Code Of Ethics
Code Of Ethics

In addition to swearing an Oath of Office to uphold state and federal constitutions and to obey the rules and regulations of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff’s Office personnel are required to also abide by the following Code of Ethics…
Benton County Sheriff’s Office – Code of Ethics
As a member of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, my fundamental obligation is to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of the people whom I have been sworn to uphold.
While I consider the way I choose to conduct my private affairs a personal freedom, I accept the responsibilities for my actions, as well as inactions, while on duty or off duty, when those actions bring disrepute on the public image of my employer, my colleagues and the criminal justice profession.
I vow to perform all my duties in a professional and competent manner. I consider the abilities to be courageous in the face of danger and to exercise restraint in the use of my powers and authorities to be the ultimate public trust. I accept that I must consistently strive to achieve excellence in learning the necessary knowledge and skills associated with my duties. I will keep myself physically fit and mentally alert so that I am capable of performing my duties, according to the standards of quality expected of my position.
I vow to be fully truthful and honest in my dealings with others. I deplore lies and half-truths that mislead or do not fully inform those who must depend upon my honesty. I understand that during the course of an official investigation I may need to build upon reasonable suspicion and/or probable cause by sharing fictitious statements or as yet unsubstantiated information in order to ultimately gather evidence of fact. This in no way diminishes my commitment to truthfulness, and actually reaffirms my responsibility to seek the truth.
I will obey the very laws that I am sworn to uphold. I will seek affirmative ways to comply with the standards of my agency and the lawful directions of my supervisors.
I vow to treat others with courtesy at all times. I consider it to be a professional weakness to allow another’s behavior to dictate an unprofessional response. I will not allow others’ actions or failings to be my excuse for not performing my duties in a reasonable and professional and expected manner.
I vow to empathize with the problems of people with whom I come into daily contact. However, I cannot allow my personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence the discretionary authorities entrusted to my job. I will affirmatively seek ways to avoid conflicts and potential conflicts of interest that could compromise my official authority of public image.
I hold the authority inherent in my position to be an affirmation for the public’s trust in me as a member of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office. I do not take this trust lightly. As long as I remain in this position, I will dedicate myself to maintaining this trust and upholding all the ideals of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office.