into custody for an Albany probable cause. A passenger in the traffic stop was found to be holding tin foil with what appeared to be burnt fentanyl residue. This person, identified as Savannah Reid, 20, was also taken into custody. It was discovered she had three outstanding warrants for her arrest and was in possession of approximately 1 
gram of methamphetamine. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; WARRANT ARREST – On December 16, 2024, at approximately 12:32 PM, deputies stopped a Honda Odyssey for observed traffic violations driving in Takena Landing, 600 Highway 20 NW, Benton County. The driver, Coby James Emmitt, 29, was arrested on a warrant for failure to carry and present a driver license out of the Linn County Justice Court, and a warrant for a probation violation for driving while suspended out of the Lebanon Municipal Court. During the stop, a meth pipe with residue was visible and Emmitt was also arrested for possession of methamphetamine. Emmitt was cited in lieu of custody with court dates for his warrants and the possession of methamphetamine and issued a traffic citation for violation driving while suspended and other traffic violations.
MENACING; DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On Sunday, December 15, 2024, at approximately 3:51 pm, deputies were dispatched to a suspicious person at the Adair Village Food Market. Deputies arrived to find John Marlas, 33, behind the counter of the store. He came outside with deputies and eventually threatened deputies with a knife. Deputies learned later he was inside the store wielding the knife in a threatening manner toward an employee. John was arrested for Menacing and Disorderly Conduct II.
DWS MIS – On December 14, 2024, at around 7:15pm, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a silver 2010 Nissan Altima near the intersection of Highway 99W and NW Circle Blvd and later issued a criminal citation to driver Kyler Wilson, 29, for Driving while suspended misdemeanor.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/14/2024 at approximately 6:00 P.M., deputies were dispatched to Springhill Drive and NW Picadilly Circle for a report of a motor vehicle crash with possible injuries. When deputies arrived, they met with the driver and her two small children who were in the vehicle at the time of the crash and were uninjured. There was minimal damage to the vehicle and no other vehicles or property were damaged.
DOG AT LARGE – On December 8, 2024, at approximately 12:15 PM, deputies responded to the 4000 block of NE Pin Oak Street, Corvallis for two dogs running around in the street. The owner was contacted and later arrived on scene to pick his dogs up.
WARRANT ARREST – On December 19, 2024 at 11:42 am, deputies were dispatched to the P&P Office for a warrant service. Bradley Alton Luhrs, 60, had a confirmed Benton County Circuit Court warrant for Contempt of Court, $5000 bail. Deputies arrested Luhrs and later cited and released him at the request of the Benton County Jail. 
THEFT 1 DECEPTION – On December 19, 2024 at 8:30 am, deputies met with a male at his residence in the 26600 block of Shady Oak Dr. He explained he was the victim of a Publishers Clearing House scam and provided deputies with several documents. Deputies documented the scam and had a conversation with him about how to identify scams in the future. 
DWS MIS – On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at approximately 10:12 pm, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black Ford Focus, for traffic violations on Bellfountain Road and Water Lane. The driver, Mary Bedolla, 44, was later arrested for driving while suspended misdemeanor, and issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a red 2004 Acura MDX, for a traffic violation on Walnut Boulevard near Princess Street. The driver, Dexter Bragg, 36, was later arrested for a fail to comply warrant, and issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Tuesday December 17, 2024, deputies happened upon a silver 2001 Toyota Camry, on the Lyon Street bridge. After contacting the trio and learning the vehicle had run out of fuel, deputies transported one of the occupants the get gas. During this time, deputies learned that he, Jacob Sokol, 48, had a fail to comply warrant. Once the vehicle was running again, deputies issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody to Sokol and departed the area. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2 – On 12/15/2024 between 1:00-2:00 pm, a juvenile female was out for a hike at the 800 gate on Sulphur Springs Rd. Someone broke the rear passenger`s side window out of her 2007 Honda Pilot. Nothing was taken. 
DWS MIS – On December 13, 2024, at approximately 11:39 pm, deputies noticed a vehicle parked in a gravel lot at the intersection of NW Ryals Ave and NW Independence HWY Albany, OR. Douglas Clem, 65, stated he was driving home when his vehicle was having issues. Douglas was cited in lieu of custody for Driving While Suspended-Misdemeanor. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 13, 2024 at 10:51 am, deputies were dispatched to the 23800 block of Dawson Rd. A male reported an ongoing issue with a silver BMW trespassing on their property and stealing property. He did not wish to pursue criminal charges at this time but requested the subjects be trespassed. 
FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE – On December 12, 2024, at about 11:53 PM, deputies initiated a Traffic stop on a red PT Cruiser and gave Christopher John Cochran, 31, a criminal citation for failure to carry or present. 
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On December 12th, 2024, Anthony Jay Simmons, 22, reported in at the Jail on a warrant for FTA Driving while suspended. Simmons was then brought into custody and booked at the Jail.
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/12/2024, Jianhua Chen, 56, turned himself in to the Benton County Jail on a warrant for FTA warrant for Unlawful PCS of a marijuana Item X2 and Conspiracy to Commit a Class C Felony.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/12/2024 at approximately 10:30 AM, Zachery Shinall, 26, turned themselves into the jail on a warrant for FTADWS.  
FINANCIAL TRANS UNLAW ACTIVITY – On December 11th, 2024 at around 11:59 AM, a male came by the Law Enforcement Center to report a fraud. He reported he is a physician and received a phone call which showed up on caller I.D. as the “Benton County Sheriff`s Office.” He was made to believe he had missed a court date and had to post bail. He was scammed out of $9,000 dollars, which he deposited into a cryptocurrency ATM. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On December 9th, 2024, at around 12:25PM, deputies responded to a non-injury crash near Hyak Park, located at 5000 NW HWY 20. The driver drove off the shoulder of the road and into the ditch. She was uninjured, and her vehicle was towed. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/7/2024 at approximately 3:30 PM, Darryll Hoover, 53, turned himself in to the jail on a warrant for FTA- Resisting Arrest and and FTA- Dis Con II.
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – ON December 6th 2024 @ approximately 11:35 am, ABDI, Suldan, 36, tuned himself into the jail on an FTA Warrant for FTA Mail Theft. ADI was lodged in the Benton County Jail awaiting arraignment. 
THEFT 1 – On December 18, 2024, deputies spoke with a male regarding a USPS scam. He was defrauded of at least $1,700.00. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/5/2024, KORTANGIAN, Kelly, 57, turned himself in on two warrants for FTA-Robb. II and FTA-Menacing x 3. KORTANGIAN was held for court. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/5/2024 at approximately 12 PM, Laila Rain, 59, turned themselves into the jail on warrants for FTA DIS CON II, FTA TRESPASS II, and FTA LITTERING. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/5/2024, deputies found a warrant for CORONA, Javier, 30, for FTA-Fail to Register as a Sex Offender. CORONA was transported back from NORCOR to be released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/5/2024, deputies learned BARBOSA, David, 43, had a warrant for FTA Fel. Poss Weapon and FTA Crim Trespass II. BARBOSA was transported back from NORCOR to be released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 3 2024, Flint, Sara, 50, turned themselves into the jail on a warrant for FTA- Unlawful Poss Meth.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/2/2024 at 5:06 pm, Sky, Noah, 21, turned himself into the jail on a warrant for Dis Con 2 and Criminal Trespass 2. He was released with a release due overcrowding, with a new court date and time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 2, 2024, at approximately 10:13 AM, deputies located Gregory Lee Ireland, 54, urinating in the loading dock area of 621 Hickory Street, Albany. Ireland was later arrested on a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for failure to appear on a contempt of court charge. Ireland was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant.   
FORGED TITLE/REG – On November 26, 2024, at approximately 3:08 PM, deputies stopped a silver Mercedes sedan for an expired temporary trip permit. Chad David Taylor, 51, was arrested for forging vehicle registration documents. Taylor was issued a citation in lieu of custody for Forgery 2 as well as a traffic citation for driving while suspended and failure to register his vehicle. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 19, 2024 at 11:40 am, MARROW, Mage, 21, came to the front door of the Benton County Jail located at 190 NW 4th St to turn himself in on a warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 13, 2024, Deputies served an Albany Municipal Warrant on Jacob Robert Smith, 32, when being released from the Benton County Jail. Smith was given a new court date. 
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On 11/12/2024 @ 10:41 am, PETERSON, Cody, 36, turned himself into the jail on a PPS Warrant. Peterson was taken into custody and lodged in the Benton County Jail. 
📌 On December 10, 2024, deputies arrested Logan Spencer Day, 21 of Keizer, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On December 13, 2024, deputies arrested Sawyer Owen Olsen, 25 of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On December 14, 2024, deputies arrested Chad Aaron Kelly, 36 of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On December 16, 2024, deputies arrested for Andrew Jason Rice, 51 of Corvallis, for DUII, following a two-vehicle injury crash at NW Highland/NW Lewisburg.
WARRANT ARREST – On December 15th, 2024 at around 2:40PM, deputies made a traffic stop on a Red Ford Escape and contacted Jeffrey Diaz, 44, who had a felony warrant out of Washington County Circuit Court for FTA Theft 1. Diaz was issued a citation in lieu of custody. Diaz was also issued traffic citations. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 15th, 2024 at around 12:30PM, deputies contacted Kirk Shaffer, 36, in the parking lot of Avery Park. Shaffer had one warrant out of Benton County Circuit, two out of Linn County, and three out of Corvallis Municipal Court. He was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged on his warrants. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On Saturday, December 14, 2024, at approximately 1:56 pm, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash with injury in the 24100 block of Maxfield Creek road. Deputies arrived and found a white Dodge pickup off the roadway in heavy brush. The driver was sitting on the tailgate holding a bandage to the side of his head. The driver told deputies he was eating a sandwich which became lodged in his throat, causing him to briefly black out, which led to his vehicle leaving the roadway. The passenger told deputies he was uninjured, and his wife would be coming to pick them up. Deputies stayed on scene until a tow truck arrived and removed the vehicle. The passenger`s wife arrived to retrieve the driver and passenger. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/13/2024 at approximately 8:00 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the 110 SW 53rd Street for a report of someone at that location who had an active warrant for their arrest. At the residence, deputies contacted Kayla Heath, 36, who had a cite and release warrant out of Lebanon Municipal Court for Failure to Appear on a Disorderly Conduct charge. Heath was issued a citation in lieu of custody and remained at the residence.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/13/2024 at 3:16 pm, deputies responded to Alpine Rd. near Bellfountain Rd. for a non injury crash. A juvenile female of Eugene was driving west on Alpine Rd. when she fell asleep and struck a vehicle which was stationary on the north side of the road. Both vehicles were towed due to damage. 
PROBATION VIOLATION; WARRANT ARREST – On December 13, 2024, at around 2:40pm, deputies contacted a blue 2003 Chrysler Town and Country at Hyak Park and later issued passenger Anna Watts, 26, a criminal citation in lieu of custody for an Albany Municipal Court warrant for Contempt. Deputies arrested driver Dylan Shirkey, 32, for violating conditions of probation. Per request by Benton County P&P, Shirkey was transported to Benton County Jail where he was lodged. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, December 13, 2024, deputies contacted Annjeanette Oberson Ford, 48, on Circle Boulevard between Highway 20 and Walnut Boulevard. Annjeanette was arrested for a fail to appear warrant and possession of a controlled substance. Annjeanette was later issued criminal citations in lieu of custody and provided a courtesy transport to the Corvallis skate park. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, December 12, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a green 1995 Ford Windstar on 9th Street near Buchanon Avenue for a traffic violation. One passenger, Paul Bonnen, 35, was later arrested for a fail to appear warrant. During a search of Bonnen, methamphetamine and paraphernalia were located and seized. Bonnen was later issued criminal citations in lieu of custody and released.  
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, December 12, 2024, at about 7:45pm, deputies arrested Gregory Neil Arnold, 58, on Highway 20 near milepost 4 outside of Corvallis on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Arnold was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at about 9:30pm, deputies arrested Elise Sharon Rose Pietromonaco, 31, at her home in the 2900 block of NE Newcastle Place, Corvallis, on a misdemeanor Benton County Circuit Court warrant. At the request of the issuing court, Pietromonaco was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 11th, 2024 at around 10:42, deputies contacted Robert Cooper, 54, in front of the Benton County Courthouse. Cooper had an Albany Municipal Court warrant for Contempt of court. He was subsequently cited in lieu of custody for his warrant. 
THEFT 1 – On 12/10/2024, deputies spoke with a male at the Sheriff`s Office. He reported he had wired 6,000.00 dollars to someone to avoid being arrested. He didn`t realize this was a scam until he had already used the Bitcoin machine in Winco Foods to wire money to different accounts. In total, Jackson lost $6,000.00 dollars. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, December 7, 2024, at about 11:50pm, deputies arrested Austin Robert Fisher, 31, in Takena Landing Park, Albany, on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court Warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Fisher was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On Friday, December 6, 2024, at about 4:50pm, deputies contacted Mathew Michael Hamlin, 39, after watching him disrupt traffic on SW 3rd Street near SW Avery Avenue in Corvallis by acting as though he were going to jump in front of passing cars. Deputies later arrested Hamlin for Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine. Hamlin was transported to the Benton County Jail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 6th, 2024, at about 10:21 a.m., Andrew Parker, 37, was arrested on Highway 34 near Rock Creek Road in Philomath, Oregon. Parker had a confirmed Contempt of Court warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. Parker was criminally cited and released.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/05/2024 at approximately 1:04 pm, deputies arrested John Bird, 35, at 7-11 in South Corvallis on an outstanding Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for a probation violation. Bird was issued a citation in lieu of custody. Deputies explained the court date and time to him and ensured he understood his appearance was mandatory. 
📌 On December 6, 2024, deputies arrested Fernando De Los Santos, 34, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On December 6, 2024, deputies arrested Maxwell S Love, 18, of Philomath, for DUII, MIP, Reckless Endangering and Reckless Driving.
📌 On December 7, 2024, deputies arrested Rispa Nabutilu Vranka Wafula, 22, of Portland, for DUII.
📌 On December 9, 2024, deputies arrested Christian Juarez Nunez, 29, of Lebanon, for DUII.
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 8, 2024, at approximately 2:21 am, deputies contacted Ryan Johnson, 43, at Chip Ross Park on NW Lester Ave. Corvallis, OR. He was cited in lieu of custody for Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On 10/04/2024 at approximately 2:05 pm, deputies conducted a traffic stop on NW Lewisburg Ave near Highland Drive and arrested Angela Beggs, 56, for Criminal Trespass II, which was committed on 11/25/2024 at approximately 3:48 am. Beggs was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On 12/03/2024 at approximately 10:09 am, deputies arrested Thorn Hickey, 28, for Criminal Trespass II. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 12, 2024, at about 4:39, deputies arrested Kimball Craig, 65, for a statewide felony warrant in the 2000 block of Northeast Granger Avenue. Deputies transported Craig to the Benton County Jail. 
MAIL THEFT; CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2 – On December 12, 2024 at 2:09 pm, deputies were dispatched to the intersection of SW Airport Ave and SW Janet Way. A resident reported several mailboxes had been broken into on the SE corner of the intersection. Deputies identified three lockable mailboxes had been forcibly opened. It is not known what was taken. Deputies recommended all victims put a watch/freeze on their credit and sign up for informed delivery with USPS.  
WARRANT ARREST – On December 12, 2024, at about 8:49 a.m., DANIEL LEE KING, 35, came to the Benton County Sheriff`s Office lobby and reported he wanted to turn himself in for suspected warrant(s). KING had a confirmed misdemeanor warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for FTA – Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine and a confirmed misdemeanor warrant out of Lane County for FTA – DWS Misdemeanor. Deputies arrested KING on the warrants and walked him over to the Benton County Jail where he was booked and lodged. 
POSS/MANUF/DEL CONT`L SUB SCH 2; FAIL TO RETURN LICENSE; REPLACE WINDOW TINT W/ UNAPPROVED MATL – On Wednesday December 11, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a blue 1991 GMC Sierra on 1st Avenue near Ellsworth Street. Following an investigation, the driver, Emily Sim, 34, was later arrested and issued criminal/violation citations in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On December 10, 2024, deputies were dispatched to milepost 37 of Highway 34 for a reported crash. A driver hit an elk, but he was able to continue home driving his Prius. 
VIOL RELEASE AGREEMENT – On December 9th, 2024, deputies arrested TODD DOUGLAS CAUDILL, 58, for Violation of a No-contact release agreement after he returned to an address he was prohibited from going.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On December 9, 2024 at around 7:39 pm, deputies were dispatched to Bellfountain Rd near milepost 10 for a reported single vehicle crash. A driver was traveling north in her white 2014 Subaru Forrester when she lost control in a turn and hit the bank of the hill. No injuries were reported, and the vehicle was towed. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 9th, 2024 at around 10:53AM, deputies were dispatched for a trespass that had just occurred in the 400 block of NE Granger Avenue, Corvallis. Deputies checked the property for suspects and did not locate anyone, or anything disturbed, missing, or broken.
