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Be 2 Weeks Ready

Logo for Be 2 Weeks Ready program
First Aid symbol, Water drop symbol, silverware symbol to suggest preparedness topics covered in program

Be 2 Weeks Ready is an emergency preparedness program that empowers YOU to prepare for a disaster!

What is “Be 2 Weeks Ready?”

The “Be 2 Weeks Ready” program was developed by the Oregon Department of Emergency Management (ODEM) as part of their mission to empower people to be as prepared as possible in an emergency. Being 2 Weeks Ready means having an emergency plan and enough supplies for you and everyone in your household to survive for at least two weeks following a disaster. The program is designed to help you start from where you are at and build your self-reliance and community preparedness step-by-step over eight user-friendly lessons:

  • Unit 1: Preparing to Prepare
  • Unit 2: Your Emergency Plan
  • Unit 3: Food Plan
  • Unit 4: Water Plan
  • Unit 5: Waste and Hygiene Plan
  • Unit 6: Shelter Plan
  • Unit 7: First-Aid Plan
  • Unit 8: Emergency Management

How do I get involved?

Whether you are interested in the program for yourself or for a community, the Oregon Department of Emergency Management provides a downloadable Tool Kit that is organized info eight user-friendly lessons, and an activity book filled with helpful hints, fun projects, and resources to prepare for a disaster. Work through the units as an individual or gather with friends, family, and neighbors to create a prepared community!

During the beginning stages of the program’s roll-out, Emergency Management Corps trained volunteers are serving as Program Coordinators in Benton County. As you build community interest, Program Coordinators will connect you with Community Host training, which prepares you to educate members of your community on the eight units, lead conversations about levels of preparedness, and help build community confidence to survive in any disaster! For more information about becoming a Community Host or a Program Coordinator, click here.

For information on how to become a Program Coordinator, or to find a program near you, email

To receive announcements and updates about the Be 2 Weeks Ready program from ODEM, click here.

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