Citizens’ Academy
Citizens’ Academy

The 2025 Benton County Sheriff’s Office Citizens’ Academy program will begin accepting applications in June of 2024. Check back here or submit an interest form.
The BCSO Citizens’ Academy is an opportunity for you to learn about and gain a better appreciation for the challenges and accomplishments of your Benton County Sheriff’s Office.
The goal of the BCSO Citizens’ Academy is to create a safer community through a better understanding and partnership between Benton County residents and the Sheriff’s Office. Citizens’ Academy is not designed to train citizens as law enforcement personnel or to exercise law enforcement authority of any kind.
2025 Class Dates
Eight Tuesday evenings starting early September through October from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. There are two Saturday sessions in September and/or October from 8:30am – 2:30pm.
How to Apply
The Application Form will be posted in June of 2025 for the September to October session.
The BCSO Citizens’ Academy is an opportunity for you to learn about and gain a better appreciation for the challenges and accomplishments of your Benton County Sheriff’s Office.
The goal of the BCSO Citizens’ Academy is to create a safer community through a better understanding and partnership between Benton County residents and the Sheriff’s Office. Citizens’ Academy is not designed to train citizens as law enforcement personnel or to exercise law enforcement authority of any kind.
You’ll have the opportunity to learn about a variety of topics from investigations to marine patrol, from parole and probation to jail operations.
You’ll take a tour of the Sheriff’s Office and of the Benton County Jail, take a jet boat ride, see a patrol K9 demonstration in addition to several other demonstrations and tours.
Classes will be a mix of instruction, discussion and participation.
The 2023 sessions for the Citizens’ Academy is set for Tuesday evenings, September 5th – October 24th, from 6:30pm – 9:30pm. In addition, there are two Saturdays, September 23rd and October 7th, from 8:30a – 2:15p.
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office Citizens’ Academy is offered in the fall, usually in September and October. There are eight Tuesday evening sessions from 6:30p – 9:30p and two Saturday sessions from 8:30a – 2:15p. Specific dates will be found in the current application and are usually announced in the Spring.
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office Citizens’ Academy is offered in the fall, usually in September and October. There are eight Tuesday evening sessions from 6:30p – 9:30p and two Saturday sessions from 8:30a – 2:15p. Specific dates will be found in the current application and are usually announced in the Spring.
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) invites applications from community members of all ethnic, cultural and civic groups. Both men and women are encouraged to apply and there are no age restrictions for adults.
Applicants between the ages of 14 and 17 must have a signed consent from a parent or legal guardian and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The Academy is geared toward adults and we do not accept those under age 14.
As part of the application process, you must agree to authorize the BCSO to conduct a criminal history check. Felony convictions or other circumstances that would make participation inappropriate may be cause for denial of admission.
Most of the instructors are sworn Deputies of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office who teach in their area of expertise. Other instructors are connected with the Sheriff’s Office either as employees or volunteers, or as members of other agencies in law enforcement or criminal justice.
The first class, and the majority of classes, will meet at the Law Enforcement Building (LEB) Police Conference Room (PCR – first floor), 180 NW 5th Street, Corvallis.
But we’ll also be at the boat docks and at other locations in the County.
There are no formal graduation requirements unless you are attending Citizens’ Academy for college credit. Often LBCC offers college credit. To successfully complete the program for college credit you must attend both Saturday sessions and at least 6 out of the 8 Tuesday evening sessions.
At this time no colleges or universities are offering credits.
Although many Citizens’ Academy participants choose to volunteer with the Sheriff’s Office after their Academy experience, there is no requirement to do so. We hope that you will share your experiences and what you learn with your neighbors and friends.
It’s free! Because the Benton County Sheriff’s Office strives to include the broadest range of diversity within our community as participants, there is no charge for attending.
In July or August, we will open the class for applications.
At that time, simply complete the Citizens’ Academy Application and submit it to the Sheriff’s Office.
Either email your signed application to the email address listed on the application form
Print, sign, and either mail it or drop it off:
Benton County Sheriff’s Office
ATTN: Citizens’ Academy
180 NW 5th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330
For more information about the BCSO Citizens’ Academy, contact:
Benton County Sheriff’s Office
ATTN: Citizens’ Academy
180 NW 5th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330