PERMITTING A DOG TO RUN AT LARGE – On December 10, 2024 11:10 a.m., deputies issued a citation to a dog owner residing in the 24600 block of Chicory Lane in Philomath. The citation was for allowing his dog to run onto the neighbor`s property acting in a menacing way towards the complainant. The dog owner was also given a warning about his livestock running onto the complainant’s property and destroying plants. 
POSS METH – On Saturday, December 7, 2024, at about 12:10am, deputies contacted a male and Heather Leann Johnson, 36, after finding them in Chip Ross Park after the park had closed to the public. Deputies later arrested Johnson for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine. Johnson was taken to the Benton County Jail and lodged.
ASSAULT 3; BURGLARY 1; UNLAW ENTRY MOTOR VEHICLE; CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1; WARRANT ARREST – On December 7, 2024, at 5:18 AM, deputies responded to the 800 block of Heritage Hills Drive in Philomath for an Assault. Johnnie Wesley, 27, hit a male in the head and arm with a hammer causing injury. Wesley unlawfully entered a home in attempted escape from Law Enforcement. Wesley went through a vehicle and broke a window the house. Wesley had two confirmed warrants out of Benton County for her arrest. Wesley was lodged at the jail for Assault III, Burglary I, Criminal Mischief I, Unlawful Entry into a Motor Vehicle and on her outstanding warrants.  
PROBATION VIOLATION; DWS MIS – On Friday, December 6, 2024, at about 6:35 pm, deputies stopped a black Hyundai Elantra on Highway 99 near Airport Avenue outside Corvallis after seeing it drive 70 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. They later arrested the driver, Edgar Fernando Patricio Monroy, 25, for misdemeanor Criminal Driving While Suspended. Patricio Monroy`s Linn County probation supervisor issued a detainer, so deputies transported him to the Linn County Jail where he was lodged. 
BURGLARY 2; THEFT 3; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 6, 2024, at around 4:40 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 27700 block of Digger Creek Rd for a possible burglary. Andrew Parker, 37, called 911 to request an ambulance for vague reasons after unlawfully entering a shop on private property and eating their candy. Deputies later arrest Parker for Burglary 2, Criminal trespass 2, and Theft 3. Parker was booked into Benton County Jail and later released with criminal citations in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 12/06/2024 at about 5:33 p.m., deputies responded to a three-vehicle motor vehicle crash at the intersection of Hwy 20 and Independence Hwy, Benton County. There were no injuries, and the at fault driver was issued a citation. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 6, 2024, at around 3:04pm, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a white 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee at Independence Highway and Camp Adair Rd and later issued passenger Jennifer Studer, 49, a criminal citation for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for PV-DWSM. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/6/2024 at about 10:56 am, Christina Thomas (45) of Albany, was criminally cited on an outstanding Albany Municipal Court warrant on North Albany Rd. near Jones Ave. 
PERSON UNDER 21 POSSES/CONSUME MARIJUANA; FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER – On December 6, 2024 at 9:11 am, deputies were dispatched to a hit and run in the 3800 block of NW Highland Dr. A resident reported sometime on 12/5/2024, after 9 pm, an unknown subject crashed into her fence. It appeared the suspect vehicle was eastbound on Lester, when it drove across Highland and crashed into her fence. Deputies located a sticker from the front headlight assembly which identified the vehicle as a silver 2013-2015 Nissan Altima. Deputies later located the vehicle and Jasmin Lei Wilson, 20, was arrested for Fail to Perform Duties of a Driver and Possession of Marijuana. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Friday December 6, 2024, deputies contacted Hilario Leal-Hernandez, 54, on the south side of the law enforcement center (LEC). Hilario was later arrested for multiple fail to appear warrants and issued criminal citations in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On December 5, 2024 at 10:57 am, deputies were dispatched to 53rd and Harrison for a report of a non-injury traffic crash. A driver reported while turning eastbound onto Harrison Blvd, his 52-foot trailer hit a crosswalk post on the southwest corner of the intersection. Jones continued to the OSU Dairy Farm, where deputies contacted him. 
DWS FEL; WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, December 5, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2015 Hyundai Sonata on Circle Boulevard and 9th Street, Corvallis. The driver, Nicholas Popken, 41, was arrested for driving while suspended felony and a Benton County fail to appear warrant for a traffic offense. Popken was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody.
HARASSMENT – On December 4, 2024, at about 9:47 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 39700 block of Kings Valley Highway for a reported argument, arrested Todd Caudill, 58, for harassment, and transported him to the Benton County Jail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 4, 2024, at about 7:21 PM, deputies arrested Nicholas Tokuzo Endo, 24, in the 400 block of North 11th Street in Philomath on a misdemeanor Benton County Circuit Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Nicholas Endo was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at about 6:40 pm, deputies arrested Jose Pablo Perez, 35, at his home in the 900 block of NW Hobart Avenue in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Benton County Circuit Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Pablo Perez was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 4, 2024, at around 3:30 pm, deputies were notified that OSP was looking for Garrett Gallagher, 28, who had fled a traffic stop in a white 2010 Nissan Sentra and was last seen turning south from milepost 35 Highway 20 onto a gravel road. Deputies later arrested Gallagher for Criminal trespass in the second degree. Gallagher was lodged at the Benton County Jail and the Nissan was towed. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On December 4, 2024, at about 3:59 p.m., deputies were contacted by a male who has a tree cutting business in the 200 block of NW Independence Highway just northwest of the intersection of NE Highway 20 and NW Independence Highway. He said on around October 31, 2024, unknown suspect(s) came onto his property and spray-painted graffiti in a couple spots on the north wall inside a building. 
THEFT 3 SHOPLIFT; FELON IN POSS OF RESTRICTED; POSS FENTANYL – On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at approximately 12:36 PM, deputies responded to the Blodgett Store at 21412 Highway 20 after the manager reported a white Nissan Sentra with three people had stolen merchandise. The Sentra was located in Philomath occupied by Autumn Elayce Belcher, 31, Randall Dreon Dorsey, and Garrett Woodford Gallagher. Belcher was arrested and cited in lieu of custody for theft 3. Dorsey was arrested for felon in possession of a restricted weapon, possession of fentanyl, and theft 3. Dorsey was transported to the Benton County Jail where he was booked and released with a citation to appear. 
POSS FENTANYL; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; WARRANT ARREST – On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at approximately 9:41 AM, deputies contacted three people in a white Nissan Sentra, camping overnight in front of a Starker Forest gate off Highway 20 across from Mary`s River Estates Road. Autumn Elayce Belcher, Randall Dreon Dorsey, and Garrett Woodford Gallagher, 28, were warned for trespass. Gallagher was arrested on a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for failure to appear on a larceny charge. Gallagher was also arrested for possession of fentanyl. Gallagher was cited and released on his warrant and drug charges with court dates to appear before the respective courts. 
WARRANT ARREST – On December 2nd, 2024 at around 4:07 PM, deputies contacted Travis Kent in a driveway in the 400 block of Landmark Drive. Kent, 35, had an active felony warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for FTA strangulation. He was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged on his warrant.
THEFT 1 DECEPTION – On 12/2/2024 at 1:42 pm, deputies spoke with a female who was scammed by someone pretending to be a fraud agent with her local bank. She was able to get her money back and is working with her bank.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/2/2024 at about 11:16 am, Zachary Johnson (34) was arrested on Highway 20 near Highway 223 for warrants and local charges. He was taken to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged.
FELON IN POSS OF FIREARM; DWS FEL – On Sunday, December 1, 2024, at about 6:15am, deputies stopped a silver Ford F150 on SW Cummings Avenue near SW 3rd Street in Corvallis for Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device and later arrested the driver, Mark Alan Younger, 63, for felony Driving While Revoked and Felon in Possession of a Firearm. Younger was taken to the Benton County Jail. 
DWS MIS – On Sunday, December 1, 2024, at about 12:15am, I stopped a black Nissan Xterra on Highway 20 near NW Independence Highway outside Albany for driving 66 MPH in a 55 MPH zone during a period of heavy fog. I later arrested the driver, Caitlin Marie McElmurry, 32, for Criminal Driving while Suspended. McElmurry was taken to the Benton County Jail. 
FELON IN POSS OF FIREARM; DELIVER METH; POSS METH – On November 30, 2024, at about 5:50 PM, deputies arrested Chase Chappell, 32, near 1900 Fern Road in Philomath for Possession of Methamphetamines. Chappell was later booked and released from the Benton County Jail. Michael was Lanpheare, 65, was arrested for Delivery of Meth and Felon in Possession of a Firearm. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Friday, November 29, 2024, at about 11:45pm, deputies found a crashed Honda Prius on Kings Valley Highway near Cardwell Hill Drive outside Philomath. The Prius had sustained heavy front-end damage. Deputies later spoke with the driver who said he hit a deer on November 28 at about 3:15pm. He and his passenger were not injured in the crash. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On November 29,2 024, at around 6:43pm, deputies were dispatched to the intersection of Highway 20 and Highway 34 for a noninjury motor vehicle crash. Deputies later determined a driver crashed her gray 2012 Mazda 3 when she failed to follow the roadway around a large median and instead drove straight. The Mazda was towed from the scene due to damage. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On November 28, 2024 at around 1:41 am, deputies were patrolling near Rivas Taco Shop and noticed an altercation occurring in the parking lot. Ian Zachary Olson, 23, and a 17-year-old male were arrested cited and released for Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree. 
POSS METH (MISD – 2 GRAMS OR MORE) – On 11/22/2024 at approximately 11:50 P.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a gold Toyota Minivan on Highway 20 near North Albany Road. The driver, Heidi Haji-Mohamed, 44, was subsequently arrested for an active warrant out of Albany Municipal Court and Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine. The passenger, Tahji Hoist, 46, was also arrested for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine (6.6 grams). Haji-Mohamed was also issued a citation for driving while suspended. Both Haji-Mohamed and Hoist were transported to the Benton County Jail where they were booked and released. 
THEFT 2 – On November 21, 2024, around 2:30PM, deputies were dispatched to speak with a resident in the 24100 block of Magee Road, Monmouth. She reported there was $400 worth of diesel taken from her tank.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/4/2024, Hardy, Daniel, 22, was cited on a warrant for FTA criminal trespass I, FTA criminal trespass II, and FTA Criminal mischief II. He was given a new court date and a release agreement. 
CARRY CONCEALED WEAPON; POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; POSS BURGLARS TOOLS; DWS MIS – On December 8, 2024, at 3:25 AM, deputies stopped Kyler Ross Wilson, 29, on NW Tyler Street near NW 3rd Street in Corvallis. Wilson was arrested for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor, Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Burglary Tools and Carrying a Concealed Weapon. Wilson was transported to the Benton County Jail.  
📌 On December 1, 2024, deputies arrested Jennifer Anne Gerrity, 47, of Eugene, for DUII after a single-vehicle crash on Hwy 20 near Blodgett.
📌 On December 1, 2024, deputies arrested Emily R Wayfield, 22, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On November 30, 2024, deputies arrested Leonardo Sven Drake, 26, of Philomath, for DUII and Reckless Driving after a crash on Fern Rd near Philomath.
WARRANT ARREST – On Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at about 2:30 P.M., deputies arrested Thomas Wesley Lunen, 27, for a grand jury indictment warrant for a weapons offense while inside of the Benton County Courthouse. Thomas was escorted to the Benton County Jail where he was booked.  
POSS METH; DWS MIS – On Monday, December 2, 2024 at approximately 10:50 pm, deputies stopped Heather Johnson, 36, near Highway 99 W and Circle Boulevard, Corvallis and issued her criminal citations for driving while suspended misdemeanor and unlawful possession of methamphetamine.
WARRANT ARREST – On 12/2/2024 at about 9:42 am, Maria Goodell (50) of Toledo was criminally cited for an outstanding Lebanon Municipal Court warrant during a traffic stop. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, December 1, 2024, at around 10:15pm, deputies stopped Zachary Tyler, 45, in the Uhaul parking lot, Corvallis and issued him a criminal citation for driving while suspended misdemeanor. His passenger, Ryan Bourgond, 37, was issued criminal citations for numerous warrants out of Benton County Circuit Court. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday November 30, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a Gray 2000 Plymouth Voyager van, on 2nd Avenue near Lyon Street, Albany, for a traffic violation. The passenger, Andee Neighbors, 26, was later arrested for a fail to appear warrant. Neighbors was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody and released. 
POSS COCAINE; PCS MDMA; PAROLE VIOLATION WARRANT; POSS METH – On Saturday November 3, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2017 Mercedes sedan, on Conser Street near Jasper Street. The driver, Jaya Dasa, 31, was later arrested for two fail to appear warrants and possession of controlled substances. Dasa was later transported and lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
COMPUTER CRIME; COERCION – On November 25, 2024, at about 9:15 AM, deputies were dispatched to Adair Village for a reported fraud. Deputies spoke with a male who said “George” demanded $3000.00 from him. No suspects.
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On November 24, 2024, at approximately 9:14 pm, deputies responded to a non-injury motor vehicle accident in the 900 block of NW Camellia Dr. Corvallis. A driver was attempting to turn around when she backed into a ditch. There was no damage to the vehicle and her car was towed. 
UNNECESSARY NOISE/BARKING – On Sunday, November 24th, 2024, at approximately 6:36 PM, deputies responded to a reported “shots heard” call in the 26900 block of Sulpher Springs Road. Deputies contacted several neighbors but were unable to confirm where they came from. No action was taken. 
SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE(S) – On Friday, November 22nd, 2024, deputies responded to a reported campsite being set up at a day-use park. After multiple calls for service involving a male, the trailer was removed. 
SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT(S) – On Friday, November 22nd, 2024, at approximately 7:25 PM, deputies responded to a reported dog complaint in the 1700 block of Conifer Blvd. The subjects were contacted and the dog returned. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On November 14, 2024, around 6:30PM, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash at the intersection of Highway 99 and Camp Adair Road, Corvallis. It was reported that a vehicle had struck a deer. When deputies arrived, they contacted the driver of the driver of the 2016 Toyota Rav 4. Deputies gave her a courtesy ride to Monmouth. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On November 13, 2024, at approximately 5:24 PM, deputies responded to Adair Village for a reported hit and run. The driver`s side mirrors of both vehicles had struck each other in passing on Tampico Road near Harvey Lane. The drivers exchanged insurance policy information. 
SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE(S) – On November 13, 2024, at approximately 4:43 PM, deputies responded to the 6300 block of NE William R Carr Street, Adair Village after a caller reported a suspicious Porsche Boxter that seemed to be abandoned on the street. The vehicle was legally parked and appeared to belong to a neighbor. The vehicle was gone several days later. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On November 11, 2024, at approximately 11:22 PM, deputies responded to a single vehicle crash off the road on Highway 99W near McFarland Road, Benton County. The driver swerved to avoid an animal in the road and drove into a field off the east shoulder of the highway. The driver was uninjured and secured their own towing for their vehicle.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On November 6, 2024, deputies responded to a single vehicle crash through a fence on Highway 20 near MP 8. A juvenile male driver reached for a water bottle and steered off the roadway. The property owner was present and aware of the damage to the fence.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Monday, November 25, 2024, at approximately 6:41 am, deputies were dispatched to an unknown injury motor vehicle crash on Southfork Road near MP 3. According to dispatch notes, a red sedan was found crashed in the brush off the roadway. The caller did not know if the vehicle was occupied. Deputies arrived at approximately 7:11 am, after the Monroe Fire Department personnel located the vehicle, which was not occupied. Deputies contacted the registered owner who said he had been driving when the vehicle slid in debris on the roadway. 
THEFT 2 – On November 12, 2024, at approximately 7:23 pm, deputies were dispatched to a theft in the 100 block of W Main St. Alsea, OR. A female stated a male stole a fan for a wood stove. The estimated value of the fan is 169.00 dollars.  
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, November 30, 2024, at about 3:30 am, deputies arrested Tina Nicole Miller, 38, in the 1840 block of NW 9th Street in Corvallis on a misdemeanor Lebanon Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Miller was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (FELONY); WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, November 30, 2024, at about 1:30 am, deputies arrested Annjeanette Alyce Oberson-Ford, 48, on North Albany Road near Highway 20 in Albany on multiple Linn County Circuit Court warrants and for misdemeanor Possession of Methamphetamine. The Linn County Jail was full, so Oberson-Ford was issued citations in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 29, 2024, at around 11:02 pm, deputies stopped a grey 2014 Chevy Cruz at Highway 34 near Peoria Rd. Bailee Nicole Foord, 22, was later arrested, cited, and released for a Lebanon Muni Court warrant. 
SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT(S) – On November 29th, 2024, at about 9:48 P.M., deputies were dispatched to the 6400 block of N.W. Sisters Place in Corvallis for a report of a suspicious male. Deputies arrived and spoke with a male who said his dogs were barking and he looked outside and saw a male in a puffy yellow coat at the entrance to his driveway by a package bin. Nothing was missing from the bin. Deputies checked the perimeter of the house and found nobody around.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/29/2024 at about 2:44 pm, Shelly Lee (54) and Tommie Willis (64) of Philomath, were both arrested for outstanding warrants during a traffic stop. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/29/2024 at about 12:00 pm, deputies arrested James Patrick Short (62) for an outstanding Lebanon Municipal Court warrant during a traffic stop. 
DOG AT LARGE – On 11/29/2024 at about 9:07 am, deputies responded to the 25300 block of HWY 99W for two found dogs. Deputies transported the dogs to the Heartland Humane Society. 
DWS FEL – On November 27th, 2024, at about 11:41 pm, Jaremaine Hubbard, 38, was arrested near SE 3rd Street and SW Wake Robin Ave in Corvallis, Oregon, for Driving While Revoked Felony. Hubbard was criminally cited and released. Hubbard was given a courtesy ride. 
WARRANT ARREST – Deputies contacted Russell Hurlburt, 42, in a parked Jeep in the IGA parking lot. He had a Linn County Circuit Court FTA warrant for failing to register as a sex offender. He was taken into custody and transported to Linn County Jail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/27/2024 at around 12:57 PM, deputies contacted Levi Gruenhagen, 43, walking near SW 4th Street / SW C Ave. Gruenhagen had a Benton County Circuit Court warrant, a Corvallis Municipal Court Warrant, and an Albany Municipal Court warrant for various charges and failing to appear. He was subsequently issued criminal citations in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 27th, 2024, at about 1:00, Reese Rowland, 21, was arrested at the intersection of SW 3rd Street and SE River Green Ave in Corvallis, Oregon. Rowland had an outstanding warrant out of Corvallis Municipal Court for Failure to Appear. Rowland was criminally cited and released. 
LITTERING – On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at approximately 11:41 pm, deputies were driving through Beazell Park at 37283 Kings Valley Highway. As they were driving through the parking lot, they saw a large freezer dumped on the ground in the driveway between parking areas. The freezer was full of rotting food which was spilling out onto the ground.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On November 26, 2024, at approximately 6:30 PM, deputies responded to a single vehicle crash off the road near Fern Road and Powder House Road, Philomath. The driver had suspected minor injuries and declined medical transport, stating he would seek medical evaluation on his own after he was done arranging a tow for his vehicle back to his residence. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 26, 2024, Michael James Konkolis, 37, was arrested in the Parole and Probation Lobby of the Benton County Sheriff`s Office on two warrants. Konkolis was issued citations in lieu of custody for both warrants.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On November 25, 2024, at about 3:44 PM, deputies were dispatched to Southwest Reservoir Avenue, at the Bald Hill Park parking lot for a Pedestrian versus Semi-Truck crash. A female was riding her bike eastbound on Reservoir when she turned in front of a semi-truck. She was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital.
WARRANT ARREST – On November 25th, 2024 at around 9:51AM, deputies located Larry Winklepleck Jr, 56, near the 1500 block of NW 9th Street. Winklepleck had three active warrants: two out of Corvallis Municipal Court, and one out of Benton County Circuit Court. He was subsequently cited in lieu of custody on his warrants. 
DWS MIS – On November 25, 2024, at approximately 12:10 AM, deputies were patrolling Highway 99W near Dawson Road, where they stopped a black Audi sedan for several traffic violations. Cory Allen Earley, 31, was arrested for misdemeanor driving while suspended and issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date. 
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE – On November 24, 2024, at about 9:50 AM, deputies were dispatched to Airport Road for the report of cows running down the road. Deputies located the cows and used their patrol car to herd them back onto the owner’s property. 
THEFT 2 – On November 20, 2024, deputies spoke with a male regarding a Noble Fir tree that was cut down at his residence. He stated the 30-foot Noble Fir tree was cut down November 18, at about 8:00 p.m. Unknown person(s) cut the top 12 feet out of the tree and left the remainder. He planted the tree 25 years ago and valued its replacement value at 500.00. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (< 2G); RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE; ELUDE FOOT – On November 19, 2024, at approximately 8:45 PM, deputies were on patrol on NW 1st Street near NW Tyler Avenue, Corvallis where they observed a vehicle driven by Jose Eduardo Delacruz, 32, driving recklessly. Deputies attempted to initiate a traffic stop on Philomath Boulevard, but Delacruz fled by vehicle and then on foot into Pioneer Park. Delacruz was later arrested and lodged at the Benton County Jail for Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer by vehicle, Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer by foot, Reckless Driving, and Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamines and issued traffic citations for violation driving while suspended and other offenses. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 10, 2024, at approximately 11:43 PM, deputies were patrolling near Takena Landing of Highway 20 NW, Benton County, where they located Kevin Lee Fuller, 61. Fuller was arrested on a warrant out the Albany Municipal Court for contempt of court. Fuller was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 10, 2024, at approximately 11:43 PM, deputies were patrolling near Takena Landing of Highway 20 NW, Benton County, where they located Scott Eugene Medford, 46. Medford was arrested on a warrant out of the Benton County Circuit Court for attempted Assault 2 and a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for contempt of court. Medford was issued a citation in lieu of custody with court dates for his respective warrants. 
HARASSMENT PHYSICAL – On November 7, 2024, at about 1:17 p.m., deputies were dispatched to the 29000 block of Carey Fox Road, Alsea for a cold assault that occurred between Fish Hatchery Road and Alsea. A male told deputies he asked a female for a ride since she lived in Alsea. He stated she got physical with him.  
PRACTICE OF MASSAGE WITHOUT A LICENSE; PROSTITUTION – On Monday, October 28, 2024, deputies arrested Hsiu Hui Chu, 52, for Practice of massage without a license and prostitution. Chu was issued a citation in lieu of custody.  
📌 On November 23, 2024, deputies arrested Vale Tyler Glenn, 22, of Brownsville, for DUII.
📌 On November 24, 2024, deputies arrested Jeremiah Russell Gallup, 34, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On November 24, 2024, deputies arrested Colin Michael Salzman, 21, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On November 25, 2024, deputies arrested John Richard Mengler, 64, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 24, 2024, at about 3:50am, deputies arrested Tina Nicole Miller, 38, near 1800 NW 9th Street, Corvallis, on a misdemeanor Linn County Justice Court warrant. Miller was cited in lieu of custody and released.
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/22/2024 at approximately 11:00 P.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a Black 1998 Jeep on Springhill Drive near Highway 20 in North Albany. The driver, Jesse Fretter, 47, was subsequently arrested for an outstanding warrant out of Lebanon Municipal Court for Failure to Appear on a traffic citation for driving while suspended. Fretter was issued a citation in lieu of custody for his warrant and was also issued a new citation for driving while suspended. 
VIOL RELEASE AGREEMENT – On Friday, November 22, 2024, deputies were dispatched to 5000 NW Highway 20 (Hyak Park). Billy Knapp, 43, was later arrested for violating a no contact order and transported to the Benton County Jail.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/22/2024 at about 12:52 pm, Justin Dean Russell (48) of Corvallis, was criminally cited and released on an outstanding Albany Municipal warrant near the intersection of 3rd and Avery Ave. 
DWS MIS – On Friday, November 22, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a silver 2010 Nissan Altima, on Beca Avenue near 9th Street. The driver, Kyler Wilson, 29, was later issued a criminal citation for driving while suspended misdemeanor, in lieu of custody and released. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at approximately 5:34 am, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash with possible injuries on Highway 99W near Adair Frontage Road. According to dispatch notes, a deer crossed in front of the vehicle causing the crash. Deputies located a black 2000 Volkswagen Golf with a smashed windshield. The three occupants indicated they were okay.  
CAMPING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY – On November 19, 2024, at about 4:06 PM, deputies were asked by the OSU Associate Director of Forest Operations Research to move along a van that was illegally camping on OSU property.
UNLAW USE OF WEAPON – On November 19, 2024, at about 3:28 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 2600 block of Northwest Sulphur Springs Road for the report of gunshots. When deputies arrived, they spoke with two people who had been target shooting and educated them about where they could and could not shoot their guns. 
FELON IN POSS OF RESTRICTED WEAPON – On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at about 5:45 am, deputies contacted a black Ford F250 pickup that was disabled in the middle of Airlie Road near De Armond Road outside of Monmouth. Deputies later recognized the truck as the suspect vehicle in a Polk County theft investigation. The truck`s driver, Oliver Michael David, 28, was taken to the Polk County Jail after deputies issued him a criminal citation for felon in possession of a restricted weapon. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On 11/18/2024 at about 2:39 pm, deputies responded to the 2100 block of Rosecrest Dr. for a single vehicle crash. The operator of the vehicle got his foot stuck on the gas pedal and drove into the ditch. The vehicle was towed out of the ditch. 
THEFT BY DECEPTION – On November 18, 2024, at approximately 10:00am, deputies were dispatched to the 3500 block of NW Thrush Drive for a report of a fraud. The caller stated her iCloud account was hacked from someone in China. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On November 11, 2024, at approximately 7:21 pm, deputies responded to a non-injury vehicle accident at SW 53rd St. and SW West Hills Rd. Corvallis, OR. The driver stated he attempted to turn around and backed into the ditch. There was no damage to the vehicle and the airbags did not deploy. The driver was issued a citation for Driving While Suspended-Violation. 
📌On November 9, 2024, deputies arrested Zion Joshua Valdez Nichols, 22, of Salem, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌On November 9, 2024, deputies arrested David L Rood, 49, of Lebanon, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌On November 9, 2024, deputies arrested Jesse Lee Noden, 23, of Philomath, for DUII, Reckless Endangering, and Reckless Driving.
📌On November 10, 2024, deputies arrested Wyatt Todd Lile, 27, of Corvallis, for DUII, Reckless Driving, and Possession of Meth.
📌On November 14, 2024, deputies arrested Nichole Amber Haverland, 43, of Corvallis, for DUII and driving with a suspended driver license.
📌On November 15, 2024, deputies arrested Jenaro Vazquez Zeferino, 32, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌On November 16, 2024, deputies arrested Leslie Christopher McCulley, 19, of Vancouver, WA, for DUII and Minor in Possession of Liquor.
📌On November 16, 2024, deputies arrested Magnum John Greenman, 30, of Albany, for DUII, Reckless Endangering, and Reckless Driving.
📌On November 18, 2024, deputies arrested Jackson Rogue Root, 22, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌On November 19, 2024, deputies arrested Lenora M Yenchik, 46, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
PAROLE VIOLATION WARRANT – On Sunday November 17, 2024, deputies contacted Tianna Wise, 48, as she was trespassing in Takena Landing Park. Deputies learned through dispatch that Wise had an Oregon State Parole Board warrant and later arrested Wise and transported her to the Linn County Jail where she was lodged. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 17, 2024, at about 1:30am, deputies arrested Austin Robert Fisher, 31, at Takena Landing Park, 600 NW Highway 20, Albany, on a Benton County Circuit Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Fisher was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 17, 2024, at about 1:15am, deputies arrested Christian Michael Rogers, 29, at Takena Landing Park, 600 NW Highway 20, Albany, on a misdemeanor Lebanon Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Rogers was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On November 16, 2024, at approximately 6:39 pm, deputies responded to a non-injury vehicle accident on NW HWY 20 and NW Independence HWY, Corvallis, OR. The driver was traveling eastbound on HWY 20 when she mistook the turn lane for the eastbound lane. She swerved and crashed into a guardrail on the north side of HWY 20 just east of Independence HWY. All occupants were wearing their seatbelts, the airbags did not deploy, and there were no injuries.  
RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE – On 11/16/2024 at approximately 12:10 A.M., deputies assisted the Albany Police Department in locating a vehicle which had failed to stop during a traffic stop and proceeded to elude law enforcement. When deputies encountered the vehicle on Gibson Hill Road near Crocker Road and attempted to perform a traffic stop on the vehicle, it again failed to stop for emergency lights and accelerated greatly in speed. The driver, Bryan Perez-Ruiz, 18, ultimately crashed the vehicle shortly after deputies attempted to stop it and he fled from the scene on foot. The vehicle was seized as part of APD`s investigation. Perez-Ruiz was arrest on 11/17/2024 and issued numerous citations in lieu of custody from both the Benton County Sheriff`s Office and the Albany Police Department. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 11/15/2024 at about 4:06 pm, Angela Filip, 27, was criminally cited for an outstanding Benton County Circuit Court warrant as a passenger during a traffic stop. 
FAIL TO APPEAR-BENCH WARRANT; SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT(S) – On November 15, 2024 at 12:22 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 30800 block of Botkin Rd. A caller reported two suspicious males on her property. Deputies contacted Marvin Stanley Miller, 64, and trespassed him from the property. Deputies told Miller he was no longer allowed to call/text or contact the resident in the future. If he attempted contact, the resident would proceed with an arrest or stalking order. Miller was issued a citation/court date for a confirmed Lebanon Municipal Court warrant, $10000 bail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 15th, 2024, at about 12:15 am, Kristie Torres, 39, was arrested in the 2800 block of Squire Street NW in Albany, Oregon, for a Contempt of Court warrant out of Albany Municipal Court. Torres was criminally cited and released. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On November 14, 2024, at 10:59 PM, deputies observed Alan Bequette, 86, parked in Hyak Park, 5000 NW Hwy 20 in Albany. Bequette was in the park after hours and in violation of the county park rules. Bequette was officially trespassed from the park by BCSO. Deputies issued Bequette a citation for Criminal Trespass II.  
WARRANT ARREST – On November 14, 2024, at 8:57 PM, deputies contacted Clerence Havens, 42, on 1st Street near Tyler Avenue in Corvallis for a bike violation. Havens had a confirmed cite and release warrant out of Corvallis Municipal Court for FTA Offensive Littering, Bail $5,000. Havens was issued a new court date.  
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On November 14, 2024 at 10:52 am, deputies spoke with a caller who reported a trespass that occurred in the 29500 block of NE Newton Rd on November 13, 2024, at around midnight. Amandi provided Ring video footage of the incident. An unknown individual, wearing all black and a white facemask, was seen on his property.  
CONTEMPT OF COURT – On November 2, 2024, Manuel Pinedo, 37, while incarcerated at NORCOR, he violated a no contact release agreement. 
CONTEMPT OF COURT – On November 5, 2024, Manuel Pinedo, 37, violated a No Contact Order by speaking to a victim of his crimes via video call from NORCOR.  
FAIL TO REGISTER SEX OFFENDER; WARRANT ARREST – On November 11th, 2024 at around 11:32PM, deputies observed a gray Jeep idling near the entrance of Takena Landing located at 600 NW HWY 20. They contacted Russell Hurlburt, 42, and determined Hurlburt had a cite and release warrant out of Albany Municipal Court for failing to comply on a contempt of court charge. Additionally, dispatch advised he was an out of compliance sex offender and had last reported to Albany 11/10/2022. Hurlburt was placed under arrest and transported and lodged at the Linn County Jail for ORS.163A.040 Fail to report as a sex offender. Hurlburt was also issued a criminal citation for his Albany Municipal Court warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 10, 2024, at about 11:40pm, deputies arrested Cody James Davis, 23, at Takena Landing Park, 600 Highway 20 NW, Albany, on a felony Benton County Circuit Court warrant. Davis was taken to the Benton County Jail and lodged. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 10, 2024, at approximately 11:21 pm, deputies arrived at Takena Landing at 600 Highway 20 NW with other Benton County deputies contacting a large encampment and located a male in a tent in the encampment, who identified himself as Austin Fisher, 31. Deputies learned Austin had a cite and release warrant. Deputies issued Austin a citation for the warrant and released him. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday November 10, 2024, while on extra patrol at Takena Landing Park, deputies contacted Scott Canady, 47. Scott was later arrested for a fail to appear warrant and issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 10, 2024, at about 5:40am, deputies arrested David Ryan Sutherlin, 43, on NW Countryman Circle near NW Wishram Drive in Albany on a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant. At the request of the warrant-issuing court, Sutherlin was cited in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday November 10, 2024, deputies contacted Brenden Getty, 24, sitting in his pickup in a parking lot near Monroe Avenue and 16th Street, Corvallis and later arrested Getty for a fail to appear warrant. Deputies then transported him to the Benton County Jail, where he was lodged. 
DWS MIS – On Saturday, November 9, 2024, at about 11:35pm, deputies stopped a maroon Mazda sedan on NW 9th Street near NW Garfield Avenue in Corvallis for multiple traffic violations and later arrested the driver, Zachary Luke Tyler, 45, for misdemeanor Driving While Revoked. Tyler was taken to the Benton County Jail and lodged. 
RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE – On Saturday, November 9, 2024, at approximately 8:50 PM, deputies attempted to stop a 2015 red Honda Civic with no plates at Conifer Boulevard and Lancaster Street after deputies observed reckless driving. Upon approaching the vehicle, the driver fled in the vehicle and was not located. On Sunday, November 17, 2024, the driver of the red Honda, identified as BRYAN PEREZ-RUIZ turned himself in at the Albany Police Department and during a post Miranda interview admitted to this elude and multiple others in the previous week. PEREZ-RUIZ was issued a criminal citation for Reckless Driving and Attempt to Elude and released. 
DOG BITE – On November 9, 2024, at approximately 7:46 pm, deputies contacted a vehicle at Hyak Park 5000 NW HWY 20, Albany, OR. A dog bit a Reserve Deputy in the arm. The dog owner was given a quarantine notice. Information was forwarded to the Animal Control Deputy. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2; PAROLE VIOLATION – On Saturday, November 9, 2024, at about 12:05am, deputies were dispatched to investigate a suspected behavioral health issue in the 96500 block of Hulbert Lake Road in Junction City. The reporting person told Dispatch that Bo Dale Monroe, 23, was outside the house, screaming and lighting things on fire. Deputies later arrested Bo for violating his probation conditions. Bo was taken to the Lane County Jail and lodged. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 8, 2024, at 3:06 AM, deputies contacted Michael Allen Odstrcil, 35, in front of Bi-Mart in Corvallis. Odstrcil was working on a disabled vehicle, which he was previously contacted in. Odstrcil had cite and release warrants for his arrest. Odstrcil was cited on both warrants.  
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 – On November 7, 2024, at around 10:30am, deputies responded to the 5000 block of SW Nash Ave for a report of Criminal mischief. A female reported that somebody attempted to pry the door off her locked mailbox between 5:00pm November 6 and 8:00am November 7. No current suspects. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; WARRANT ARREST – On November 6th, 2024, at around 2:47PM, deputies were dispatched to the 4200 block of SW Brooklane Drive, Corvallis, for a report of a trespass in progress. Deputies located Trevor Harris, 40, and Daryl Rivera, 42, in a sedan nearby. Harris had a warrant for Disorderly Conduct in the second degree out of Benton County Circuit Court. Deputies also learned Rivera had several warrants for his arrest as well. Both males were subsequently arrested. Harris was cited on his warrant and later released in Corvallis. Rivera was cited on his Albany Municipal Court warrant, and Benton County Circuit Court warrants and was transported to the Benton County/Polk County line where a Polk County Deputy took over transporting and lodging Rivera at the Polk County Jail. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1 – On November 5th, 2024 at around 4:44PM, deputies were dispatched to the 300 block of NW Armstrong way for a report of a trespass in progress. The caller reported that someone was in her house and wouldn`t leave. She reported that an old friend dropped by, walked into her house, and was told to leave several times but refused. Deputies located Wendy Johnson, 66, inside the residence. She was subsequently placed under arrest and later cited and released for ORS.164.255 Criminal Trespass I. She was informed if she ever returned to the property she would be arrested again. 
RECKLESS DRIVING – On November 5, 2024, at about 3:40 PM, deputies were dispatched to a Reckless Driving complaint at NW Outlook Drive and NW Hoodview Circle north of Corvallis. Information was a white BMW X1 had been driving at high rate of speed, almost hitting the caller. Trout MAGLECIC, 30, was issued a criminal citation for Reckless Driving and provided a court date and time.
THEFT 3 – VEH PARTS – On November 5th, 2024 at around 11:11AM, deputies were dispatched to contact a female by phone regarding a stolen or missing license plate. She told deputies she discovered her license plate was missing November 3rd, 2024. The license plate, belonging to her 2012 Scion IQ, is light blue in color. Deputies advised the plate would be entered as stolen, in the event it is located on an unassociated vehicle. 
MENACING; DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2; RECKLESS DRIVING; RECKLESS ENDANGERING -On November 4, 2024, at approximately 5:21 PM, deputies responded to an in-progress domestic disturbance between an adult female and Daemien Rooks-Patrick, 19, who were both driving west on Highway 20 near Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. Rooks- Patrick was later arrested for Menacing, Disorderly Conduct 2, Reckless Endangering, and Reckless Driving and lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Saturday, November 2nd, 2024, at approximately 6:10 PM, deputies responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle in the 2400 block of NE Highway 20. It was reported a vehicle had been abandoned there. It was unoccupied and there was no action available to be taken. 
DWS MIS – On Sunday November 3, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a Black 2020 BMW X1 SUV on Highway 20 near North Albany Road for a traffic violation. The driver, Nicolette Brown, 29, was later arrested and issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for driving while suspended misdemeanor. 
POSS FENTANYL (< 1G/5PILLS); WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, November 3, 2024, at about 1:40am, deputies arrested Christopher Douglas Sheppard, 47, at Takena Landing Park in Albany on a felony Benton County Circuit Court warrant and a misdemeanor Albany Municipal Court warrant. Sheppard was in possession of a misdemeanor amount of fentanyl at the time of his arrest. Sheppard was taken to the Benton County Jail and later released.
HARASSMENT PHYSICAL; DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 – On Saturday, November 2, 2024, at about 12:05am, deputies were dispatched to investigate a reported assault at the Benton County Fairgrounds and later arrested Andre Gaspor Campuzano, 25, and Amaya Valencia Schwarz, 20, for Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Harassment. Campuzano and Schwarz were taken to the Benton County Jail. 
BURGLARY 2; ABUSE VENERATED OBJECT; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; ESCAPE 3; LITTERING; RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE; THEFT 1; MAIL THEFT; ELUDE FOOT – On October 29, 2024, around 11:50PM, deputies were dispatched to what was initially described as a suspicious vehicle in the 1400 block of Kiger Island Drive. A resident reported there was a blue sedan parked near the back park of their farm with the hood and trunk up and had been there for about 45 minutes. On the way to the address, the caller reported that the vehicle had left in an unknown direction. Kirk Weldon Shaffer, 36, was arrested following a pursuit, and was taken to the Linn County Jail to be booked and lodged. 
RECKLESS ENDANGERING; RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE; DWS MIS; ELUDE FOOT – On Monday, October 28th, 2024, at approximately 10:46 PM, deputies attempted to initiate a traffic stop on a vehicle that eluded them. Colin Reeves, 28, was later arrested for Elude – Vehicle, Elude – Foot, Reckless driving, Reckless Endangering, and Driving While Suspended – Misdemeanor.
BURGLARY 2 – On October 28, 2024, at about 5:45 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 24400 block of Highway 34 near Philomath for a burglary. The property owner stated it appeared someone had broken into the vacant house on the property. After clearing the residence with deputies, the owner walked through the house and determined that someone had broken in. He stated he would follow up regarding a list of items stolen and another information regarding suspect leads. 
PERMITTING A DOG TO RUN AT LARGE – On November 4, 2024 11:46 a.m., a dog owner residing in the 23900 block of Territorial Hwy in Monroe was given a warning for an ongoing issue with his Malinois running at large and entering his neighbor`s residence, creating havoc and a mess. 
DWS MIS – On 11/3/2024 at about 3:28 pm, Angelo Bassetti (23) of Albany, was arrested for driving while suspended-misdemeanor on Highway 20 near milepost 7. 
WARRANT ARREST – On November 3rd, 2024, at around 3:16PM, deputies contacted Justin Seibert, 36, in the 700 block of Main Street, Philomath. Seibert had a statewide felony parole board violation warrant out of the Oregon State Parole Board. Seibert was taken into custody and lodged at the Benton County Jail without incident. 
ELUDE VEHICLE – On Sunday, November 3, 2024, at about 5:16am, deputies were driving south on Independence Highway near Mint Avenue in Albany when they saw a dark colored sedan driving north on the same road at 69 MPH. Deputies activated their emergency lights and turned to stop the sedan, which accelerated away from them. They last saw the sedan westbound on Camp Adair Road driving at 102 MPH. 
UUV – On November 2, 2024, at approximately 9:00 am, deputies were dispatched to the 27300 block of Stow Pit Road for a report of a Theft. The caller reported his son`s dirt bike and quad were stolen from the side of his barn. Both vehicles were found on the side of the road a couple days later. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Friday November 1, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a White Hyundai Kona on Circle Boulevard near Highway 20 for a driving violation. The driver, James Castellano, 59, was arrested for a fail to appear warrant and later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
ELUDE VEHICLE – On November 1, 2024, at 4:37 PM, deputies observed a dark colored sports bike traveling westbound on SW Reservoir Road near SW West Hills Road in Corvallis. The motorcycle did not have a license plate. The rider was wearing all black racing gear with an orange helmet. There was a second white helmet strapped on the side of the passenger seat. The rider matched the description of a rider who eluded Oregon State Police in Highway 34 near Peoria Road about one hour prior. Deputies attempted to stop the motorcycle at 19th Street near Industrial Way in Philomath. The rider looked back at deputies and accelerated at an extremely high rate of speed into Philomath. Deputies did not pursue. 
DWS MIS – On October 31, 2024, at about 2:44 PM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on Ildefonso Barrera, 58. Barrera was criminally cited for driving while suspended.
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/30/2024 at approximately 4:05 pm, deputies arrested Rylee Watts, 20, on an outstanding warrant out of Lebanon Municipal Court. Watts had minor children with her at the time of contact so she was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody.  
DWS MIS – On October 30, 2024, at approximately 1:18 AM, deputies stopped a vehicle for speeding near SW Washington Avenue and SW 2nd Street, Corvallis. The driver, Anothony Jay Simmons, 22, was arrested for misdemeanor driving while suspended and cited in lieu of custody.  
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (< 2G); DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On October 29, 2024, at about 5:20 PM, deputies were at the intersection of NW Third Street and NW Polk Street when a silver Honda Accord drove North on NW Third Street. Deputies saw the Honda did not have a front plate and the registration was expired on the rear plate. Deputies recognized the driver as Heather JOHNSON, 36. JOHNSON was issued criminal citations for ORS 811.182 Driving While Suspended- Misdemeanor, and ORS 475.894 Possession of a Controlled Substance- Methamphetamine and an Albany Municipal Court warrant. 
ASSAULT 4 – On October 28, 2024, at approximately 6:08 pm, deputies were dispatched to a cold assault in the 26500 block of Fudge Rd. Alsea, OR. A resident stated that on October 27, 2024, at approximately 5:00 pm, he confronted a male hunting near his property. The male pushed him and punched him in the face.
WARRANT ARREST – On October 27th, 2024 at around 11:54 AM, deputies were traveling northbound on 3rd Street near Chapman Place when they observed Levi Gruenhagen, 43, skateboarding southbound on 3rd Street. Levi had two active warrants for his arrest and was subsequently Issued two citations for his respective warrants (Per request by Albany Municipal Cout and the Benton County Jail) and released from custody. 
VEHICLE RECOVERED FOR OTHER AGENCY – On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at approximately 3:32 am, deputies were driving west on SW Wake Robin Avenue near SW Wake Robin Place when they located a stolen 2006 Chevy Trailblazer. Deputies were not able to reach the registered owner, so the vehicle was towed. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On 10/21/2024, deputies were contacted by an OSU employee with a photo of a motorcycle on OSU McDonald-Dunn Forest roads by Dimple Hill. Deputies contacted the owner of the Motorcycle later that day and explained to him there is no unauthorized vehicles on the OSU road system due to unsafe conditions with mountain bikers and walkers/hikers. He stated he did not go past a gate with the warning, he went in on a trail near his NW Corvallis residence and said he would not ride up there anymore. 
ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On October 29, 2024 at 9:48 a.m., deputies transported two large, stray, white Great Pyraneese dogs from the 23100 block of Old Peak Road to the Heartland Humane Society where they were impounded. Neither had a collar. One was micro chipped. 
DOG BITE – On October 29, 2024, deputies placed a dog on a 10-day quarantine. The dog had bitten a delivery driver on his property. The dog resides in the 5100 block of NW Scenic Drive in Albany. 
ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On October 28, 2024 12:30 p.m., deputies transported a stray dog to the Heartland Humane Society where he was impounded. The dog was found on Maxfield Creek Rd/Ward Road in Monmouth. The dog was an intact male dark brindle pit bull mix. He was wearing two collars. 
HARASSMENT – On October 28, 2024, at about 11:29 AM, deputies were dispatched to a reported harassment. They spoke with a male by phone who sent them screenshots of text messages he received from another male. Deputies called the second male and told him the reporting male does not want to be contacted by him. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 28th, 2024 at around 10:38 AM, deputies were in the parking lot of  2005 NW Circle Blvd when they contacted Samuel Armstrong Monroe, 47. Monroe had two active warrants for his arrest. The first was a probation violation warrant for driving while suspended out of Lebanon Municipal Court. The second was a Corvallis Municipal Court warrant for failing to appear on a shoplifting charge. Deputies subsequently authored two criminal citations for Monroe`s respective warrants and issued them to him.
WARRANT ARREST – On October 27th, 2024 at around 11:54 AM, deputies were traveling northbound on 3rd Street near Chapman Place when they observed Levi Gruenhagen, 43, skateboarding southbound on 3rd Street. Levi had two active warrants for his arrest: Albany Municipal Court warrant for failing to appear on a weapons offense; and Benton County Circuit Court, for failing to appear on a menacing charge. Levi was subsequently issued two citations for his respective warrants (Per request by Albany Municipal Cout and the Benton County Jail) and released from custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 25, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a blue 1996 Chevrolet 1500 pickup for a traffic violation on Conser Street and Glacier Way. The driver, Brooke Woodward Gutierrez, 32, was later arrested for a fail to appear warrant. Brooke was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody and released. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at approximately 7pm, deputies were dispatched to the intersection of Highway 20 and Circle Blvd, Corvallis for a report of an injury motor vehicle crash. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 17, 2024, deputies were on patrol in the area of NW Kings Blvd and NW Beca Ave serving a civil paper when they contacted a male near the corner of this intersection, and he identified himself as Brandon Thomas Hendrix. It was later determined that “Brandon” was actually Nathan Ansel Hendrix, 40. Nathan had warrants for his arrest out of Benton County and the Corvallis Municipal court. Nathan was later cited and released for the warrants. WARRANT INFORMATION: Benton County Circuit Court- FAILURE TO APPEAR -FRAUD USE CREDIT CARD + THEFT 3; and Corvallis Municipal Court- FTA- Franchise Requirement. 
THEFT 1 FRAUD; IDENTITY THEFT – On Friday, October 18th, 2024, at approximately 6:00 PM, deputies responded to a reported fraud in the 25200 block of Woodlane Drive. A resident reported she had been defrauded of thousands of dollars. There was no suspect information and further investigation was required. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at approximately 8:20 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 27000 block of Dawson Road for a report of an injury accident. Upon arrival, deputies determined this to be a non-injury traffic crash of a vehicle into a house. 
📌 On October 24, 2024, deputies arrested Holly Ann Hudson, 41, of Philomath, for DUII.
📌 On October 26, 2024, deputies arrested Jose Fernandez Rosas Sanchez, 31, of Tualatin, for DUII.
📌 On October 27, 2024, deputies arrested Chelyce Sarra Chambers, 45, of Adair, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On October 28, 2024, deputies arrested Saul Alberto Gonzalez, 38, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On 10/26/2024 at about 11:04 am, deputies contacted a male on 53rd St, about 1/4 mile south of Nash. His story didn`t make sense and he appeared to be under the influence. He declined a ride and was told to stay off people`s property. He left walking north on 53rd. 
SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT(S) – On October 26th, 2024, at about 5:45 A.M., deputies responded to the 23200 block of Decker Road in Philomath for a possible prowler. The caller said she heard a knock on the back door of her studio apartment which is connected to a barn. Deputies did not locate anyone on the property, and there were no signs that anyone had entered the barn. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On October 25, 2024, at approximately 10:44 am, deputies were dispatched to the intersection of Bellfountain Road and Llewellyn Road for a report of a crash. The driver of a white Chevy Equinox failed to stop for a loaded log truck driving southbound at approximately 50 mph. The driver of the log truck was seriously injured in the wreck and both drivers were transported to the hospital. 
PUBLIC INDECENCY – On October 25, 2024, at approximately 7:12 am, deputies were dispatched to the Benton County Courthouse, 120 NW 4th Street, for a male seen on cameras, masturbating. Aric Simmons, 35, was arrested for public indecency. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On October 24, 2024, at 3:49 PM, deputies were dispatched to Highway 99W near Gurber Lane in Corvallis for a traffic crash. Driver 1 was traveling northbound on Highway 99W and was slowing down to make a left turn into a gravel driveway at the intersection of Gurber Lane. Driver 2 was traveling northbound behind driver 1 in a bunked log truck. Driver 2 attempted to pass driver 1 in the oncoming lane of travel. Driver 2 crashed into the driver`s side door of driver 1’s pickup as he turned left. No injuries were reported and both parties exchanged insurance information.  
