Completing this form is the official procedure for reporting either commendable actions, or complaints, regarding a Benton County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) employee or volunteer.
Your Name
Street Address
Your Email Address
Home/Cell Phone
Work Phone
Gender MaleFemaleNo Answer
Date of Birth
Date of Incident
Time of Incident AMPM
Name of BCSO member
Initial Contact (i.e. Traffic Stop, Accident Scene, etc.)
Description of Incident
Witnesses Please provide the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any persons who may have knowledge of this incident.
Acknowledgement As a concerned citizen, I hereby attest that all items reported by me are true and factual and that I am willing to avail myself to the Benton County Sheriff's Office staff for further clarification of this matter. (ORS 162.085 Unsworn Falsification)