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Benton County Sheriff’s Office Investigates School Threat, Not Deemed Credible

Benton County Sheriff’s Office Investigates School Threat, Not Deemed Credible

Monroe, Ore. – A multi-agency investigation into online threats made against a Monroe school, found no credible threat to the city of Monroe’s students, staff or families.

The Benton County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO), along with other law enforcement agencies, investigated the validity of a recent Snapchat threat to a Monroe school being shared across the nation and determined there was no direct connection to Monroe, Oregon schools.

“For example, there is a city of Monroe in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Washington, and Wisconsin, so what happens when a threat is made to a Monroe School, people think Monroe, Oregon is being threatened,” stated Sheriff Van Arsdall. “What we are really trying to do is to educate students that if they see a threat, they need to report it to their parents or law enforcement immediately, instead of sharing it on social media.”

If you see something, say something. BCSO asks you to please discuss with your child the importance of responsible social media use and to report school threats to adults.  The sheriff’s office will have an increased presence at Monroe schools for their reopening on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. 

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