FELON IN POSS OF RESTRICTED WEAPON – On 10/23/2024 at approximately 11:00 am, deputies arrested Christopher Bettelyoun, 39, for felon in possession of a restricted weapon and theft II. Bettelyoun was lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
CONTEMPT OF COURT – On October 21, 2024, at about 12:50 PM, deputies were dispatched to a reported violation of a restraining order. Conner Schroeder, 27, entered the King’s Valley School grounds, violating a restraining order.  
POSS FENTANYL (>=5G/25PILLS); DWS MIS; POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (FELONY) – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, at about 2:30 am, deputies stopped a motorcycle on SW 35th Street near SW Washington Way in Corvallis for Failure to Use Lights and later arrested the driver, Nicholas Edward Hochstatter, 45, for misdemeanor Driving While Revoked, Felony Possession of Methamphetamine, and Felony Possession of Fentanyl. Hochstatter was taken to the Benton County Jail and subsequently released. 
THEFT 1 FRAUD; IDENTITY THEFT – On Friday, October 18th, 2024, at approximately 6:00 PM, deputies responded to a reported fraud in the 25200 block of Woodlane Drive. A resident reported she had been defrauded of thousands of dollars. There was no suspect information and further investigation was required.
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at approximately 8:20 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 27000 block of Dawson Road for a report of an injury accident. Upon arrival, deputies determined this to be a non-injury traffic crash of a vehicle into a house. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 23rd, 2024 at around 10:37 AM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a silver 2001 Toyota Camry and contacted the driver, who was suspended and did not have insurance. Deputies also contacted a passenger, Christina Thomas, 45, who had an Albany Municipal Court cite and release warrant for Contempt. Trahan was cited for her violations and Thomas was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody on her warrant. 
SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT(S) – On October 23, 2024 at 9:45 am, deputies were dispatched to HWY 99W and Adair Frontage Rd for a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a gate on the west side of the road. Deputies contacted a male and determined he had permission to harvest firewood from the property owner.
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On October 22, 2024, around 7:30 PM, deputies were dispatched to speak with a resident about a trespass that occurred at his residence in the 1500 block of Allen Street, Corvallis. He reported that a person not known to him was seen hopping over the fence at his residence and suspected he went to the nearby transient encampment. Due to the time of night and lack of lighting, a clothing description was not able to be seen or provided.  
WARRANT ARREST – On October 22nd, 2024 at around 1:53 PM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a Honda Odyssey. The driver was determined to be suspended and uninsured. His female passenger, Mickala Birdsell, 29, had two active warrants for her arrest. The first was out of Albany Municipal Court for Contempt of court and the other was out of Linn County Justice Court for FTC- Contempt of court. Subsequently, the driver was issued traffic citations for driving uninsured and driving while suspended. Birdsell was issued criminal citations in lieu of custody.  
DOG BITE – October 22, 2024 a dog residing in the 3000 block of NW Lisa Place was placed on a ten-day bite quarantine. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at approximately 7:40 AM, deputies were dispatched to the area of NW Scenic Drive and NW Oak Grove Drive for report of an injury crash. A male was driving his white, 2022 Honda CRV, west on NW Oak Grove Drive and failed to yield the right of way to another driver in his blue 2016 Toyota Prius south on NW Scenic Drive, crashing into the front driver`s side of the vehicle. The Toyota Prius was towed from the scene. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On October 19, 2024, at 11:42 am, deputies were dispatched to a two-vehicle injury traffic crash on HWY 20 near MP 36.  A westbound vehicle missed a turn into a driveway and pulled over to the shoulder of the roadway.  A second vehicle traveling the same direction pulled over as well behind the first vehicle.  A third vehicle also traveling the same direction began to pass the first two vehicles.  As this was occurring, the first vehicle turned left in front of third vehicle.  The crash resulted in injuries to the occupants of the two involved vehicles. 
DWS MIS – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, at about 2:30 am, deputies stopped a motorcycle on SW 35th Street near SW Washington Way in Corvallis for Failure to Use Lights and later arrested the driver, Nicholas Edward Hochstatter, 45, for misdemeanor Driving While Revoked. Hochstatter was taken to the Benton County Jail and subsequently released. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On Thursday, October 17, 2024, at approximately 6 pm, deputies were dispatched to a rollover crash near milepost 2 on Fern Rd, Philomath. A male drove his 1997 Eclipse off the east shoulder of Fern Rd, he was uninjured. B and R Towing removed the vehicle. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at approximately 8:20 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 27000 block of Dawson Road for a report of an injury accident. Upon arrival deputies determined this to be a non-injury traffic crash of a vehicle into a house.
CONTEMPT OF COURT – On October 16, 2024, Dusty L Risland, 36, arrived at Parole and Probation. He had an Albany Municipal Court warrant for Contempt of Court. He was issued a citation to appear on the warrant.
HARASSMENT – On October 13th, 2024, at around 11:36 AM, deputies arrested Adam Zachery Smith, 44. Smith was subsequently cited and released for ORS.166.065 Harassment. 
📌On October 14, 2024, deputies arrested a 17-year-old male from Independence for DUII and Reckless Endangering.
📌On October 17, 2024, deputies arrested Ethan Reed Depweg, 51, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌On October 17, 2024, deputies arrested Mikayla J Giron, 25, of Monroe, for DUII.
📌On October 20, 2024, deputies arrested Noah Christopher Bowers, 23, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌On October 21, 2024, deputies arrested Rocio Ruiz Lopez, 24, of Harrisburg, for DUII.
📌On October 21, 2024, deputies arrested Victor Manuel Rivas, 21, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
DWS MIS – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a blue 2007 Toyota Tacoma, on B Avenue and 5th St, Corvallis. Deputies later arrested the driver, Mitchell Price, 30, for driving while suspended misdemeanor. Price was later issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On October 17, 2024, at 5:20 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 26400 block of Bennett Boulevard in Monroe for a Criminal Trespass II. The caller told deputies that a man who works for a realty company was caught by her neighbor, trespassing on her property. She said he went past “No Trespassing Signs” and opened a closed gate to access the property. She wanted deputies to speak to the man about the incident and warn him she would press charges of he returned to the property. Deputies spoke to the man and informed him the resident would press charges if he was to go onto the property again. 
BCSO ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – October 17, 2024 12:45 p.m., deputies transported two stray dogs at large from Coffin Butte Rd/Hwy 99 to the Heartland Humane Society where they were impounded. Both were standard poodles: tan female and a black male. Both dogs had collars but no tags. 
BCSO ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On 10/13/2024 at about 10:14 a.m., deputies contacted a resident by telephone about an animal complaint. She said she trapped a cat suspected of killing her chickens in a live trap. Deputies later responded to her residence and took the cat to Heartland Humane Society. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On October 9, 2024, at approximately 4:58 PM, deputies stopped a gold Kia Sorento for several traffic violations. The driver, identified as Justin Gilmore, 38, was arrested for misdemeanor driving while suspended and a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for failure to appear for misdemeanor driving while suspended. Gilmore was cited in lieu of custody, and a licensed driver arrived on scene to drive him and his vehicle from the scene. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/21/2024 at about 10:19 am, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a silver Pontiac G6 near 7th/Ash St and issued the operator, Ariel Jantze, 27, a criminal citation for her Albany Municipal Court warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/20/2024 at approximately 11:30 P.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a gray Honda Civic on 2nd Street near Harrison Boulevard in Corvallis. The driver, Kevin McFarlin, 57, was subsequently arrested for an active warrant out of Lebanon Municipal Court. McFarlin was issued a citation in lieu of custody for his warrant and given a traffic citation for driving while suspended. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/20/2024 at about 2:47 pm, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a 1994 Geo near the intersection of 3rd St. and Twin Oaks Circle. Deputies later issued Justin Ross, 49, and Brittany Estavillo, 37, criminal citations for active warrants out of the Albany and Lebanon Municipal courts. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Sunday, October 20, 2024, at about 5:55 am, deputies were dispatched to investigate a single-vehicle crash on Highway 99 near NW Mountain View Drive outside of Corvallis. A male was driving south in his Nissan Altima at about 5:00 am when he left the west side of the roadway and crashed into a drainage ditch. He reported a possible minor injury but said his passenger was uninjured. He said he had been driving 40-45 MPH in heavy fog when he swerved to avoid a small animal in the road, leading to the crash. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/20/2024 at approximately 1:00 A.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on Highway 34 near the Highway 34 Bypass. One of the passengers of the vehicle, Skyler Devins, 30, had an active warrant for his arrest. Devins was taken into custody and later issued a citation in lieu of custody for his active warrant. Devins was released at the scene. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On October 19, 2024, at approximately 11:53 pm, deputies responded to a non-injury crash on HWY 20 and Independence HWY, Corvallis. The driver, a juvenile, was traveling eastbound on HWY 20 when she mistook a turn lane for the eastbound lane. The juvenile swerved and crashed into a guardrail on the north side of HWY 20 just east of Independence HWY. There were two other juvenile occupants in the vehicle. All the occupants were wearing seatbelts, and the airbags deployed. The juveniles were picked up by the driver`s mother and taken home. The vehicle was towed. 
DWS MIS – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2014 Subaru BRZ coupe, for a vehicle violation on Highway 34 and Holiday Street. Deputies contacted the driver, Zachery Shinall, 26, who had a misdemeanor level driving suspension. Deputies arrested Shinall and towed the vehicle. Shinall was later released and issued citations in lieu of custody. 
RECKLESS DRIVING – On Saturday, October 19, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2024 Tesla Model S, on Highway 34 near Colorado Lake Drive. The driver, Jasmin Pulido, 25, was later arrested for reckless driving. Pulido was issued a criminal citation along with violation citations in lieu of custody. 
BCSO ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On Friday, October 18th, 2024, at approximately 7:32 PM, deputies responded to a report of found dogs in the 28100 block of Irish Bend Road. A resident reported two dogs had come onto her property. The dogs were very nice and deputies took them to the Heartland Shelter. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On 10/18/2024 at about 6:57 am, deputies responded to Highway 223 just south of Hoskins Rd. for a single vehicle crash involving injury. A male was traveling north on Highway 223 when he struck an elk. The vehicle was totalled and he sustained a minor injury. 
UNLAW POSS OF FIREARM; CRIMINAL TRESPASS W/ FIREARM; PERSON < 21 POSSES / CONSUME MARIJUANA WHILE DRIVING; DUII; RECKLESS ENDANGERING; ALTER IDENTIFICATION FIREARMS – On Monday, October 14th, 2024, at approximately 7:47 PM, deputies responded to a report of target shooting at E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area. Deputies contacted a 17-year-old male, who was arrested and charged with various drug and firearm related crimes.  
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (MISD) PARAPHERNALIA – On Sunday, October 13th, 2024, at approximately 7:47 PM, deputies contacted a John Ray Porter, 33, at the Park & Ride parking lot, on the corner of North Albany Rd NW and Hickory Street NW. He was arrested and a search warrant was executed on his vehicle for drug offenses. 
SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE(S) – On Saturday, October 12th, 2024, at approximately 5:46 PM, deputies observed a maroon Ford Ranger crashed into a ditch at the intersection of Mary`s Peak Road and Highway 34. There was no one on scene and the truck was towed from the scene. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On October 9, 2024, deputies responded to a single vehicle crash off the road on NW Springhill Drive north of the intersection of NW Glenwood Avenue, Albany. Upon arrival, deputies located the driver who was injured but had self-extricated herself. The driver was transported by Albany Fire Department medics to the hospital and the vehicle was towed from the ditch. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 15th, 2024 at around 4:50 PM, deputies were traveling south on Gibson Hill Road and observed a blue Kia Forte with missing paint and no license plate turn from Crocker, northbound on Gibson Hill Rd. Deputies ran the license plate after seeing the rear plate and saw that the registered owner Danielle Bunde, 33, was suspended and also had an active warrant out of Dallas Municipal Court. Deputies located the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on North Albany Rd. The driver was identified as the registered owner Danielle Bunde. She was subsequently placed under arrest for her warrant and later issued a citation in lieu of custody on her warrant. She was also issued traffic citations for ORS.811.175 Driving while suspended violation and ORS. 806.010 Driving uninsured. Bunde was warned regarding the registration and license plate. 
BCSO ANIMAL – October 15, 2024 at 9:36 a.m., deputies transported a deceased cat from Knoll Terrace Mobile Home Park at 5055 NE Elliot Circle, to the Heartland Humane Society where he was impounded. The cat was a DSH Adult male orange and white tabby. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/13/2024 at approximately 14:00, Veronica Griego, 26, turned herself in to the jail on a warrant for FTA DUII and Reckless Driving, bail $3,000. She was given a release agreement and released with a new court date and time. 
WARRANT ARREST – Wall, Jeris Joan, 46, turned herself into the jail lobby on 10/11/2024 at around 8:45 am, for four different FTA warrants through Benton Benton County Circuit Courts: FTA Mail Theft or receipt of stolen mail, FTA Crim Trespass 2nd degree, FTA DUII, and FTA Unlaw Poss of Methamphetamine.  She was issued a new court date and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/7/2024 CHEN, Jianhua, 56, turned himself in on a warrant for Manufacturing Marijuana. CHEN posted the bail on the warrant and was released with a new court date and time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 10/1/24, Sarah Davis, 30, turned herself into the jail at 12:58 PM on a warrant for false info and felon in possession of a restricted weapon. She had an additional warrant for DUII, reckless driving, and unlawful possession of heroin. Records was contacted and confirmed the warrant. The warrant was served on Davis and she was given a court date and time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 26, 2024, Charles Harold Mellick, 34, was cited for an Albany MUNI FTA felon poss. Weapon. A new court date was issued by Albany PD and he was released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 9/25/2024 @ 0900 CORONA, Javier, 30, turned himself in on a warrant for FTA-UEMV x 5 and Theft III x 5. CORONA was released with a new court date and time. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Thursday, October 10, 2024, a female in a white SUV trespassed onto a property in the 6080 NW Tokay Place, Corvallis. The homeowner called on Thursday, October 17, 2024, to have a report taken.
DWS MIS – On October 16, 2024, at approximately 3:17 am, deputies performed a traffic stop on a motorcycle on HWY 20 milepost 5, Corvallis, OR. The driver, Nicholas Hochstatter, 45, had a misdemeanor suspended license. He was cited in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – Driver 1 was turning north onto 53rd St from Reservoir Rd and said he saw an ambulance southbound on 53rd St with its emergency lights on so he accelerated to get out of the intersection. He struck Driver 2, who was northbound on 53rd St causing him to spin out and cross over the center median. Both drivers claimed to have a green light at the intersection. There was no crash evidence to show who actually had the green light. Deputies later spoke to the ambulance crew who said they saw a vehicle cross the center median ahead of them as they approached and prepared to turn onto Reservoir Rd. The ambulance crew did not remember if they would have had the green light or if the cross traffic did. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 15th, 2024 at around 3:28 PM, deputies located Austin Robert Fisher, 31, working on a white van in the front parking lot of Takena Landing located at 600 NW HWY 20. Austin Fisher had two warrants for his arrest: Albany Municipal Court for Contempt of court and Benton County Circuit Court warrant for FTA- Failing to carry a license. Deputies issued him the two criminal citations for his warrants and explained their respective court dates and times and released Austin from their custody.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On October 11, 2024, around 7:15PM, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash with suspected injuries at Crescent Valley High School, 4444 Highland Drive, Corvallis. It was reported that a two-vehicle crash had occurred near one of the parking lots on Highland Drive. The crash seems to have been caused by one of the drivers not driving with their headlights on. No citations were issued. 
THEFT 1 – On October 8, 2024, around 3:30PM, deputies were dispatched to speak with a female about her bike being stolen. She reported that she got into an argument with a male and then her bike was gone. She said she owed the male $200 and he wanted his money back. She said to avoid further confrontation she went inside her trailer and left him outside. She said about a half hour later when she went back outside her bike was gone.  
BURGLARY 2 – On October 7th, 2024 at around 2:09PM, deputies were dispatched to the 4400 block of NW Highland Drive. A 14-year-old male from Corvallis High School was found inside the Crescent Valley High School. The male stole a set of keys including a master key to the building, a card with security alarm codes, and an ID card from one of the staff. The male was chased by staff southbound on NW Highland Dr. He removed the master key and threw the rest of the keys into the woods. I located the juvenile who was still in possession of the master key and alarm codes but had thrown the rest of the keys. A BCSO K-9 located the keys, and the juvenile was subsequently taken into custody and later released at the LEC to his mother for Burglary II. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 7, 2024, at approximately 12:04 AM, deputies located Paul Aaron Bonnen, 35, sleeping in the parking lot of Chip Ross Park off Lester Avenue after the park had closed. Bonnen was arrested on a warrant out of the Benton County Circuit Court for failure to appear on a misdemeanor driving while suspended charge. Bonnen was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date and warned the park was closed for the night. 
THEFT 2 – On October 5, 2024, at approximately 7:00 pm, deputies responded to a shoplift at the Dollar General 236 N 5th St. Monroe, OR. An employee stated an unknown male ran out of the front door with a basket of stolen items.  
RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE; DWS FEL; WARRANT ARREST – On September 25th, 2024 at around 4:25 PM, deputies attempted to stop David Lewis-Tedford, 45, who eluded them near his residence at 248 14th Ave NW, Albany. Then on October 9th, 2024 at around 11:30 AM, deputies located Tedford with help from Albany Police Department. He was taken into custody and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was booked.  
RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE – On Sunday, September 22, 2024, at approximately 10:13 pm, deputies attempted to perform a traffic stop at HWY 99 and Finley Rd. Corvallis, on a silver Subaru Impreza STI. The driver, Owen Kenzie, 18, was driving 85 mph in a 55 mph. Owen turned off his lights and eluded but was eventually stopped by deputies. Owen was arrested and lodged at the Benton County Jail for Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer and Reckless Driving. 
WARRANT ARREST – On October 13, 2024, at approximately 10:00 am, deputies responded to the area of 1300 SE Park Avenue for a report of a black BMW blocking a walking path near the garden. Deputies contacted a male by the name of Justin Russell, 48, who had an active warrant out of Lebanon. He was cited on his warrant and the license plate on his vehicle was seized since it didn`t belong to his car. 
ASSAULT 3; HARASSMENT PHYSICAL; MENACING – On Sunday, October 13, 2024, deputies were dispatched to the 25700 block of Foster Road, Monroe, for a reported menace/assault. Following an investigation, Orion Parsons, 25, was arrested for Assault 3, Menacing, and Harassment. Orion was transported and lodged at the Benton County Jail.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On October 12, 2024 at 8:32 am, deputies were dispatched to a single vehicle, injury traffic crash. A male was driving his motorcycle eastbound on E Ingram Island Rd, approaching Rickard Rd. As he attempted to negotiate a left-hand curve near this intersection, he reportedly lost control due to lose gravel on the asphalt (obstructed by sun glare). His motorcycle fell onto its side and continued into a farm field, in the southeast corner of the intersection. He complained of back pain and was transported to the Good Samaritan Hospital.
BCSO ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On October 12, 2024, deputies took a large white dog into custody in the 30200 block of Beaver Creek Road after it showed up there. Deputies transported it to Heartland Humane Society. The dog is a white lab mix weighing at least 130 pounds and was friendly. He had a collar with no tags. 
DWS FEL; WARRANT ARREST – On October 11, 2024, at 7:41 PM, deputies stopped Blake McMackin-Allison, 28, on Highway 20 near Highway 223 in Philomath for traveling 77 miles per hour in a posted 55 mile per hour speed zone. Blake was Driving While Suspended Felony. Blake additionally had two felony warrants for his arrest. Blake was arrested and transported to the Benton County Jail.  
RECKLESS DRIVING – On October 11, 2024, at approximately 4:53 pm, deputies were driving westbound on Highway 34 near milepost 47 when they conducted a traffic stop on a white Nissan Juke, for driving 101 mph as it passed them. The driver, Leota Endicott, 69, was cited for reckless driving and 101 mph in a 55mph zone. 
THEFT 3 – On October 11, 2024 at 12:45 am, deputies were dispatched to a theft in the 2200 block of NE Conifer Blvd. The caller reported sometime between 11am and noon, an unknown suspect stole 4 red reflectors from the end of his two driveways. The reflectors were mounted on top of a 3.5-foot fiberglass pole, valued at $20.
DWS MIS – On Friday October 11, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a black 2008 Infiniti FX35 for a traffic violation on 4th Street near Jefferson Avenue. After learning that the driver, Zachery Shinall, 26, had a misdemeanor level driving suspension, deputies arrested him and issued him a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On October 10, 2024 at 1:33 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 200 block of n 5th St in Monroe. An employee explained at around 11:50 am, a male and female subject entered the store. As the female went to leave, she set off the anti-theft alarm. Deputies were able to identify the subjects and they were trespassed from the store. 
ASSAULT 4 – On October 10, 2024 at 7:56 am, deputies were dispatched to the Benton County Jail for a report of an assault between two adults in custody (AIC). Tyson Wayne Risland, 33, was arrested for Assault IV after a video showed him punching the other AIC multiple times in the head. 
MAIL THEFT – On October 10, 2024, at approximately 3:06 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 24100 block of Highway 20 for a report of mail theft. The caller said a check from her work had been stolen during an unknown time frame and wanted the theft documented. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, October 5, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a red 1997 Mercury Mountaineer for a traffic violation on Highway 99 W near mile post 105. The driver, Cory Heins, 39, was later arrested for three fail to appear warrants, through two agencies, and issued criminal citations in lieu of custody. The passenger of the vehicle was transported to the hospital for known medical issues, not involving the traffic stop. 
📌On October 11, 2024, deputies arrested Charles Jameson Kunkel, 35, of Corvallis, for DUII, reckless driving, and driving with a suspended license.
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at about 9:00 A.M., deputies were dispatched to the block of 27300 Highway 99W for a reported trespass. Deputies spoke with a female who stated they were putting up sheep fencing. When deputies spoke to the person reporting the incident, he stated he forgot the female was supposed to be there. Deputies determined there was no crime regarding this incident. No arrests were made, and no warnings issued. 
PERMITTING A DOG TO RUN AT LARGE – On October 7, 2024 11:30 a.m., deputies transported a stray dog from the 5800 block of SW 3rd Street in Corvallis to the Heartland Humane Society where he was impounded. The dog was a large neutered male tan with black Shepherd/rottweiler mix. 
UUV – On October 7th, 2024 at around 9:52 AM, a caretaker called to report a 1988 farm truck owned by OSU was stolen from the 28100 block of Beef Barn Rd. The truck is a blue Chevy 3500 flatbed with orange rims.  
BURGLARY 2 – On October 7th, 2024, at around 7:09 AM, deputies were dispatched to the Coffin Butte Landfill for a cold burglary. Deputies contacted a male and learned a Lincoln welder and a plasma cutter each valued at $2,000 dollars ($4,000 dollars total) were taken after his trailer was broken into. The thieves attempted to gain entry into his office trailer as well. The deadbolt on the trailer was destroyed but the thieves were unable to gain entry. 
THEFT 2 BICYCLE – On October 3, 2024, at about 1:51 PM, deputies were dispatched for a reported stolen bicycle. Deputies spoke to the reporter by phone who said her bike had been stolen from her house, and that she recovered it at Willamette Park by sitting by a shelter. 
POSS METH (MISD – 2 GRAMS OR MORE); WARRANT ARREST – On October 2nd, 2024, at around 10:33 AM, deputies contacted Oren Trisdale Hounchell, 44, riding his bicycle along Philomath Blvd near 35th Street. Oren had had a state-wide felony Benton County Circuit Court warrant for identity theft and an Albany Municipal Court warrant for Contempt of court. He was placed under arrest for his warrants. Deputies also located a small plastic bag of methamphetamine that Oren had attempted to discard. He was placed under arrest and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was cited for his Albany Municipal Court warrant, Possession of more than 2 grams of methamphetamine, and booked on his Benton County Circuit Court Warrant. 
COMPUTER CRIME – On October 1st, 2024 at around 11:29 AM, deputies took a report in the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center from a woman who reported she was a victim of a housing scam and had attempted to pay the deposit to a man named “Josh” after finding the housing listing on a Facebook forum. After attempting to pay the deposit she realized it was a scam and lost $700 dollars. Deputies provided her with a case number and will follow up on investigative leads. 
BURGLARY 1 – On September 30, 2024, deputies were dispatched to the 25800 block of Cherry Creek Rd, Monroe, OR for a burglary. A resident called and reported someone had broken into their residence. She said she could hear this through a remote video camera. Deputies searched the interior and exterior of the residence. One of the home owners arrived and looked through the residence. He said he did not see anything which would indicate someone had been inside the residence.
📌 On October 8, 2024, deputies arrested Jesse Allen Day, 30, of Corvallis, for DUII.
📌 On October 6, 2024, deputies arrested Ahlonzy Holguin, 21, of Philomath, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On October 6, 2024, deputies arrested Cory John Crooks, 27, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On October 6, 2024, deputies arrested Travis James Meier, 30, of Colton, for DUII.
📌 On October 5, 2024, deputies arrested Christopher David Admire, 30, of Aumsville, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On October 5, 2024, deputies arrested Jessica Joanna Van Beek, 31, of Monroe, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
📌 On October 5, 2024, deputies arrested Daniel Joseph Regester, 23, of Harrisburg, for DUII and Reckless Driving as a result of a single-vehicle crash with no injuries.
📌 On October 4, 2024, deputies arrested Jordon Lee Young, 24, of Corvallis, for DUII and a warrant.
📌 On October 3, 2024, deputies arrested Logan Spencer Day, 21, of Keizer, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
WARRANT ARREST – On October 1st, 2024 at around 4:56 PM, deputies contacted Juan Leal, 18, at the North Albany Gibson Hill Park. Leal had an active cite and release warrant out of Linn County Circuit Court for DUII. Deputies issued a citation and released him. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 30, 2024, at approximately 10:48 am, deputies were dispatched to the intersection of NW 53rd Street and NW Harrison Boulevard for a report of a welfare check. Deputies learned the female was Patricia Compton, 44, and she was fine. She was also the subject of twelve warrants, which she received a new court date for. 
POSS METH (MISD – 2 GRAMS OR MORE); WARRANT ARREST; POSS FENTANYL (< 1G/5PILLS) – On September 29th, 2024 at around 1:08 PM, deputies made a traffic stop on a black mercury mountaineer that had passed them and pulled into the driveway of a home in the 1700 NE Conifer Blvd. Deputies identified one of the occupants of the vehicle as Justice Breann Ortiz, 27. Ortiz had a Philomath Municipal Court warrant for FTA – Theft III. She was subsequently taken into custody. During the arrest, she had Fentanyl and Methamphetamine in her bra. The drugs were seized and later entered into evidence. Ortiz was issued a criminal citation for Possession of Fentanyl, less than 1 gram and Possession of methamphetamine – More than 2 grams. Ortiz was released from custody and issued citations.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 09/28/2024 at approximately 3:00 A.M., deputies conducted a traffic stop on a grey pickup truck on West Thorton Lake Drive near Thorton Lake Place in Albany. The driver was issued a citation for driving while suspended and his passenger, Tyson Hanson, 21, was issued a citation in lieu of custody for an outstanding warrant. 
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On 09/25/2024 at approximately 10:00 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 2200 block of NW Brownly Heights Dr to locate and arrest Donovan Boyd, 35, on his Clackamas County statewide felony warrant. Deputies located Boyd and arrested him on the warrant. Due to jail capacity, Boyd was issued a citation in lieu of custody and released back to his residence.
BURGLARY 1 – On 09/24/2024 at approximately 09:31 am, deputies spoke with a male regarding a cold burglary, which occurred while he was in custody at the Benton County Jail.  
RECKLESS ENDANGERING; RECKLESS DRIVING – On September 18, 2024, at approximately 1:23 AM, deputies stopped a red Chrysler 300 for driving recklessly and speeding 98 miles per hour in a 50 mile per hour zone. The juvenile driver had a suspended license and stated he was driving his mother, the adult passenger to the hospital for a non-emergency medical issue. There was an additional juvenile passenger in the back seat. The driver was issued written warnings for traffic violations and informed his driving constituted two traffic crimes, reckless driving and reckless endangering, that would be forwarded to the Benton County District Attorney`s Office for review.  
SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT(S) – On Sunday, September 15th, 2024, at approximately 10:34 PM, deputies responded to a reported suspicious circumstance in the 100 block of N 5th Street in Monroe. A caller had told Dispatch a group of juveniles had tipped over a port-a-potty. The juveniles were contacted and released to parents. 
THEFT 3 – On September 10, 2024, at approximately 4:40 PM, deputies responded to the 300 block of NW 53rd Street, Corvallis for someone taking a box of frozen fried chicken from an unsecured freezer. Staff were unable to access the video cameras and the subject with the stolen chicken was gone upon arrival. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On October 4, 2024, at 4:33 PM, deputies responded to the 19300 block of South Mountain Road in Alsea for a Trespassing and Dog at Large complaint. Nacy Chandler, 73, was cited for Criminal Trespass II, Dog Trespassing on Private Property and Dog at Large.  
PERMITTING A DOG TO RUN AT LARGE – On October 4, 2024 12:19 p.m., deputies transported a stray dog from 25000 block of Cherry Creek Road in Monroe to the Heartland Humane Society where she was impounded. The dog`s owner contacted the shelter and was en route to pick up her dog. 
PERMITTING A DOG TO RUN AT LARGE – On October 4, 2024 11:07 a.m., deputies transported a stray dog from 4200 block of NE Laurel Ave in Corvallis to the Heartland Humane Society where he was impounded. The dog was micro-chipped and the owner was contacted. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On October 3rd, 2024, a driver struck a large elk while eastbound on Tampico Road near Milepost 2. There were no injuries. The car was towed and the elk was dispatched.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On October 2, 2024, at 4:19 PM, deputies responded to Highway 20 near Priest Road in Philomath for a traffic crash. Driver 1 was traveling eastbound on Highway 20 and stopped at the intersection for Priest Road, waiting for the vehicle in front of him to make a left turn. Driver 2 was traveling eastbound behind driver 1 and did not see him stopped, because she was distracted by her cat. Driver 2 crashed into the back of driver 1. Driver 2 was cited for Careless Driving, Driving While Suspended Violation, and Driving Uninsured.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On October 2, 2024, around 3:00 PM, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash with no injuries on Highway 20, near 5470 Highway 20, Corvallis. It was reported two vehicles had a rear-end type of crash, were not blocking the roadway, but were in a corner making it dangerous. When deputies arrived, they contacted the occupants. Both vehicles were towed and no citations were issued. 
HARASSMENT PHYSICAL; THEFT 3; ESCAPE 2; WARRANT ARREST – On September 29, 2024, at 12:57 AM, deputies stopped Rodney Savage, 31, for no bike light and unsafe operation of a bicycle on a sidewalk at the intersection of NW Harrison Boulevard and NW 5th Street in Corvallis. Savage had a confirmed warrant for his arrest out of Benton County Circuit Court for Failure to Appear/ Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine, Bail $5000. Savage fled on a bicycle and was taken into custody a short time later.  
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE (MISD) PARAPHERNALIA; WARRANT ARREST – On Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at approximately 9pm, deputies stopped Alexander Jauregui, 29, near 3rd and Tyler, Corvallis and arrested him for unlawful possession of methamphetamine and transported him to Linn County Jail on a probation violation warrant. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On September 25, 2024, around 7:50PM, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on Highway 34, near Honeygrove Road, Alsea. It was reported that a vehicle had crashed and landed on its top, and there was a male outside of the vehicle. Deputies identified the male from his driver license and he was transported by Corvallis Fire Department to Good Samaritan Hospital to be treated for his injuries.  
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 18, 2024, at approximately 11:44 PM, deputies responded to Highway 20 near NE Granger Avenue for a two-vehicle crash. Upon arrival, deputies located a black 2008 Nissan Sentra sitting on the westbound shoulder. The driver of the Sentra was uninjured and the vehicle he struck was unoccupied. Both vehicles were later towed from the scene and the driver was transported to his place of employment. 
On September 28, 2024, deputies arrested Karl Jacob Mellinger, 20, of Corvallis, for DUII.
On September 28, 2024, deputies arrested Nicholas Alfonso Herrera, 23, of Hillsboro, for DUII.
On September 29, 2024, deputies arrested Anthony Jay Simmons, 22, of Siletz, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
On September 29, 2024, deputies arrested Nestor Miguel Narvaez, 22, of Corvallis, for DUII.
On September 30, 2024, deputies arrested Garrett Steven Fromwiller, 22, of Turner, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
On October 1, 2024, deputies arrested Larry William Bond, 64, of Monroe, for DUII, Reckless Endangering, and Criminal Mischief 2.
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On Friday, September 27, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a green 1995 Ford Windstar van on Van Buren Avenue and 2nd Street. The driver, Paul Bonnen, 35, was later arrested for driving while suspended misdemeanor along with five fail to appear warrants. Bonnen was later issued criminal citations in lieu of custody due to jail space. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On September 25, 2024 at 2:54 am, deputies were dispatched to Valley Landfills at 29969 Camp Adair Rd. An employee reported a temp employee was refusing to leave the property after being fired. Deputies contacted the subject and trespassed him from the property. 
ACCIDENT AIRCRAFT NO INJ – On September 25th, 2024, at about 4:56 am, deputies were dispatched to a single-vehicle crash on Highway 20 near NE Steele Ave in Corvallis. A caller reported that he had dozed on his way to work and crashed into a ditch. Barham denied any injuries and had called for a vehicle tow before deputy arrival. 
ASSAULT 4 – On Monday, September 23rd, 2024, at approximately 5:23 PM, deputies responded to a reported dispute in the 4000 block of NW Glenwood Ave. The argument got physical during a dispute about the property. The report was forwarded to the District Attorney`s Office for charge considerations. 
THEFT 1 AGGRAVATED – On or around 8/23/2024, a female resident was scammed into depositing $24,200 into Bitcoin machines in Corvallis and Albany. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Sunday, September 22nd, 2024, at approximately 8:21 PM, deputies contacted Justin Walker, 37, while he trespassed at H Paulson Livestock. He was arrested for Criminal Trespass II and Disorderly Conduct II.
WARRANT ARREST – On 9/22/2024 at about 1:28 pm, deputies conducted a welfare check on a male later identified as Justin Walker (37) of Corvallis, on Highway 99 just south of Greenberry Rd. Walker was criminally cited for warrants and continued walking south.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 19th, 2024, at about 8:26 am, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash involving a tractor, several mailboxes, and two cars from Highway 99 West near milepost 94, northbound to SW 3rd Street, near SE Chapman Place. The tractor`s owner was contacted and provided deputies with insurance information, and deputies collected victim information along the route. 
POSS METH; DWS MIS – On Saturday, September 14th, 2024, at approximately 11:49 PM, deputies initiated a traffic stop at Main St and 13th Street in Philomath. Joseph Volk, 34, was arrested for DWS-Misdemeanor and Janelle Klaar, 41, was arrested for PCS Meth.
RECKLESS ENDANGERING; FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER- PROP DAMAGE; RECKLESS DRIVING -On Saturday, August 14th, 2024, at approximately 5:19 PM, deputies responded to a reported road rage incident at the intersection of NE Highway 20 and NE Circle Boulevard. All parties and a witness were contacted and the report was forwarded to the Benton County District Attorney`s Office. 
FINANCIAL TRANS UNLAW ACTIVITY – On September 3, 2024, at about 10:19 AM, deputies were dispatched for a reported identity theft at the Sheriff`s office. A male reported someone used his employee`s name and a false tax ID from his business to open a Verizon account and charge approximately $15,000.00 in phones and services. No suspects. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 25, 2024, at approximately 5:04 PM, deputies responded to the intersection of NW Independence Highway and NW Springhill Drive, Albany, for a single vehicle crash with no injuries. A Ram truck was traveling north on Independence Highway when it left the roadway and collided with a guardrail, coming to rest in the middle of the road. The driver arranged for a tow and transportation from the crash. 
▪️ On September 24, 2024, deputies arrested Bradley Dean Sorensen, 37, of Philomath, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 23, 2024, deputies arrested Ignacio Garcia Ramos, 50, of Philomath, for DUII.
▪️ On September 22, 2024, deputies arrested Jaydin Dejaun Young, 22, of Arizona, for DUII and Reckless Endangering (x3).
▪️ On September 22, 2024, deputies arrested Douglas Warner Clem, 65, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 20, 2024, deputies arrested Ashley Marie Pankratz, 23, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
WARRANT ARREST – On September 24th, 2024 at around 1:00 PM, Hilda Kelley, 63, passed deputies at Western Blvd and West Hills Rd in a black 2006 Mazda Tribute. She pulled into the first congressional church, located at 4515 SW West Hills Rd. Deputies learned she had three active warrants, two out of Linn County Circuit Court, and one out of Albany Municipal. She was issued criminal citations in lieu of custody by agency request. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 09/22/2024 at about 5:56 p.m., deputies responded to the 1600 block of NE Mayview Dr, Albany, and contacted Kay Zink, 56, who had a confirmed Felony Warrant for her arrest out of Linn County Circuit Court for Aggravated Theft in the First Degree. Per the Linn County Jail, Kay was issued a citation for her warrant and released. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 – On September 22, 2024 at around 11:56 AM, deputies responded to the 1100 block of West Hills Rd for a report of a criminal mischief. Dispatch advised this incident stemmed from an incident BCSO responded to the previous night where Deputies responded after the suspect, Ignacio Garcia Ramos, 50, was intoxicated and making threats to residents. He was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was cited and released with a no contact release agreement preventing him from having contact with a resident. 
INTERFERE W/ PEACE OFFICER – On Sunday, September 22, 2024, at approximately 12:19 am, deputies were dispatched to assist the Philomath Police Department with a fight at the Philomath Frolic Grounds at 502 S 13th Street. According to dispatch notes, a fight had occurred, and a female was injured. Deputies arrived and assisted the Philomath Police Department who interviewed an involved party. Deputies arrested Wendy A. Tuyls, 54, for Interfering with a Peace Officer or Parole and Probation Officer when she attempted to prevent Philomath Police Officers from detaining her son. 
RECKLESS ENDANGERING; ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On September 21, 2024 at 9:18 am, deputies were dispatched to a single vehicle traffic crash at Chapel Dr and Bellfountain Rd. Alexis Ladawn Stoddard, 29, and two improperly seat belted juvenile passengers, were transported to the Good Samaritan Hospital. Stoddard was issued citations for DWS-Vio, failure to obey traffic control device and reckless endangering. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 09/19/2024 at approximately 12:06 hours, deputies arrested Marina Hill, 41, for an outstanding Albany Municipal Court warrant. Hill was checking in with her Parole and Probation Deputy when deputies arrested her. She was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody.  
BURGLARY 1 – On September 18th, 2024, at 10:40 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 7600 block of NE Meyers Lane in Corvallis, for a report of possible burglary. It was determined that 100 dollars cash was taken, and shoes were attempted to be taken but were left at the scene. No suspects at this time. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 19th, 2024 at around 1:13PM, deputies located Vanessa Morton, 40, parked at the entrance to Takena Landing. Morton had an Albany Municipal Court warrant for FTC- Contempt of court. Morton was subsequently issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
BURGLARY 2 – On September 18, 2024, deputies responded to the Waldorf School at 3855 NE Highway 20, Corvallis for a cold burglary. Deputies spoke with an administrator at the school who reported wood carving tools were stolen from the wood shop. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 18th, 2024, at about 4:32 am, deputies were dispatched to a single-vehicle motor vehicle crash at the intersection of Finley Refuge Road and Bellfountain Road in Corvallis. A passerby reported a male rolled their vehicle and appeared to be intoxicated. Deputies were unable to locate the driver of the vehicle because they had left prior to their arrival. 
NEGOTIATING A BAD CHECK – On 09/17/2024 at approximately 2:17 pm, deputies met with a female at the Sheriff`s Office regarding attempted fraud via bad checks. Deputies learned no money had been lost. 
UUV – On 09/15/2024 at approximately 2:00 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 4700 block of NE Highway 20 for a report of a stolen John Deere tractor. Upon arrival the owners had retrieved the tractor but were unable to describe any suspects. There was no damage to the tractor. 
ELUDE VEHICLE – On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at around 11:40 am, deputies attempted to stop a motorcycle near Highway 20 and milepost 42. The motorcycle eluded and was never contacted. The pursuit was terminated for public safety. 
FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER PROP DAMAGE – On September 3, 2024, at about 3:45 PM, deputies were dispatched for a reported hit and run. They spoke with the driver by phone who said a black truck hit her truck. Deputies identified the truck as belonging to Ryan Barrett, 44. The driver said he didn`t know he hit the other driver and sent in his information. Deputies criminally cited Barrett for failure to perform the duties of a driver. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 21, 2024, at 8:58 PM, deputies stopped Matthew Lesperance, 46, near the 4700 block of NW Walnut Boulevard in Corvallis for no bike light. Lesperance had four warrants for his arrest. Lesperance was cited on all warrants to keep the Benton County Jail open.
FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE – On Saturday, September 21, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a white 1999 Dodge Caravan for a traffic violation. The driver, Austin Fisher, 31, was later arrested for failing to carry and present a license. Fisher was issued criminal citations along with violation citations in lieu of custody. 
DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Friday, September 20th, 2024, at approximately 8:50 PM, deputies responded to a reported disorderly customer at the Philomath Market. An employee reported there was a female in the store who had gotten disorderly and wanted to fight her. Diana Roberts, 42, was arrested and transported to the jail for the charges of Criminal Trespass II and Disorderly Conduct II. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 20, 2024, at 11:11 PM, deputies stopped Ian Blevins, 42, on Hickory Street near Pleasant View Way in Albany for no bike light. Blevins had a confirmed cite and release warrant out of Salem Municipal Court for FTA-Disorderly Conduct, Bail $2,500. Blevins was issued a new court date and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 9/20/2024 at about 10:12 am, Patricia Ball (55) of Corvallis, was criminally cited for an outstanding Albany Municipal Court warrant during a traffic stop. 
ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ – On September 20th, 2024, a female crashed her vehicle into the ditch on Conifer Boulevard near Conser Street in Corvallis after apparently falling asleep at the wheel. She was not injured.  
POSS METH (MISD – 2 GRAMS OR MORE) – On September 19, 2024, at around 11:18 pm, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a beige 2005 Volkswagon Jetta at SE Twin Oaks Cir and SE 3rd St. Deputies later arrested the driver, Chase Chappell, 31, for PCS-Meth. Chappell was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody for PCS-Meth and traffic citations. 
THEFT 1 – On September 19, 2024, at 5:21 PM, a female flagged deputies down near 5270 SW Philomath Boulevard in Corvallis. She was crying and had $7500 cash on her in an envelope. She reported the Benton County Sheriff`s Office called her and said she had a warrant for her arrest for missing Jury Duty. She told deputies the number on her caller identification said it was the Benton County Sheriff`s Office. The female was about to put the money into a Bit Coin account when she saw deputies and they explained to her BCSO would never call her for money, and she was being scammed. Deputies advised her to put the money back into her bank account and to hang up if the scammers call back. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; WARRANT ARREST – On September 18, 2024, at around 11:30 pm, deputies contacted an RV and red Mercury Mountaineer parked on private property near SE Ireland Ln. Deputies later issued Kathryn Bartels, 61, a criminal citation in lieu of custody for Albany Municipal Court warrants for FTA II and FTA Harassment. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2 – On September 18th, 2024 at around 5:36 PM, deputies contacted Alex Rice, 41, behind a restaurant in the 500 block of NW Harrison Blvd. His behavior gave rise to reasonable suspicion to contact him. He became aggitated, disorderly and pre-assaultive so he was detained and placed in handcuffs. Deputies learned CPD had probable cause to arrest Rice for Arson in the first degree. While attempting to search Rice, he headbutted a deputy’s patrol vehicle causing damage exceeding $500 dollars. He was transported to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged for Criminal Mischief in the second degree. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 18, 2024, at around 5:30pm, deputies spoke by phone with a female who reported a blue Toyota Sienna backed into her black Chrysler Pacifica while parked at Santiam Christian High School, which caused minor scratched to the rear bumper of her vehicle. Deputies later spoke by phone with a male who said he had not realized he had hit the Toyota.  
WARRANT ARREST – On September 18th, 2024 at around 7:38 AM, deputies observed Levi Gruenhagen, 43, skateboarding northbound down the sidewalk near 4th Street and C Ave. Gruenhagen had two warrants for his arrest. The first was a Benton County Circuit Court warrant for FTA Menacing and the second was an Albany Municipal Court warrant for FTA- carrying a prohibited weapon charge. Gruenhagen was subsequently arrested and transported to the Benton County Jail where he was booked on his warrants. 
MISSING PERSON – On September 18, 2024, deputies responded to NW Lewisburg Ave in an attempt to locate a missing male. The male was described as walking away from his residence and suffers from dementia. Deputies later located the male in the 900 block of NW Lewisburg Ave, Corvallis. Deputies transported him back to his residence without incident. 
FAIL OBEY TRF CONT DEV – On September 14, 2024, around 4:40 p.m., while managing traffic at the intersection of SW Western Blvd and SW Grove St after a football game, deputies observed a blue sedan disregard a “No Right Turn” sign and ignore instructions from two Search and Rescue (SAR) members. The vehicle drove through pedestrians, striking one of the SAR members without causing any injuries. Deputies pursued the car on foot, took a photo of the license plate, and reported the incident to a Corvallis Police Department (CPD) officer, who later stopped the vehicle. Deputies then contacted the driver, who identified herself as a medical incident. She was advised on proper procedures for handling medical emergencies and the potential consequences of her actions. 
ARSON 2; WARRANT ARREST – On Monday, September 16, 2024 Martin Peter Stock Jr., 25, was arrested for Arson in the Second Degree. Martin was observed in a field near SW 3rd Street and SE Corliss Avenue, when a fire was started in the field. Martin matched the description of 20`s white male wearing dark colored shorts and grey shirt. Martin had a white Bic lighter in his pocket. Martin was transported to the Benton County Jail. Martin was cited for an Albany Municipal Court Warrant for resisting arrest. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On September 15, 2024, at approximately 5:11 pm, deputies responded to a trespass in the 23900 block of Jamestown Ave. Monroe. Ariel Jantze, 27, returned to the property she was previously told not to come back to. Ariel was cited in lieu of custody for Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree. 
DWS MIS – On September 15, 2024, at approximately 12:40 PM, deputies initiated a traffic stop with a green van after watching the driver switch places with the passenger at a traffic light after they saw the patrol car at NW Lewisburg Avenue and Hwy 99W. A female was cited for violation driving while suspended after switching places with Paul Aaron Bonnen, 35. Bonnen was found hiding in the back seat of the van and was arrested and cited in lieu of custody for misdemeanor driving while suspended. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On September 15, 2024, at approximately 11:12 AM, deputies observed a silver Honda Accord with no front license plate pass them on Highway 20 near milepost 1. During the ensuing traffic stop, the driver, Heather Leann Johnson, 35, was arrested for misdemeanor driving while suspended and for a warrant for contempt of court out of the Albany Municipal Court. Johnson was issued citations in lieu of custody with court dates for her warrant and misdemeanor traffic crime. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On 9/15/2024 at about 10:40 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 16400 block of Highway 34 for a single-vehicle crash with injury. Deputies later spoke with the driver of Albany, who said she sneezed and drove off of the highway in the curves just east of Missouri Bend. She sustained minor injuries and was given a ride back into town by a passerby. 
MENACING; DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST; RECKLESS ENDANGERING – On September 14, 2024, at 11:56 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 26100 block of Alsea Deadwood Highway in Alsea for a Menacing. Brenda Wyatt, 48, was arrested for DWS-Misdemeanor, Menacing X2 and Reckless Endangering X2. Wyatt additionally had an arrest warrant out of Benton County for DUII. Wyatt was lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 14, 2024, at approximately 7:08 pm, deputies performed a traffic stop with a vehicle on NW 9th and NW Walnut Blvd. The driver, Micki Englent, 40, had three Benton County Circuit Court warrants for Failure to Appear. Micki was arrested and lodged at the Benton County Jail for her warrants and was also given a citation for Driving While Suspended-Violation. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, September 14, 2024, at about 3:55 am, deputies arrested Benjamin Alan Carnahan, 35, in the 1000 block of NE Four Acre Place in Corvallis on misdemeanor warrants out of the Albany Municipal Court and the Benton County Circuit Court. Carnahan was taken to the Benton County Jail on his Circuit Court warrant. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, September 14, 2024, at about 1:00 am, deputies arrested Rachael Justine Moore at Ellmaker State Wayside near Blodgett on a state-wide felony Parole Board warrant. Moore was taken to the Benton County Jail and lodged. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On 9/13/2024 at about 11:11 am, Deputies responded to an injury crash involving a motorcycle vs deer. The driver was riding west on Springhill Dr. near Linnview Ln. at approximately 45-50 mph when he collided with a 4-point buck in the road. He sustained minor scrapes on his hands, arms, and knees. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 12th, 2024, at about 11:30 pm, Lee Qualls, 39, was arrested at Taneka Landing Park in Albany. Qualls had a Failure to Appear warrant out of Linn County Circuit Court. Qualls was criminally cited and released. 
CONTEMPT OF COURT – On September 12, 2024, at around 11:00 pm, deputies observed an occupied black 2015 Toyota Rav4 parked on private property at the intersection of High Pass Rd and Territorial Highway. Deputies later arrested passenger, David Durden, 52, on an Albany Municipal Court warrant for Contempt of court. Durden was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On 09/12/2024 at approximately 11:42 hours, deputies responded to an injury crash on Maxfield Creek Rd near Highway 223 in Kings Valley. Deputies investigated the crash and learned one juvenile female was transported to Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center with injuries.
WARRANT ARREST – On 09/12/2024, deputies observed Scott Rogers, 61, driving south on Springhill Drive near Buena Vista Drive. Deputies checked Rogers` driving status after passing him on Springhill Drive and learned he was wanted. Deputies pulled over at a farm in an apparent attempt to avoid apprehension and arrested him on his Albany Municipal court warrant and issued him a citation in lieu of custody. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 12th, 2024, at about 5:35 a.m., Taylor Gardner, 23, was arrested on Highway 20 near Hyak Park in Albany, Oregon. Gardner had a warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for Assault in the Second Degree with additional charges. Gardner was transported and lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
ELUDE VEHICLE – On 09/10/2024 at approximately 10:57 hours, deputies assisted Albany Police with an elude in Benton County. Albany Police had felony probable cause for elude and unlawful use of a motor vehicle. Deputies assisted with positive contact of the suspect vehicle and the male driver and solo occupant was taken into custody without further incident. 
THEFT 1 – Sometime around Saturday evening, two contracting companies that work for the Coffin Butte Landfill had their trailers entered and equipment taken. The items included multiple generators, sawzalls, Milwaukee batteries, impact guns, a chainsaw and gas meters with an estimated loss of about $10,000. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE; FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT; SUPPLY CONTRABAND DRUGS – On 09/09/2024 at approximately 12:00 AM, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a white Ford F-350 truck on Highway 99 near NE Circle Boulevard. The driver identified himself as Michael Moore, 54. Moore had a statewide felony warrant for Identity Theft through the Linn County Circuit Court. Deputies transported Moore to the Linn County Jail to be lodged on the warrant. During the intake process, a Linn County corrections deputy located a small bag of methamphetamine in his right pocket. Moore received additional charges of Supplying Contraband, and Possession of Methamphetamine. Moore was cited in lieu of custody on his new charges and was lodged at the Linn County jail for his warrant. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On Friday, September 6th, 2024, at approximately 4:17 PM, deputies responded to a reported traffic crash in the 24700 block of Grange Hall Road. A commercial truck had taken down a power line and left the area. Another person was caught in their vehicle between downed communication lines. There was no damage to vehicles and no injury. Cost of damage to public utilities and private property was in excess of $2500 dollars. The truck was found and the driver identified. The driver was unaware of the damage and no crime had been committed. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 1st, 2024 at around 3:07 PM, deputies observed a black Kia Amanti in a parking lot in the 1800 block of NW 9th Street, Corvallis. Deputies recognized the vehicle from past contacts as belonging to Tina Miller, 38, and Samuel Armstrong, 47. Samuel Monroe Armstrong Jr. had a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for a probation violation warrant for driving while suspended violation. Tina Miller also had a Lebanon Municipal Court, probation violation warrant for PV Fail to carry proof if insurance. Both individuals were cited and released on their warrants. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On August 28, 2024, at approximately 5:30 PM, deputies contacted staff at a business in the 800 block of NW Harman Lane, Corvallis by phone regarding several people who had driven through their lawn and left circular tire marks in their parking lot at approximately 10:48 PM on August 27, 2024. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; LITTERING; WARRANT ARREST – On August 21, 2024, at approximately 5:51 PM, deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle reported on the side the road near the 4300 block of SW 53rd Street, Corvallis. Jeremiah Daniel Graves, 46, was contacted in a motorhome he was camping in at that location. Graves was arrested on a Philomath Municipal Court warrant and subsequently cited in lieu of custody. Graves agreed to clean up the area around his camper and leave immediately. 
▪️ On September 23, 2024, deputies arrested Ignacio Garcia Ramos, 50, of Philomath, for DUII.
▪️ On September 22, 2024, deputies arrested Jaydin Dejaun Young, 22, of Arizona, for DUII.
▪️ On September 22, 2024, deputies arrested Douglas Warner Clem, 65, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 20, 2024, deputies arrested Ashley Marie Pankratz, 23, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 14, 2024, deputies arrested Tammie Liu, 38, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 14, 2024, deputies arrested April Josene Clark, 47, of Corvallis, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 14, 2024, deputies arrested Micki R Englent, 40, of Corvallis, for Assault 1, Unlawful Use of a Vehicle, and DUII.
▪️ On September 15, 2024, deputies arrested Oscar Daniel Barajas, 29, of Eugene, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 15, 2024, deputies arrested Michael Dean Jackson, 50, of Philomath, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
WARRANT ARREST – On September 12th, 2024, at 10:58 PM, deputies stopped Matt McCullough, 63, on NE Highway 20 near NE Circle Boulevard in Corvallis and arrested him on a confirmed warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for FTA- Possession of Methamphetamine. McCullough was lodged at the Benton County Jail.  
WARRANT ARREST – On September 6, 2024, at around 6:35pm, deputies contacted a blue 2023 Ford Bronco while it was parked near Michael`s Landing, in Corvallis. Deputies later arrested occupant Mary Riley, 40, for a Lebanon Municipal Court warrant for Probation violation – Disorderly conduct 2nd degree. Riley was issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody.
WARRANT ARREST – On September 5th, 2024, at about 11:37 pm, Christopher Thaxton, 38, was arrested on a Linn County Justice Court Warrant for a traffic offense at 600 HWY 20 W in Albany, Oregon. Thaxton was criminally cited and released. 
DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On September 5, 2024, at about 2:28 p.m., deputies stopped PAUL BONNEN, 35, for a traffic violation near NE Walnut Boulevard and NE Belvue Street, Corvallis. BONNEN was cited and released for DWS Misdemeanor, and deputies cited three passengers for Failure to Use Safety Belts. Passenger SAMANTHA STAMS, 22, was cited and released for a local criminal charge. Passenger KYLE NUSSDORFER, 32, was arrested for a Benton County Circuit Court Misdemeanor Arrest Warrant, where he was cited and released due to the Benton County Jail being full. Passenger COLTON ERICKSON, 30, was arrested for a Statewide Felony Warrant out of Marion County, and a Giving False Information to a Peace Officer, and he was booked and lodged in the Benton County Jail on the warrant. 
WARRANT ARREST – On 9/16/2024 SITTON, Coll M, 26, turned himself in on a warrant for FTA-Theft II. SITTON was given a new court date and time. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 12th, 2024 at about 8:45 am, deputies were dispatched to a crash on Tum Tum Road just west of Blodgett. When deputies arrived, they could see that this was a single vehicle crash where the driver got off the pavement with the passenger side and tried to correct, leaving the roadway tipping over and wedged onto a row of trees. Deputies made contact with the driver, who was not injured in the crash. 
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On September 11, 2024, Roxanne Martinez, 65, on a warrant out of Benton Co Circuit Court. Martinez was released due to crowding at the jail. 
FAIL TO APPEAR BENCH WARRANT – On September 6, 2024, Owen Thomas Simonds, 35, was cited and released for a Philomath Municipal warrant from the jail. A court date and time was issued via Philomath Police Dept.
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; DWS MIS; WARRANT ARREST – On September 9, 2024, at approximately 3:24pm, deputies were dispatched to the 27400 block of Stow Pit Road for a report of a trespass. The caller said a male in a green F-150 had driven through his hazelnut orchard on multiple occasions, at one point driving over a tree. The male was identified as Colin Reeves, 28, and he was taken into custody at his residence under multiple charges, including a warrant. 
ANIMAL/DOG COMPLAINT – On 09/10/2024 at approximately, 10:06 am, deputies responded to the 4100 block of SW 53rd Street for a found dog. The dog had no identifying features. Deputies took the dog to Heartland Humane Society pending owner reunification.
WARRANT ARREST – On September 8, 2024, at approximately 12:00 AM, deputies observed a traffic violation involving a silver sedan on North Albany Road. Deputies initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle at Ellsworth Street SW near 2nd Avenue SW, Albany, Linn County where the driver, Logan Timothy Wallace, 35, was arrested on a warrant out of the Linn County Justice Court for a probation violation on a Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor traffic offense. Wallace was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant.
DWS MIS – On Thursday, September 5th, 2024, at around 5:30 pm, deputies stopped Megan McCarthy, 36, for driving while suspended at 53rd and Harrison, Corvallis, and issued her a criminal citation for driving while suspended misdemeanor. 
POSS METHAMPHETAMINE PARAPHERNALIA; DWS MIS – On Thursday, September 5th, 2024, at around 1:00 pm, deputies stopped Heather Johnson, 35, for a traffic violation near 32nd and Van Buren, Corvallis. Deputies issued her criminal citations for driving while suspended misdemeanor and misdemeanor possession of methamphetamine. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 4th, 2024, at about 10:52 p.m., Tamara Wagner, 57, was arrested at the intersection of NW 9th Street and NW Beca Ave in Corvallis, Oregon, for two warrants. One warrant was out of Benton County Circuit Court for Failure to appear, and the second warrant was out of Albany Municipal Court for Contempt of Court. Wagner was Criminally cited and released.
POSS METH – On September 2, 2024, at about 5:30 PM, deputies were in the area of NE Springhill Drive near NE Winn Drive in Benton County. Deputies located the wanted driver of a 2012 Audi A4 at Independence Highway near NW Ryals Avenue and initiated a traffic stop. After the investigation, deputies issued a criminal citation to Gregory JORDAN, 35, for ORS 475.894 Possession of a Controlled Substance Methamphetamine. JORDAN was lodged at the Benton County Jail by Corvallis Police Department for other related crimes. 
FELON IN POSS OF FIREARM – On September 2, 2024, at about 5:30 PM, deputies were in the area of NE Springhill Drive near NE Winn Drive in Benton County. Deputies located the wanted driver of a 2012 Audi A4 at Independence Highway near NW Ryals Avenue and initiated a traffic stop. After the investigation, deputies issued a criminal citation Nicholas ENGEL, 46, for ORS 166.270 Felon in Possession of a Firearm. ENGEL was transported to the Benton County Jail where he was provided a criminal citation. 
▪️ On September 5, 2024, deputies arrested Thomas Christopher Broyles, 32, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Endangering.
▪️ On September 7, 2024, deputies arrested Jose Jesus Rosas-Villegas, 24, of Corvallis, for DUII, Reckless Driving, and Carrying a Concealed Firearm.
▪️ On September 8, 2024, deputies arrested Jeffrey Alan Gillespie, 58, of Adair Village, for DUII Drugs, Driving While Suspended, and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 8, 2024, deputies arrested Gary Ariel Ruiz-Nicolas, 28, of Albany, for DUII and Reckless Driving.
▪️ On September 11, 2024, deputies arrested Anna Elizabeth Doyle, 40, of Monroe, for DUII, Assault 4 and Driving While Suspended resulting from an injury crash.
THEFT 1 DECEPTION – On September 6, 2024 at 10:50 am, deputies met with a female at the law enforcement building who wanted to report a fraud involving the sale of horse blankets, that occurred over Facebook. The case was forwarded to another agency, who had an open investigation. 
CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1 VANDALISM – On Friday, September 6, 2024, deputies contacted Clark Boyd, 55, at the Benton County Jail after he had damaged Jail property. After an investigation, Boyd was arrested for Criminal Mischief 1 and remained housed in the Benton County Jail.  
WARRANT ARREST – On 09/05/2024 at about 11:10 p.m., deputies contacted Thomas Elmer, 53, in the parking lot of a Gas Station located in the 28700 block of Hwy 34, Corvallis. Thomas Elmer had a confirmed warrant for his arrest out of Sweet Home Municipal Court. Thomas was issued a citation in lieu of custody and released. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Thursday, September 5, 2024, deputies contacted Madison Crawford, 26, on Villa Drive near Rivergreen Avenue. Deputies knew Crawford had multiple fail to appear warrants. Crawford was later arrested and lodged at the Benton County Jail. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; WARRANT ARREST – On September 3, 2024, at about 8:27 AM, deputies were dispatched to the 27200 block of Old River Road for a reported Trespass. After speaking with a resident, deputies determined that no Trespass had been committed. While at the property, deputies gave Merlanda Faoa, 24, a citation in lieu of custody for failure to appear. 
CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 – On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at approximately 4:43 am, deputies were traveling south on NW Independence Highway near NW Ryals Avenue when they saw a blue 2012 Toyota Corolla parked in the gravel lot on the northwest corner of the intersection. The lot was owned by Benton County and deputies knew the gravel lot to have had signs posted indicating no parking was allowed. Deputies contacted two people and warned them for trespassing. 
BURGLARY 2 OTHER STRUCTURE – On 9/2/2024 at about 2:04 pm, deputies investigated a cold burglary of an outbuilding in the 2100 block of SW 53rd St. There are no current suspects.
ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY – On Saturday, August 31, 2024, at approximately 5:31 am, deputies were dispatched to Highway 99 W and Harmony Lane for a motor vehicle crash. The driver was later transported to Good Samaritan Regional Hospital to be evaluated for possible injuries. The crashed vehicle was later towed. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Saturday, August 31, 2024, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a white 2006 Chevrolet Impala on Tyler Avenue near 5th Avenue. The driver, Bryanna Newell, 29, was later arrested for a fail to appear warrant and issued a criminal citation in lieu of custody. 
FRAUDULENT USE CREDIT CARD – On August 26, 2024, deputies spoke to a resident by phone who reported she has power of attorney over her sister`s trust fund. Her sister resides in a care home on NE Newton Road. She gave “hackers” banking information and they ultimately transferred themselves approximately $400,000. No leads, no suspects and the reporter is working with her bank’s Fraud Department. 
COMPUTER CRIME-DECEPT/FALSE PRETENSE SERVICES; FRAUDULENT USE CREDIT CARD; THEFT 2 EMBEZZLE SERVICES – On August 23, 2024, a Monroe business owner reported an employee had been misdirecting payments and stealing money. Deputies investigated and arrested Kendra Lynn Schafor, 26, for Computer Crime (x6), Theft in the Second Degree, and Fraudulant Use of a Credit Card.  
WARRANT ARREST – On September 4, 2024, at 11:09 PM, deputies observed a white 1997 Jeep Cherokee parked on private property, located off NW Springhill Drive near milepost 3 in Albany. Three individuals were setting up camp near the Jeep. Deputies contacted them and advised they were trespassing and needed to pack up immediately. Thomas Studer, 51, was cited on a confirmed warrant out of Albany Municipal Court for Contempt of Court, no bail.  
HARASSMENT PHYSICAL – On September 4, 2024, at 11:41 am, deputies were dispatched to a disturbance in the 32500 block of Joseph Ln. A couple accused each other of harassment, but neither wanted to pursue charges. One agreed to leave the residence, allowing both of them time to cool off. 
WARRANT ARREST – On September 3, 2024, at approximately 11:34 pm, deputies saw a disabled vehicle on Highland Dr. near Highland Dell Dr. Corvallis, OR. The driver, Connor Nybro, 22, had an Albany Municipal warrant for Contempt of Court. He was cited in lieu of custody. 
ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ – On September 3, 2024, at approximately 8:01 pm, deputies responded to a non-injury vehicle crash at NW Scenic Dr. and NW Palestine Ave. Albany, OR. The driver was going too fast while turning onto Palestine Ave. from Scenic Dr. The vehicle crashed into a ditch and the airbags deployed. The vehicle was towed. 
THEFT 2 – On September 3rd, 2024, at around 12:35PM, a male called to report a rolling yard cart valued at $300, and a rolling magnet valued at $50. Both were stolen from in front of a property he owns and is in the process of remodeling. Theft occurred the evening of the 9/1 and there is no suspect information. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, September 1, 2024, at approximately 11:15 PM, near Harrison Boulevard and 5th Street, Corvallis, deputies stopped a vehicle for traffic violations. The driver, Brandy Lee Dozier, 38, arrested on seven warrants out of the Linn and Benton Circuit Courts and the Sweet Home, Lebanon, and Albany Municipal Courts. Dozier was issued citations in lieu of custody with court dates for her respective warrants in addition to traffic citations for violation driving while suspended and other traffic violations. 
WARRANT ARREST – On Sunday, September 1, 2024, at approximately 9:38 PM, deputies located Austin Robert Fisher, 31, in a parking lot in the 700 block of North Albany Road. Fisher was arrested on a warrant out of the Albany Municipal Court for contempt of court. Fisher was issued a citation in lieu of custody with a court date for his warrant. 
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE – On September 1, 2024, at approximately 3:08 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 6300 block of NW Burgundy Drive for a report of a suspicious vehicle. The caller stated there was a female making odd statements and walking onto her property. Deputies responded to the location and found the female, standing next to her white Chevy Trailblazer and quickly determined she had significant mental health issues and informed the caller of their findings. 
HARASSMENT PHYSICAL – On September 1, 2024, at about 12:45 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 27100 block of Oliver Creek Road, Monroe, for a reported domestic violence. When deputies arrived, they spoke with a male who told deputies his mother hit him in the face with a blender part. Deputies spoke with the 83-year-old mother, who did not remember hitting him with a blender part. The son did not want to press charges. 
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